The Best Android Tablet EVER!!

The Best Android Tablet EVER!!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Best Android Tablet EVER!!”.
So, what’s up guys and welcome to the shield tablet k1, which I’m going to go ahead and say that for the price it comes out, is the number one tablet ever in the entire world, let’s find out where that is so created by the graphics company Nvidia. This is a gaming centric device and from the second you take it out the box. It makes it pretty clear not only if we’ve got two gigabytes of RAM, but the Tegra k1 SOC, which has a 192 core GPU 2 gigabytes of RAM, may not sound like much but most games. Nowadays, they don’t really use more than about a gigabyte, and this cpu GPU combination on the k1 is honestly potent to put it into perspective.

This guy was released two and a half years ago and is still one of the most powerful small form tablets out there. So not only can this guy play pretty much every single Android game out there out of full 60 frames per second, but it does better because NVIDIA has added in extra gaming features. It’S got a HDMI port, a console mode, so you can plug into a TV with 4k output.

You can stream games from your PC, similar to Sony’s remote play, but even better than that. The shield devices actually have their own set of exclusive Android games. Full console games like Borderlands 2 Borderlands, the pre-sequel portal half-life 2. These are all playable natively on the shield device. An additional benefit of the power is that everything else runs fast. This isn’t just a gaming device and with the k1 in videos also outed its own controller, would you have to buy separately but is well worth it? It’S comfortable to hold feels a lot like the Xbox one controller and the buttons have a really good amount of travel in terms of display.

We’Ve got a 1920 by 1080 p panel, but, interestingly enough, it’s in an 8 inch form factor and, to be honest, I was a bit skeptical, but after using it, I honestly think it’s perfect. So it’s a little bit bigger than 7 inches and you can definitely feel that in terms of productivity, but it’s not so big that it feels like a full size tablet and another. Almost impressive edition from Nvidia is dual front-facing speakers they’re only a little bit basic than maybe your phone, but they’re a lot more detailed and audio sounds much more space style, which is kind of Pleasant. It gets better because built into the tablet is a stylus and it’s a little bit unusual for a gaming device, but it’s clearly something the company has spent a lot of effort on.

It’S got different levels of sensitivity and they’ve built applications just to work with it. In terms of the build, it’s nothing groundbreaking, it’s not going to blow people away, but if you’ll solid, all the way around and more importantly, comfortable to hold while gaming, it’s got a micro SD card up to 128 gigs. So all in all it pretty much completes the entire basic features that you’d want. Not that anyone really buys tablets to take photos with the camera on here would do the job.

The Best Android Tablet EVER!!

It’S not particularly detailed. It doesn’t have a particularly good level of HDR or even a very high aperture, but it does take reasonable photos in good lighting conditions. The k1 is also presented, really well makes you feel like you’re buying a product that is technically higher-end than it really is. Clearly, a lot of attention to detail has been put into the box, the accessories the charging cable that comes with it.

The Best Android Tablet EVER!!

But whilst the shield tablet is good – and by good I mean like really really good, it isn’t perfect. The on/off button is a little bit recessed and kind of tricky to press from some angles. On top of that, wall to screen is very vibrant. It’S not particularly bright. So in broad daylight, you do have a bit of a struggle trying to play on it, but overall considering the price. This is honestly an unbeaten tablet.

The Best Android Tablet EVER!!

It’S still one of the most powerful small form tablets on the market. It’S got some crazy cool features which still no one else is implemented to date. It’S got a great display, versatile inputs and all in all, an awesome tablet for gaming, for creative users and for just about anyone else.

Thanks for watching tears of Oz and I’m signing out, .