Is THIS the Best Power Bank of 2016?

Is THIS the Best Power Bank of 2016?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is THIS the Best Power Bank of 2016?”.
So, as you guys, probably realized, I have a lot of tech. A lot of tech requires a lot of battery and I recently stumbled across this amazing piece of kit. So I know power backs, aren’t exactly the most interesting item but stick with me because I think you’re going to like this. So this is the anchor power core 2100 and it’s a very special product and I’ll get onto it in just a minute.

But to begin with, it’s built really well feels solid, comfortable to hold, and it’s got a nice matte finish, but it does attract a few too many fingerprints. But more importantly, and probably the thing you’re going to notice first, is that considering its capacity, the power core is much thinner and lighter than you’d expect and speaking of its capacity, we’ve got twenty thousand one hundred million bottles of juice and, to put that into perspective, The iPhone 7 has a battery capacity of just under 2,000 milliamp hours, so in theory at least you could charge it ten times, but in practice that works out to more, like eight and a half that I’ll explain that in just a moment. So there are a lot of good power banks out there, this being one of them by inori, and it’s got pretty much the same capacity as the Power Core, but it gets more complicated because different batteries have different efficiencies, so the one you might find in the Inori has about a 70 % efficiency, but the one in the power court has closer to 90. So what that really means is that for the same capacity you’re carrying a battery bank, that’s shorter, slimmer and lighter. Don’T get me wrong. It’S not a miracle solution like every battery bank.

You need to be aware that they are quite heavy and they do take up a fair bit of space, but at least the Power Core should be able to fit in any reasonably sized pocket. So then, we’ve got the ports and on the front, we’ve got two USB ports and one micro. Usb. Now the micro USB used to charge the battery bank and the two USB ports are its outputs, and these aren’t just any ports, because each one is fitted with 2.4 arms, which means that it can charge your phone up to twice as fast as a standard. One.

On top of that, anchor is installed something called power IQ onto this thing and what it is is it means it monitors. The devices that are connected finds the maximum amount of amps. It can send to them safely and does so so where, as with most power, apps they’ve got a fixed capacity or they might go up in intervals. This will supply the exact most that it can, so the phone will charge not only as fast as possible, but also as safely as possible. Whilst it is great at dishing it out, the Power Core is slightly less good at taking it because it takes up to 10 hours to fully charge itself, but whilst that might sound really bad, at least in my usage, it’s not really a huge deal. I just kind of plug it in at night time and by the time I wake up.

Is THIS the Best Power Bank of 2016?

It’S pretty much done, and just the last thing to bear in mind when you’re buying a battery bank is safety. We’Ve been hearing a fair bit in the news recently about batteries up so with a battery width as higher capacity as this you can see why it’s super important to keep it protected and Anchor has built-in safety features. It’S got a surge protector and a short circuit protector, so it shouldn’t be exploding in your pocket, so there we go guys. That is the anchor power core 2100 and it’s just amazing.

Is THIS the Best Power Bank of 2016?

I hope I didn’t bore you witless. I mean I tried to keep the video as short and sharp, but I know it’s a power bank and it drugs anyway, guys I missed a user boss and I’m signing out you .