K hi YouTube: the demo of monster hunter 3 ultimate has just landed in the Nintendo 3ds eShop today, and I’ve been won the first to download it. I was big fan of the monster hunter franchise some time ago, and I’m just here to tell you that it’s probably the best game on the 3ds out the minute, if you’re capable of I say, completing it really because it takes quite a lot of skill and Practice, you know it’s not one of those casual games that you can just stroll into and be in 10 hours or so. As I said, this is just a demo. The actual game is going to be released on the twenty-second of March, but I’m just going to give you some of my initial impressions of it. Having played about 5 10 minutes of the demo and I’ll show you some gameplay, so we are fighting the legume be.
I think it is something like that anyway, I can’t really play that. Well, while looking at the camera – but I mean straight away – you should notice a visual jump from the previous pay station portable offerings. There are the shadows now, as you can see, and the game looks a lot, but it runs a full 60 frames per second compared to 30 in the previous generation of games. However, two things to keep in mind: firstly, that the 3ds, especially the XL version, does not have a very high pixel density.
You know it’s got, she got less pixels and the PlayStation Portable had one is released seven eight years ago, and on top of that it’s got a larger screen. So this is not very sharp. If you’re not i mean the images are not as sharp as you might be used to and there’s a lot of anti-aliasing thrown in as soon as you turn on the 3d feature, I just show you actually the anti-aliasing kind of disappears. If you do get a lot of jagged edges, but it’s still to be honest fans of the series will kind of be used to this by now, because there was a lot of that on the PlayStation.
Portable is actually less of it on the 3ds. So it does look a lot better than the PlayStation Portable variant. Also, the actual 60 frames-per-second does make the monsters much more fluid all the animations, as you can hopefully see they are very, very smooth like if I just look around you can see it’s all very nice and quick as you can see, you have two allies. Instead of the normal one can be a nice little bonus, especially for beginners. To be honest, they don’t really change the tide of the actual hunt. Much the shadows are also. Although they are a bonus, there are pretty low res. You can see the pixels pretty clearly on the shadows, they’re very low bitrate, but again it does make it look nicer and there are some sort of self shadowing effects as well going on with the monsters, as you can see, but yeah.
It’S not nowhere. Near kind of the same level of fidelity as with the wii, u version, but still a nice touch. The default control is kind of using the touchscreen to sort of look around which I find really uncomfortable. But I’m fine, just by using the L button to you, know, stabilize the camera with the view of the hunt hunter, that’s fine by me and you’ve got everything.
You’Re used two items: minimaps is all the same. There’S a lot of new monsters if you’re coming from monster hunter freedom unite, which is the last portable offering in the UK so yeah plenty. A new stuff is probably the most expensive game. What can see it limping over there and there’s yeah tons of new content and stuff so should keep up on busy? You can link up to a Wii? U, with this game, so up to four people can play wirelessly with 3d.
Three with three 3ds is under Wii: U that supposedly works pretty well that we use basically HD remake of the same game and runs at 1080p, apparently looks very nice, but only to be honest, I’ve got no no issues with the way this game looks. It looks and plays far better than the PSP version minus the absence of a second analog stick. Now, I’m not sure if this is going to be the same in the actual game. But when i launched the demo, it did say that it wasn’t compatible with the circle pad pro. It could be a big issue because i know a lot of people have purchased this circle pad pro just to play this game, but hopefully, and the final release of the game will see that compatibility, because I mean it’ll it’ll change the way it works. Really, I don’t know what that just said, but yeah. I think I think we’re pretty much done here.
I’Ll finish off. Don’T criticize me because this hard on camera, I reckon the monster inviting would be somewhere near the beginning of the game. It’S not particularly tough. It’S just annoying, I suppose it translates roughly maybe to a bland ganguro something other thanks that hate those cats. I would consider myself a pretty seasoned player and it’s taken me.
You know almost right up to the end of the 20-minute time limit. I’Ve got eight minutes left and yeah, so bad time finished, it’ll be probably somewhat like five minutes, so I mean, I suppose the game is maybe not as easy as some people make it out to be there. We go bit quicker than expected, but very satisfying. Finally, finisher once you’ve been hunting for so long and form all the equipment and stuff like that yeah.
So this is just a demo. There’S only two missions is that one and there’s a young fish thing. I think it’s called plus you’re yeah, there’s a off and see how that the set. It’S just like this quick start game, that’s just too for novice and veteran.
So I did the novice one. So I I heard that a lot of the monsters have been enhanced from previous games, such as I mean plus y’all, had literally one or two moves in the first game, and it was just very repetitive monster to fight. I I think they’ve rehashed the move database to make them a bit more varied and unpredictable, but yeah that’s pretty much it. This suggests you just go and download the demo see how you find it if you’re big fan of the series obviously be quite excited for this, and that is one of the big three dias releases of the year, so i think you should check it out anyway. Thanks for watching rate, subscribe comment like and check out other videos, .