Moto Z and Moto Mods review

Moto Z and Moto Mods review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Moto Z and Moto Mods review”.
This is the Moto Z, and this is the Moto Z force. There are two new Android smartphones coming to Verizon this month, as the latest droids. One of them is crazy, then the other one is shatterproof. Neither phone has a headphone jack they’ve got the same design, though metal and glass.

They look really nice and they’re fast. They have all the latest specs you’d want. There are some differences, but the most important thing. The coolest thing is what they share in common. These snap-on accessory is called moto mods that make these phones more than they are out of the box, we’re seeing more and more of this module or idea lately from LG g5 and eventually Google’s Project ara, but the Moto Z is here now.

Moto Z and Moto Mods review

So it’s a big test of whether there’s something behind this whole idea or if it’s just a stupid, gimmick the Moto Z is the thinnest premium smartphone ever made according to Lenovo it’s the sort of thing that you do notice as soon as you pick it up. The Moto Z force is thicker and heavier because it’s got a big battery inside and a screen that won’t crack or break no matter how many times you drop it. But let’s start with the two big new things. First, is that missing, headphone jack, so you’ve got two choices: use wireless bluetooth headphones or attach this long adaptors any wired headphones, you’ve already got and it gets pretty annoying.

Moto Z and Moto Mods review

To be honest, I wish the thicker Moto Z force at the headphone jack at least, but it doesn’t. But then we get to the modem odds on the back of each phone or strong magnets, and these little connectors that talk to the various add-ons you can buy. Simple style covers to change the look of your phone, but the real draw so says: Lenovo are these other ones? There’S a speaker that attaches to the back and puts out louder better sound than any smart phone could ever hope to there’s a projector that can turn any wall into a Netflix movie screen, and you can also buy a battery pack for a charge on the go. No matter which mode of zphone you buy modem odds, work, the same way and they’re guaranteed to work on future Moto, Z, phones as well, they’re, fun and different from your everyday smartphone accessory they’re going to blow some minds when you show people how they work. But the question is: are they worth the edit cost on top of the phone itself right now? Not really, but this approach to a modular phone feels right, whether it’s one of the style covers or the much larger speaker, modem, odds, snap on and never feel like. They’Re going to come loose the JBL speaker and projector charge when attached the Moto, Z and plugged into a charger of course, and you can also juice them up separately from the phone, because each has its own USB see. Jack you’ll see battery indicators for the Z itself and any attached modem odds on screen. So you’ll know when something is getting low on power, but I don’t know why you would need these style covers sure.

There are only 15 bucks and give the Moto Z a more personalized feel with different textures and colors, and they look nicer than a case. Would JBL sound boost. Speaker, though, that’s $ 80, which is what you pay for a decent Bluetooth speaker that works with a lot of devices, not just a single phone and the projector. Let’S talk about that projector, it’s $ 300.

That’S half the price of these phones! It is easy to use, there’s a focus, dial power button and that’s about it and the pictures big ole stretch up to 70 inches, but it’s only 480p and looks kind of washed out. I think that price ultimately is going to rule this out for just about everybody. It’S just too expensive. The battery cases are a bit more useful day-to-day, but they won’t charge up either phone to 100 % and they’re not cheap, but they range in price from sixty to eighty dollars, and the thing is both of these phones charge really fast with the included charger. So I’m not sure why you would need this. Maybe if you’ll be away from the outlet all day long, then I can see it otherwise, you’re, probably better off pass so more motor mods are coming, but these first few are less than essential, but the phones themselves are pretty awesome.

Just look at these specs 5.5 inch screens, Snapdragon 820 processors, 4 gigs of RAM plenty of storage, plus micro sd, but for sound there is just one speaker in the earpiece sounds pretty lousy and it’s a big downgrade from last year’s Moto X. The moto Z Force has Gorilla Glass 4 on top, just like any other smartphone these days, but the force is version 2 of moto shadder shield, acknowledged II. There are five layers with a durable plastic, hard coat on top it’ll scratch way easier than glass, but if it gets too bad, you can have verizon replace it. What it won’t do is break or shatter no matter. How many drops you put it through. This is guaranteed for four years.

We’Re just going to be longer then you’re going to have this phone to begin with then there’s the camera. Moto C is the 13 megapixel camera. The four says: 21 megapixels both have bright, F, 1.8 lenses with optical image, stabilization and laser autofocus, and the force taxon phase detector autofocus as well. Neither really seem like the obvious choice to me, though. The force does capture more detail. Of course, both get you good results, but they really know better than any other 2016 Android flagship.

The last key difference comes with the battery. The moto C is a 2600 milliamp hour battery and the force has a much larger 3500 milliamp hour battery. The plain old moto Z already lasts through a standard day for me and charges fast enough to where I never really missed the forces bigger battery. Now, this being a droid Verizon, shoves a bunch of terrible apps under the motor Z, but you can turn most of them off and what you’re left with is super fast performance with Motorola’s popular improvements to android on top.

Moto Z and Moto Mods review

This is still the best notifications experience around and moto voice is always there listening for your spoken commands and questions, but right now it’s not a great time to buy a smart phone. You’Ve got the galaxy note: 7 coming new Nexus phones, a new iPhone, there’s nothing wrong with the Moto Z or the motor Z course they’re, fast and fun to use, but they’re, really no better than the galaxy s7 that came out several months ago. These aren’t really the game-changing modular phones that some of us hope for they show the concept has potential. But for now the Moto Z is a great Android phone with some fun but overpriced attachments ever .