Best Smartphone You’ve Never Heard of #2

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Smartphone You’ve Never Heard of #2”.
Guys what is up this is a pretty exciting video, because this is the second time in the history of mr. who’s, the boss, that I’m actually introducing a new series. So if those of you who have followed me for some time, you’ll, probably know that I actually started out my YouTube channel, showing you guys some amazing value budget smartphones to be honest, things that when I actually saw myself, I was blown away by – and I just Felt like I needed to share them with you and since then, we’ve come quite a long way, but I think it’s time to pay some homage to that. So what I’m going to do is research spend a lot of time researching to find not only smartphones that you probably haven’t heard of, but also ones that get very favorable reviews and then I’ll buy them I’ll, buy them and I’ll test them. And if I find a bigger task or of above 80 on my reviewing system – which, hopefully you guys are aware of, then I will actually introduce them into the series so in these videos, I’ll basically be getting straight to the point.

I’M kind of sick of seeing all these reviewers who spend three minutes talking about the brand and how they’ve built up their reputation and how Samsung is beginning to take over and all this kind of stuff I’ll be going straight to what actually matters. So that’s basically it guys, maybe once you’ve watched it. If you could leave a comment down below that would be amazing. Maybe let me know how you found it and things that I could improve, because this is kind of early stages at the minute.

Oh – and this is the last little thing, if you don’t already follow me on Instagram, if you slap that follow button, that would be amazing, there’s some pretty cool stuff coming, let’s just say: okay, we’re going to start now. We have regatta starts video okay, so the first phone in the series is the Vernie Thor. It’S got a price of one hundred and nineteen dollars has a five inch display and a 64-bit octa-core CPU. It also supports 4G, dual sim and OTG technologies, centers performance, the device comes equipped with a octa-core 64-bit MT 6, 75, 3, a Mali T, 7, 24 graphics and 3 gigabytes of RAM, and all of that guys it screams mid-range.

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #2

The gaming performance is pretty adequate. You can play all 2d games, fine, all 2.5 des games, fine and even to be honest, most 3d games. Fine, it won’t quite play the modern combats at full frame rates, but it’s still very serviceable as a gaming device. The Thor also comes bundled with Android 6.0 and basically a clean install of it. So it’s fast fluid efficient and seems to get some pretty timely updates, but the screen might just be a sticking point for some people. The colors contrast saturation and viewing angles are all absolutely fine, but it is a 720p screen holding the front any reasonable distance though, and it still looks pin-sharp the Vernie Thor is not a flashy phone by any means, but is well built for the price. It’S solid. It doesn’t creak, there’s no flexing whatsoever and it’s actually got a fingerprint resistant coating.

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #2

Also, nice was coming from the s7 edge. It was nice that my finger could reach all the way across the phone. It gets better because the back cover is removable and it houses a 2800 milliamp hour battery, which, given the efficiency of this components and software, actually pushes you through a good day and a half of usage and absolutely ages on standby. We’Ve also got dual SIM and a micro SD card slot, which supports up to 128 gigabytes. The camera is slightly less impressive: we’ve got 5 megapixels on the front and 13 on the rear. The detail it captures in the right lighting conditions, though, is pretty fine, but as soon as we go a bit darker or we introduce some highly contrasting areas, it starts to blow out a little bit and you get a bit of graininess. The front camera, though, is pretty serviceable, just as good as most other smartphones, whilst I wouldn’t say it quite lives up to its claimed, not 0.1. Second unlock time, the fingerprint scanner is here and it works well. So that is the Vernie Thor and in conclusion, it’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. It has do anything outstanding, there’s no groundbreaking technology here, but it does at least as good as you’d expect for the price in basically every single area, and so in terms of its overall value proposition.

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #2

It’S pretty fantastic thanks for watching guys. I really appreciate it and let me know what you think to this series and where we can go with it, I’ll see you next time you .