Tesla Model 3 event in under 5 minutes

Tesla Model 3 event in under 5 minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tesla Model 3 event in under 5 minutes”.
Good evening, everyone here, my name is Franz one-hole Towson. I lead the design team here at Tesla. We are here tonight to talk about model 3. It is my honor to welcome to the stage mr.

Ilan. My welcome everyone welcome everyone to the model 3 unveiled, but I want to start talking it just just preface this by talking about why. Why are we doing this? Why is Tesla widest has exist? Why? Why are we making electric cars? We have record high co2 levels. Combustion cars emit toxic gases. If a vehicle is spewing, toxic gas, that’s obviously bad for your health to address this.

What we came up with the test, though, was what we call the secret master plan, but it needed to we needed to figure out. How could we, as a tiny company with very few resources, actually make a difference so step? One was: was the Roadster, it showed the world that you could make a compelling electric car. You could make a great electric car and people said well, the roads is nice, but it’s sort of a toy and it’s very expensive with it. Ok, we’re going to make the Model S and now for 4 cars about half the market, wants a sedan about half the market wants an SUV, so we thought well.

Tesla Model 3 event in under 5 minutes

I will extend the the Model S platform into the Model X. Both of these are very important because the revenue from the Model S and the acts is what’s needed to develop the model 3. So as when I say for all of you who bought an S or an X. Thank you for helping paper model. 3. That’S nice plan with with steps 2 and 2.5 and now going to to the model 3.

First of all, I want to start off by saying the model 3 is going to be an incredibly safe car. The model 3 will be not just be five-star. On average, we 5 star in every category. Even the base model 3 will do 0 to 60 miles an hour or 0 to 100 kill us an hour in less than 6 seconds at Tesla. We don’t we don’t make slow cars and, of course, there will be versions of the model 3 that go much faster, but the range will be at least an EPA rating of 250 miles. These are minimum numbers.

Tesla Model 3 event in under 5 minutes

We we hope to exceed them. It will also all model 3s will come standard with autopilot hardware and although autopilot safety features will be present in every card that you don’t by an option, the auto pod safety features will always be there, but the model 3 also fits five adults comfortably. The challenge, obviously with building a smaller car, is: how do you, how do you still make it comfortable with a bunch of people inside? There are two important design steps we did with the model 3 to achieve a 1 ways to move the instant panel with the firewall. There really isn’t a firewall if you don’t have a big combustion engine in front. That’S what gives you the legroom to have 5 out of the rear roof area is actually one continuous pane of glass. Just like the Model S that has a front and rear trunks.

All model 3s will come with supercharging standard. We’Re. Now, at the point where we will pad over 3,600 superchargers worldwide by the end of next year, we will double the number of superchargers and and quadruple the number of destination charges so where we are today with Tesla’s, we’ve got 215 locations by the end of next Year, we expect to more than double that to 441 locations. Now, how are we going to make these cars are? Pretty more factory in the past has actually made almost 500,000 per year, so we’re confident that we can it that Tesla can achieve that number in the future in terms the vehicle production and then what about? What about batteries? In order to produce half million cars a year, we’re basically to absorb the entire world’s lithium ion production that that’s why we are building the gigafactory.

Tesla Model 3 event in under 5 minutes

So, to give you a sense of scale, the gigafactory will actually have the largest footprint of any building of any kind. So when, when our deliveries, both there next year and then in terms of price, well of course, it’ll be $ 35,000 or you will not be able to buy a better car for $ 35,000 or even close, even if you, if you get no options. Alright, let’s bring them out. I just told that the total number of orders for the model 3 in the past 24 hours has now passed 115,000 for those on line.

You can order at tezo. Calm. Thank you! Well, we don’t have it for you tonight. I’M just kidding boy, it’s April Fool somewhere.
