Olympus SZ-10 Camera/ Hama Star 61 Tripod Review

Olympus SZ-10 Camera/ Hama Star 61 Tripod Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Olympus SZ-10 Camera/ Hama Star 61 Tripod Review”.
Hey YouTube: it’s going to a quick video on the Olympus s10 digital camera. As you can see, it’s got pretty good clarity and 720p HD and obviously it’s got a thousand ATP pictures. Stills, I’m very impressed with the stills. Actually, I’ve got some very nice pictures which I’ll show you after the video and the video is it’s okay, I’ve seen better, but I paid 150 pounds for the camera, so it’s okay. Now, all together package was 180 pound, because what the camera see than this, this is hammer star, 61 tripod tripod. You can just google it and on Amazon that was, I was reduced to 10 pounds, so pretty good and I bought a case which you should get and a 16 gigabyte SD card I’d thoroughly, recommend that see yeah, it’s not too bad for a digital camera.

It’S got a slight problem when you get to very low lighting, it can blur, because it’s ISO sensitivity is not. It doesn’t go past 1600s, a slight problem there now one other issue with this camera is that you can’t actually use the optical zoom when you’re on video mode, except when you disable the sound. So they never actually told me this one before I bought the camera.

Olympus SZ-10 Camera/ Hama Star 61 Tripod Review

So I found out now and it’s a little bit of a bummer, but I can deal with it but yeah. If you need your clarity when you’re videoing, then you should probably go for a different color and I’m just going to quickly mount this camera onto this tripod, so it fits in to this here. This is the clip and just slots in place once you secured it, you can lift it. You can turn it sideways as one you just there’s lots of them screws and things on this camera.

It’S all very well made. I think it’s like gyro sensors, so I can you can turn it with these. It’S not gon na. You know it stays pretty steady and you can attach weights onto it.

It’S pretty sturdy, no up and down and yeah, I’m very happy with it. Okay, I’ll see I’ll show you some of my photos that I’ve taken with I’m pretty impressed with it. Sheis yes opposed gyro sensor this when you move it up and down it’ll, just tell you when your level, I guess you .