Net neutrality is dead, now what?

Net neutrality is dead, now what?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Net neutrality is dead, now what?”.
Net neutrality is officially over.. The latest FCC order took effect on June 11th, clearing the way for carriers to throttle prioritize and generally mess with your data.. So, what’s the internet gon na look like now We’re probably not gon na see any big changes right away and the changes won’t be anything drastic like blocking websites or throttling feeds. But these new rules give the big carriers a lot more power over what happens. Online.

And they’re already using that power to make the internet look a lot more like cable T.V., The first place this is showing up is in streaming services. Right now. If you want to pay 10 or 15 bucks a month to watch movies and T.V. on the internet, you’ve got a lot of options.

Services. Try to compete and win us over with exclusive shows or lower prices, but as the FCC backs off we’re also starting to see another kind of deal. That’S a lot more troubling.. So here’s one example AT .

Net neutrality is dead, now what?