How to Make a YouTube Video – Making Professional Videos for YouTube (2016)

How to Make a YouTube Video - Making Professional Videos for YouTube (2016)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to Make a YouTube Video – Making Professional Videos for YouTube (2016)”.
So a lot of you guys have been asking me recently iron. How do you do this, and how do you do that? So hopefully, this video is going to clear up everything for all youtubers out there or just people who want to start making videos. This will make your quality a hell of a lot better. Let’S get started you, so every good video starts with an idea and to get one.

I normally do one of two things. The first one is. I will go through my entire previous video set just kind of browse around and see the videos which have got more likes and comments from you guys other videos with higher engagement I’ll make similar kind of videos.

So that’s why it’s just so useful for me when you guys like and comment on the videos it just kind of gives me an indication of what you guys enjoy. The other method I sometimes use is I’ll just kind of pop on to the Google’s keyword, planner and I’ll type in a keyword. It could be anything it could be Android, it could be smartphone, it could be SmartWatch and the QA player is quite clever. It’Ll sort of tell you, when you type in a specific keyword, it’ll tell you more general terms that are being searched for, and you can figure out what’s trending and then of course, we’ve got filming and I’m not going to go too into that in this article, Because I’m going to make a separate video when I get all of my cool little upgrades, but I use the Panasonic gh4 and a man fronted tripod so right now I’ve got a pretty high-end system going.

How to Make a YouTube Video - Making Professional Videos for YouTube (2016)

I’Ve got some soft boxes kind of here and here, but recently I’ve been trying out outdoor shots and to be honest, guys that just works loads better. If you’ve got the ability to go outdoors and shoot, especially when it’s a nice day. The video just turned out. So much better, like natural light, beats everything. So when it comes to the filming, I’ve learnt a couple of things along the way, which could be really useful, for example, use the rule of two thirds to try and position your object to focus in either this third or this third of the image, and that Actually does make your shot more interesting, as opposed to, if I was sitting right in the middle and other useful things that, if you’re shooting in dark environments, for example, a lot of the time, I do some really quite nice indoor shots when all the lights are Off or maybe there’s one light on turn down your exposure and that’ll mean there’s less green in the shot. Now. Something which is super important is try and keep your backgrounds busy. So, as you can see, there’s quite a bit going on behind me. I’Ve got my laptop we’ve got this little lump over here and we’ve got my monitor. This is why outdoor shots are generally really good, because then you’ve got sometimes leaves swaying in the background generally, just people walking around that’s all really good stuff for your videos.

How to Make a YouTube Video - Making Professional Videos for YouTube (2016)

It keeps them interesting. People’S attention spans are falling, but they’re getting really really low and having things around the object of focus means that when people lose focus of the original object, they kind of get a bit distracted. Then, instead of going to the suggested videos, they can actually become distracted within your video just by looking at the background. So then we’ve got editing and for this I use Final Cut Pro, which is not exactly the most liked.

Video editor for the YouTube community, but it works for me, so I simply load up all the clips from my camera and just put them in the timeline, and then I spend quite a bit of time trimming them so by trimming, though I’m trying to make the Clips sharper and more to the point, so it turns out that in a four minute video I can have as many as 150 Clips. So you can imagine that it takes a lot of time to actually do that and then to be honest, it just doesn’t get much better because we do the voice-over – and this takes me sometimes an hour per video, because I just suck so something. I was a bit reluctant to do a while back because to us it took me long enough as it was to make a video is then export your audio file to a program called audacity. Now audacity is probably the best free audio editor and, yes, it does add an extra five minutes on to making each video. But in my opinion it’s well worth it I mean it takes your audio up. A notch allows 50 % of the battle, so the two effects I use are the compressor and the noise remover.

Now the noise remover is probably pretty self-explanatory, but it is better to use on or dusty than it would be. For example, the built-in one in Final Cut Pro now the compressor is quite interesting. It takes the really loud parts of your audio and the really quiet ones and it kind of equalizes them a bit.

It makes the audio less jarring to listen to. So then we flick back to the video and I’ll just add a few finishing touches. For example, we’ve got my intro, my outro, and they were actually designed by a graphics designer, and I keep getting questions like.

How did you make that? That’S awesome and I wish I did it myself, but I didn’t um, then again you can find a lot of these guys for not too much money, they’re, quite reasonable. So, after that, I do some motion tracking, which basically allows text to follow an object in the video and it looks super cool in action and to do that, I use em call-outs, which is a plug-in just for Final Cut Pro I’ll link it in the description. So then, we’ve got color grading, which is kind of the last thing. I do the icing on the cake and for most of you guys, I would not recommend it.

How to Make a YouTube Video - Making Professional Videos for YouTube (2016)

I mean I use it because I’m a bit of a perfectionist and I kind of annoy myself with it, but basically this two ways of doing it. You can either download a pre-built profile, which is what I do, and all you need to do is to drag and drop the effect onto every clip in the video which doesn’t sound so bad, but it’s really really CPU intensive. In fact, I’ve got basically the highest spec MacBook. You can buy right now and it just slows to a crawl. It pretty much can’t cut it.

So unless you’ve got some ultra powerful PC would recommend you do it. Alternatively, you can manually apply effect. You can sort of add a little vignette.

You can use a letterbox effect to give yourself a more kind of film style. Look more on that later and then we’ve got the thumbnail and, yes, it is under played by a lot of video creators, but I’m willing to guarantee that for every successful video out there, the thumbnail has had something to do it, because it’s the thing: people click On it’s the thing that people see just before they enter their video and that’s what sells it so, whilst you don’t to be deceiving, you need to make it stand out. So what I’ll tend to do is take a screenshot of an interesting-looking part in the video I’ll, then crop it to a 1920 by 1080 P resolution and then add some color effects. So I’ll increase the contrast and I’ll shift the color spectrum to a slightly more blue hue.

That’S generally considered a more pleasing you to the eyes and tends to get about ten percent more clicks. Now you can decide to add text or you cannot. I mean that’s more, a personal preference there’s a lot of great channels that do both a something that is more important is to add some consistency.

So you might know that recently, I sort of added an M into the corner of my videos, and that means that when people are scrolling through the subscriber feed, they kind of instantly know that it’s one of my videos. So if they feel like watching my videos, if they’re engaged with my channel, then they can find me more easily. So then, we’ve got tags and for this I jump straight back onto Google’s keyword, planner I’ll, find things that are trending and things that are just being searched for quite a lot and in the YouTube video I tend to put about 10 to 15 tags. Not too many pick about five or six that are specific and then five or six that are more general and then just the last thing, something which is again very underplate. I think not too many people understand the importance of it is to schedule your uploads.

Let’S try and upload at a consistent rate whether it’s once a day once every two days once every three days add a similar sort of time each day, so people can get used to that sound schedule and work around it. Stereo guys. I hope you found that video useful and I hope you use it to make better content on your own channels. Also, we’ve got a Q .