Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Quadrant Benchmark”.
Okay, hide you. This is the samsung galaxy note 2 and we’re going to be having a look at a benchmark. So if this benchmark, we can be using quadrant, because I think it’s pretty good representation of variance performance. So without further ado, let’s begin the display is absolutely huge. You know a whopping 5.5 inches, it’s you know by far the biggest display out on any smartphone. I mean it’s kind of closely followed by the previous note, but those two are in a league of their own in terms of display k lets enough and there we have a score of 5763, so not quite as high as some of my previous benchmarks, achieving as High as 6400, but um yeah, you get the idea. It’S around that you know very high-end, uber, smartphone, sort of performance bench and unit performs very well in games.
You know it can play full 1080p movies back without any stuttering or problems, and web browsing is just a joy, so really high performance phone, and I can’t recommend it more thanks for watching rate subscribe comment like and check on either of these .