Oppo 150W SuperVOOC Charger First Look – Charge your phone in 17 minutes!

Oppo 150W SuperVOOC Charger First Look - Charge your phone in 17 minutes!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Oppo 150W SuperVOOC Charger First Look – Charge your phone in 17 minutes!”.
Hi, i’m c scott brown from android authority, and we are here at the oppo booth at a mo world congress 2022 and over here we have the debut of the supervooc 150 watt charging solution. So this is going to be coming to a one plus phone at some point this year and then obviously we’ll be coming to oppo phones at some other point uh. But oneplus is going to get it first, but we wanted to show you just how fast this uh, 150 watt charging solution can really be so we’re gon na go over here. We’Re gon na check this out so uh.

So we have a phone here and the phone is at uh. Let’S see 25 uh charge so we’re going to plug this in and then you can see that as you start charging, you can actually watch as it starts to charge and so look how fast those numbers are going so within like what? What does that have been? This has been like maybe six seven seconds, we’ve already gone up a percent, and so i don’t know can you can you get up here to see the the voltage here so right here? This number here so we’re at 116.6 that we’re we’re going up. So obviously, that’s not quite 150, but it uh earlier was going up to 145 or something so as it goes up.

Oppo 150W SuperVOOC Charger First Look - Charge your phone in 17 minutes!

It’Ll uh, it’ll change and do its thing and and uh charge up the phone really really quickly so uh. We have been told that this can bring a phone from zero to a hundred percent in around 17 to 18 minutes. The one plus phones on the market today uh charge at 65 watts and that gets you to zero to 100 in about 30 minutes. Maybe a little bit less so this is going to be literally put your phone on the charger before you get in the shower shower, get out of the shower and you’re charged up for the full day. So that’s pretty incredible. Once again, my name is c scott brown, i’m from androidauthority.com [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], .