I spent 2 hours with the Huawei Mate X!

I spent 2 hours with the Huawei Mate X!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I spent 2 hours with the Huawei Mate X!”.
So today is a very special day because I got to play with the huawei mate X and yes, I’ve seen it before in like dark dungeon rooms down in Wally’s headquarters, and I’ve seen it at MWC, where we got to see it from behind a glass panel. But now I actually got to play with it for about two hours straight and I’ve got to say it was a pretty cool experience. So I first just want to take you through my experience and then I want to take you through a couple new small updates about the main X that we just learned today at a small round table after the Huawei Aoife keynote. So, first of all, just like the Samsung Galaxy fold, I freaking love, foldable phones. They are so fun to play with you, can just open them up and suddenly you have. This whole tablet experience now. What’S really nice about the Huawei mate X? Is that you’ve actually got pretty much a normal sized phone when it is in the closed mode, whereas they Samsung Galaxy fold? Has a small four and a half inch screen on there see Huawei mate X has a huge screen that you get to interact with. So you don’t have to use it in the unfolded mode most of the time. But when you unfold it, you get this giant kind of one-to-one display and it’s a little bit weird, because one to one is not really optimal for pretty much any kind of content.

But it’s still bigger than the kind of content that you would be usually watching or reading when you have the phone in regular mode, so it’s still really nice also websites and other things that you’re reading will scale to fit that one-to-one display. So it’s still really handy if you’re like reading a book or if you’re, reading a website. Another thing I really like about this phone is the hinge mechanism, so you have to press this physical button, which swings the rest of the screen around and there’s a hinge mechanism that lets this work now at pretty much any angle, but a glare angle, you really Can’T notice the crease, if you do look at the phone in a glaring angle, you will notice the crease a little bit more than we saw on the Samsung Galaxy fold. But honestly, it’s not that bad. If you’re just reading content or watching video on this phone you’re not going to notice that crease now I was using the Chinese version of this phone, so there’s no Google Play Store, although there’s probably no gon na, be any native Google Play Store on this phone Anyway, because always not really allowed to use Google Play services, but while we did say that they are working with third parties to be able to get the Google Playstore onto this phone now, just like Oppo and VEVO are able to just download the Google Play Store. As an app through the aw go ab soar, huawei is going to be working with the third party to also be able to get the Google Play Store onto their phone now. That does seem a little weird, but we don’t even really know if, while we is going to be selling this phone outside of China, so there’s probably going to be plenty of people that are going to want to import it from China to get it in America. Because, honestly, it’s just a really great cool foldable phone now, something else that’s a little bit interesting is that while we said that they actually could have started selling the made X last month – and they are going to put it on sale next month and the reason That they didn’t start selling it last month was because they really wanted to work with the developers that were putting the apps on this phone to make sure that the app continuity was there.

And that means that the app should be able to be in its default state. While you have the phone closed and when you open it up to reveal that awesome tablet like state, the app will actually scale with the phone. So it doesn’t look really janky and weird, but I’m honestly really stoked. This phone is going to be launching next month, because I really enjoyed my two hours with this device and I want to spend a little bit more time with it. So I can see if foldable phones are really the future. Now the Samsung Galaxy fold is launching later this month and we’re hopefully going to be getting our hands on it really really soon so I’ll be sure to let you know if I think that foldable phones are the future, once I get to play with multiple foldable Phones, we did ask huawei if they were going to be reducing the price of this phone, because the phone did get announced like multiple multiple months ago, and they wouldn’t comment on that. But we’re hoping that we, you learn more over at the huawei mate 30. Pro launch event in Munich, Germany, in just a couple of weeks, so that’s been about it for the huawei mate X. Now I just also did something on the samsung galaxy fold. If you want to go check that out and also there’s apparently a bunch of foldable TCL displays here at Aoife as well, so we’re gon na have a bunch of photos of that over at Android authority comm, where you can get all the information from Aoife and Beyond so until the next article, I will catch you later. .