Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3DS XL vs Original DS – AMAZING DIFFERENCE!!”.
Okay, hate you today, I’ve kind of got quite an interesting little comparison for you. So here on the Left, we have the original Nintendo DS launched in roughly 2005 and next to it, we have the brand-new 3ds extra-large launched in 2012. I just like to kind of just show you how much difference there really is so on both I’ve loaded, Mario Kart, so it’s Mario Kart the S on this one and Mario Kart 7 on the 3ds first. I just opened this up and I’ve kind of pre-selected.
A course which is Koopa Beach, then we will run a similar course on the 3ds plus it’s very difficult to play, while I’m looking through this, but I mean, after playing with the 3ds the buttons on the original Nintendo feel very dated. It doesn’t feel like a very responsive input as well. It’S tiring your fingers out ridiculously, and this this is you’ll, be surprised with the with the actual difference and will you’ll soon suddenly start to appreciate how how good a console the 3dsxl is in comparison to what a Nintendo started out with a lot of people who Complain that Nintendo basically just milking the Nintendo DSi dia, because they’ve released so many different revisions. Well, they’re, not revisions, they are totally you know. Well, the 3ds XL at least is a totally new console.
You know it’s it’s just it’s stunning, the difference. So you know probably have audio on. No, this is dreadful. Audio quality again is subpar compared to we’d expect.
Nowadays I mean the game. Just feels very old. I mean suddenly, after playing the Nintendo 3ds version, the game that I was so used to calling modern and and sort of very up-to-date, now suddenly looks almost retro and now I’m gon na sort of put that down and we’ll have a look at the 3ds version. So that’s such a big screen, I’m kind of struggling to fit the whole thing on camera. I should do my first impression is probably oh. Yes, this is the same game. There’S so much more. You know this there’s some OC, the gorgeous visuals there’s a 3d effect.
That’S about you can collect coins. You can get boosts from jumps. You know you can customize your own cart. It’S just.
You know it’s in a different world to the original lots of new features. Weapons. May you can get per shoes, you can get fire flower thingies.
It just looks amazing – and I just wanted to just do this video quickly, just to show that the consoles really are a world apart and the camera doesn’t do it any justice. It looks much better on screen and yeah running a full 60 frames per second. So it just looks really nice.
So if I just again put that down bring this one back up – and here we go see the difference yeah, I thought so. [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ] screen is not only about twice as bright, but it just. The resolution is also about three times as high and even though the screen is about three times as big, it does still look sharper.
I mean this is just a video. Just to show you where, where we stand with the new Nintendo console, and I’m just just don’t stop saying that it’s an amazing amazing piece of hardware, because I mean I’ve been playing on this thing for a good seven years and imagine stepping up from that. To that, so I feel right now so again I can’t recommend the 3dsxl more.
If you haven’t seen my video on the review of the 3ds extra large and comparison with PS Vita, you can check that out. It’Ll be the previous video before this. So thanks for watching rate, subscribe comment like and sub for more videos.