How to Start a Youtube Channel (2015-2016)

How to Start a Youtube Channel (2015-2016)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to Start a Youtube Channel (2015-2016)”.
What is up guys mr. Basit and starting today, you’re going to become the youtuber that you want to be so guys we’re going to start right from the beginning the idea. So, to begin with, you need to decide something that you really really love. It can be something that loads of people have done before it doesn’t matter, but don’t try and do something just because you think it’s popular or because you think you’ll get loads of attention for it. It has to be something that you really love doing. Not only will that mean that it’s not a chore to do your videos, but your enthusiasm and passion for the subject will come through, and people who watch your videos will really engage with that. So next up guys, we need to decide on a name, and this can be tricky and I have to say it’s where a lot of people totally mess up, but once you’ve actually praised your name.

It is not the end you can always change later on, but it’s nice to get it right. First time right so like with most people, your username is not just going to pop into your head in some form of enlightenment you’re, going to have to probably search for it. If you really can’t think of one – and that is totally normal, I would actually recommend use a random name generator. I’Ve actually linked you to one in the video description and two verses. It’S perfectly fine to do that, but a couple of tips. First of all, keep it as short as you possibly can. I know it’s kind of difficult to find a unique one under about 8 characters, but if you can better be amazing, mine is actually on this slightly long side. Myth it’s shorter it’ll mean people can remember it better. On top of that, try to include as few numbers or symbols as possible, because that just makes you more complicated to remember so when you’re thinking of your username, you need to think of what catches in the mind seem to think about the way it sounds. Is it does it flow nicely? You know, if someone sees it once, will they be able to remember it and search for it again? Can someone recommend you to a friend the one thing which does confuse people is? It doesn’t have to at all relate to what your channel does. You know a lot of people who do tech reviews. They just stick the word Tech in their name. It’S totally unnecessary and actually makes your channel seem a little bit generic while you’re at it. You might as well just come up with a go, and this is totally unnecessary. You don’t need to, but I think it’s a good thing to have right from the off, because it makes another way for people to remember you.

How to Start a Youtube Channel (2015-2016)

Next up is camera and equipment, and this is where things get quite tricky. Everyone is under totally different circumstances, and I know that some people budget is not an issue at all and for other people it is everything you don’t have any option or any access to buy anything. I know. Maybe your parents control derp, or maybe you literally, are just broke, but if that is the case, do not worry at all, there’s always a workaround.

How to Start a Youtube Channel (2015-2016)

For example, when I actually started YouTube, I was filming using my dad’s mobile and, while camera equipment does make a lot of difference, you know you can transform a video like this made with my mobile phone shaky camera, a bad lighting into something like this, with improved Lighting improved camera with a tripod with stabilization. A good microphone is one of the first investments you should make. That is going to seriously improve your quality of video you’ll, be quite surprised how much difference audio makes, in fact, in some cases it’s more than the video itself. If you have bad audio, then people just instantly going to click off, because it’s painful to listen to in a way another thing which a lot of people overlook is lighting. Now you don’t need some fancy pants like lightbox or studio quality of equipment.

How to Start a Youtube Channel (2015-2016)

Here I have been using right from when I was at 2,000 subscribers to desk lamps. Just get a big day, light bulb, stick it on the end and you are good to go. That’S all you need, in fact that’s what I’m actually using right now there and there. Oh, my god, I can’t see okay. So all this stuff is fantastic. You know it can make a huge difference to the quality of your video, but it’s non-essential.

What I actually suggest you do is start with the best video quality you can make at the moment and just keep waiting. So if you have a birthday and you get some money or if you end some money from YouTube, you know start monetizing as soon as you can then reinvest that into the channel any opportunity you get to improve your quality, use it and don’t expect to have The best quality videos right at the start. Nobody does so, then, on to editing your videos and you’ll be surprised how much of a difference this can make just some very slight tweaks, you know a trimming or there can really sharpen up your video and make it much more appealing, and, to be honest, you Don’T even need to spend any money if you’ve got a Mac use iMovie, that’s a fantastic tool until you get to sort of a really high level or, if you’re, very, very demanding, as you user iMovie should be able to do almost everything you want if you’re On Windows, Windows Movie Maker is fantastic. It’S simple, it’s easy to use, and it’s great for beginners.

Another cool thing that you’re really going to want to do is edit your thumbnails custom thumbnails are ten times better than normal thumbnails. You know a YouTube goes through your video and picks around a moment. You can design something much better than that on Windows. I would use it’s free and it’s basically as good as Photoshop. I don’t see what anyone actually buys Photoshop anymore on the Mac, the best one that I’ve tried and the one I use right now is something called pixel meter and that costs about fifteen pounds or twenty dollars, and it’s really really worth it. Every custom thumbnail I’ve made again since I was on about ten thousand subscribers has been through that and it’s paid off and even if you don’t have a computer, ask your family, maybe your brother, your sister, your parents, they might have a computer that you can use And if not, then maybe even your phone, your iPad there’s plenty of tools you can download even for mobile devices, where you can do your editing on so guys, everything’s going well, you set up your channel. You’Ve got a great user name. Your videos are the best quality you can produce up a minute and you’re really excited to carry on, but no one’s watching them.

So what you actually need to do is grow your audience, and this is quite obviously the hardest bit on YouTube. But just as an example, there are tons of things you can do everything from asking your friends and family to subscribe. To give you an initial boost to things like watching. The best YouTube is in their field, because then you kind of learn the titles they use. Learn how their thumbnails work and learn how to record well so guys, if you’re ever stuck and want help growing. Your YouTube channel then feel free to just leave a comment below in any of my videos and I’m sure either myself or one of you awesome people will help you guys out thanks once again for watching guys, bye, mister nussbaum and this Danny pull back .