Secrets to Filming Good YouTube Videos!

Secrets to Filming Good YouTube Videos!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Secrets to Filming Good YouTube Videos!”.
What is up guys? Mister he’s the boss here and as a bit of a continuation to my video on the secrets of how to grow your YouTube channel in this article. I want to talk about the secrets to making good videos so without any ado whatsoever. Let’S just get straight into it, the number one most important thing is the equipment you use now. A lot of youtubers are gon na. Tell you that, oh it doesn’t matter, you can make the best quality videos with good technique with a mobile phone.

The third test isn’t true: good quality video comes from good quality equipment. That is the basis for everything, and that means cameras. That means microphones. That means lights.

That means stabilization. All of this is really really important. Without any of this, my videos would look absolutely terrible. You know imagine a shaky video in poor lighting with bad quality audio doesn’t matter how good your technique is. It’S not going to impress. Having said that, I know a lot of you guys are on a pretty tight budget and that’s very understandable. I was when I begun, and the very best thing you can do is just use the best equipment you have for now, but anything you can invest. You really really should.

Secrets to Filming Good YouTube Videos!

If you want to take YouTube seriously, then the faster you can upgrade your video audio and lighting quality, the more subscribers you’re going to gain it’s a very, very good thing to actually get into. If you really think you’ve got the potential to be good at YouTube, and if you really are gon na spend time to make sure that you become that, then you really should invest in it. Spending a thousand dollars on a camera may seem like a really really big investment, but in the long term it will definitely pay up. I can promise you that so the next thing would be that if you’re filming a review or if you’re filming a video where people want fast information, which is accurate, clear and concise, you need to do a voiceover.

So I see a lot of people trying to review tech, for example, and they’re there with their camera and at the same time, they’re talking into it and you’ll notice that what they’re actually saying is for the most part, total rubbish. You can’t really concentrate on filming and doing your audio at the same time. So the best thing to do is to do a video and then do a commentary on top, and that way you can make sure that you cut out your mistakes. You can make sure that you get straight to the point and tell people exactly what they need to know without wasting too much time, because another lie people’s attention.

Spans are falling rapidly. These days now, I’ve seen a lot of youtubers make the fatal flaw. They attract people to their videos, they make really good title, thumbnails and tags that get loads and loads of clicks, and then those people are very disappointed with what they see and they instantly leave getting.

Secrets to Filming Good YouTube Videos!

Those clicks is a giant opportunity and once people are there watching your video, you need to make sure that you do absolutely everything you can to engage them in that video to make sure they watch for as long as they can to make sure they hit that Subscribe button hit that, like button and comment down below, that’s really really beneficial to you. As a youtuber. Now, there’s a lot of different ways: you can keep people engaged with your videos, some people use humour and if you’ve got a funny personality then go for it.

Secrets to Filming Good YouTube Videos!

Just slap yourself on camera and see what happens you’d be surprised of what you can produce after a bit of time. I mean your first few videos will probably be a little bit awkward once you get the hang of it. You’Ll actually be flying. If you don’t, then don’t force it, you can make yourself engaging in a ton of different ways. That’S something that I do is I just try and get straight to the point. There’S a lot of tech youtubers out there who make 15 20 30 minute videos on actual products, which is great for the people who can actually stand that, but I’m guessing that probably 90 % of those people don’t really watch more than three or four minutes of The video because people’s concentration spans, like I said earlier, really are falling in this day and age.

I actually watch people watching YouTube videos and they’re, basically skipping every every five seconds of skipping to somewhere, because they’re just really finding that the information is not coming at them fast enough. So I’m actually working on improving this up a minute, but it is very, very important to just get straight to the point: don’t waffle tell people exactly what they want to know. You’D actually be surprised how important the background is before every single. My videos actually set up the background.

You can see I’ve got a light here. I’Ve got a little plant there. I’Ve got my laptop playing another different video and a couple of books there. So I mean all this kind of thing actually helps to distract people with.

In the video, this is actually a very, very advanced tip that a lot of filmmakers use when they’re actually filming, instead of actually going against the plain white background. A better thing to do were to actually create a little bit of organized mess. In the background, having things behind actually means that when people get bored of looking at the subject, which is me, they actually become distracted within the video, rather than actually the alternative, which would mean they start looking at the suggested videos. As soon as someone has diverted their attention from the main frame of the video to actually decide where theirs, the suggested, videos and recommended and up next in the playlist, you’ve almost definitely lost them at that point.

So you need to make sure that there’s actually plenty to be concentrating on within your video. You could even add gentle background music, which kind of adds another layer to the video watching experience. It gives people another thing to be distracted by so on balance, it would probably keep people on your video for longer and, like I said earlier, environments are very, very important so as well as actually creating interesting backdrops. You know placing objects tactically, to make your environment more interesting, make sure to actually vary where you’re shooting as well so create indoor shots, create outdoor shots, maybe daylight shots, maybe nighttime shots change rooms, change scenery.

A lot of those things are actually gon na. Just help to make your videos more interesting and keep people watching right until that outro hits so guys. That’S it from me for now. I hope you found this video useful and if you did be sure to slap that like button anyways, I mister here’s a boss – and this is insanely cool pet .