The BEST Android smartphone of 2019 is…!

The BEST Android smartphone of 2019 is...!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The BEST Android smartphone of 2019 is…!”.
Hey guys, so it is December 31st, 2019, the very end of the year, and that means that we are doing our yearly best of Android Awards. Now we did this. Last year we set up our own testing facilities with a bunch of proprietary testing, whether it comes to display or audio or performance, and we’ve done that again this year now we’ve got five main categories, and that means there are going to be five main winners in Each of these categories we’ve also got an overall winner and a Readers Choice winner, so stay tuned, we’re about to get into it so number one. The best display of 2019 goes to the Google pixel for series and that’s pretty surprising, because almost a year after year, we’ve seen Samsung kind of take the lead in this department. But this year Google really stepped up. They really learned from the pixel and they made a pixel for with an amazing OLED display. So congratulations to Google on that number two, the best phone for battery in 2019.

It goes to the really x2 pro, and this is a surprise, but the real Baxter Pro has a four thousand milliamp hour battery in crazy, fast charging. You can have to take multiple aspects of battery into account. So congratulations on real me for that win. Number three best camera. Now this one was kind of a toss up and we ended up giving best camera to the Google pixel four series. Yet again and Google has really been ahead in the camera department. Almost every single year they still kind of are, but it’s coming a lot closer. This year the huawei mate 30 Pro was also kind of our runner-up / second place for this category because of its enormous sensor, and it takes really amazing low-light photos. Number four is performance, and the winner of this category is also the real me x2 Pro now this phone really came out of nowhere and that just offers a ton of value and that’s shown in the performance sector of this phone as well. Now, if you want to see exactly how its scored to make sure you go over to the website, we’ve gotten far graphs and all that kind of stuff, so stay tuned for that and for audio, we had to give it to the red meat k20 Pro.

Now. This phone offers a ton of value, but it has a headphone jack. It has pretty much every Bluetooth codec that you could want, and the speakers are actually pretty good in it too. Now this category was a very hard because you’ve got phones like the LG G 8 and a bunch of phones that have headphone jacks.

They have good decks, but this phone just beat those phones out by a sliver and you can hover to the website. If you want to see every phone that was running up for this category and with all those categories combined, that makes our overall winner of best of Android 2019, the real me x2 Pro. If you want to see those bar graphs head over to the website. But this phone just did super well in pretty much every category.

It got first place in multiple categories and it’s quart of really well in every other category. So overall, this is a super solid package of a phone. Now we didn’t forget about you guys, so we also did a Readers Choice Award and a runner-up and the winner of the Readers. Choice.

The BEST Android smartphone of 2019 is...!

20:19 is the Samsung Galaxy Note 10, and I personally really really enjoyed this phone as well. It’S a great overall package. It’S only missing a couple of things like a headphone jack, but overall it’s an absolutely gorgeous phone with amazing performance and the runner-up for Readers. Choice: 2019 is 2, b1 plus 70 Pro now the 1 plus 70 series, the regular one and the pro are both amazing phones and it’s no wonder that people really enjoyed this phone. So congratulations to oneplus for winning the runner-up.

That’S been it for the best of Android 2019. This year’s theme was kind of the fact that every single phone is really really good. You can pretty much go and buy any phone out there. They don’t even have to be flagships and they’re gon na be pretty wonderful devices. So I hope that you, like whatever you picked up this year and we’ll catch you in the vest of Android 20/20 until next time, I’ll see you later .