Top 10 Best Android Apps – February 2017

Top 10 Best Android Apps - February 2017

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 10 Best Android Apps – February 2017”.
So guys welcome to best Android apps off February 2017. Now I’m really trying to improve the quality of videos on this channel. So if you could support me by subscribing that would mean the world to me and with that being said, let’s get started so we’re gon na kick things off with summary scanner, an impressively simple, but at the same time genuinely useful tool. You use your camera to take photos of large chunks of text on the screen and it’ll automatically convert it using some special algorithms into an editable format on your smartphone. You can translate articles from a bunch of different languages to a whole bunch of other different languages.

Genuinely useful and once you’re done with it, you can then share the file as a PDF as an image or even let it dictate the article for you next up is a very special one. This is P cloud and it has to be one of the most impressive cloud: storage services. I’Ve ever used in my life, so there’s three different plans, one with 10 gigabytes, one with 500 and then one with 2 terabytes of varying different prices. But the feature set here is honestly incredible: you can choose to manually backup any file of your choice.

It’S got an online music player, so you can backup your entire music library and player online same for videos and photos, but on top of that it’s also got automatic backup mode, which means almost any file that’s created and you on your device it’ll instantly be transferred To the cloud, so it becomes a seamless connected experience that you just never have to worry about ever again. This is something I genuinely use on a day-to-day basis and it saved me a whole lot of hassle at number. Three: we’ve got draw Khan, a very interesting concept, because this is an entire icon pack built around your app drawer icon. Only so, essentially, it’s a whole load of just novelty, icons built at extremely high resolution and a ton of different themes.

You’Ve got grayscale, colors, all sorts and it can add a nice bit of personality to an otherwise bland or uninteresting icon pack rolling in at number. Four we’ve got curved text: it not exactly the best photo editor, but it lets you do one thing which is extremely useful curve. Your text around certain objects and is very intuitive. You simply just draw a line with your finger and the text will follow and you can write as many characters as you possibly want.

Resize change the colors and there’s a whole lotta different fonts and settings to play around with so there’s a pretty customizable experience. So in a similar vein, we’ve got shapely coat, which is a very interesting photo editor because it might not have all the customizability of apps like Adobe, Lightroom or Photoshop or any of the sort. But it does let you fiddle with geometric shapes and create very interesting patterns based on them. Following that up, we’ve got the super collection, essentially a pretty large catalog of widgets for super widget and whilst there’s no real particular theme here, there’s everything from Star Wars to things that resemble Google’s own widgets, they’re, all very, very fun, while still kind of retaining a Pretty clean art, style, they’re, colorful, vibrant and will fit almost any home screen with not too much trouble.

Top 10 Best Android Apps - February 2017

So I thoroughly recommend you give this one a go. So next up, we have app cloner, which essentially has a pretty similar feature set to applications like parallel space. Being able to log into two different accounts on the same application at the same time, but the way in which it goes about doing this is much better. It essentially creates a duplicate of the application for which you can actually change the icon. Color, the name, lots more properties about it and then simply just tapping on the icon will log you into that application in the account that you specify so very useful and also very seamless.

Top 10 Best Android Apps - February 2017

This is one that I actually use for my snapchat profiles. So then, we’ve got commander a pretty simple application that essentially makes Google now a hell of a lot smarter, so it gives it almost the same functionality as something like the Google assistant with this new and improved sort of integration with Android or Google. Now is great.

Top 10 Best Android Apps - February 2017

It does get quite a bit more useful with this app being able to do everything from clearing your notifications to sending a direct message on Twitter just through your voice. So then, we’ve got posture, a very clever application, using a combination of your accelerometers, gyroscopes and front camera. It’Ll tell you every time your neck is being strained because of using your phone it’ll. Advise you on how to make your posture better so that you don’t suffer pain later on with this tiny little red guru, that’ll appear every now and again, you can set the interval for when you want it to check, so it doesn’t drain too much battery. It’S not really an ongoing thing and after a long period of time, you probably will notice the difference.

So from the comments you guys have left. I know there’s a whole bunch of you that just absolutely love any application, which is of material design. A material compass over here will probably tick the Box quite nicely.

It’S essentially a whole compilation of different sensors that your smartphone has and it’ll. Let you use them in a way. That’S kind of pleasing to look at we’ve got everything from compass to light, to levels to magnetic fields, temperature and it all works. Well, simple! So guys thanks a lot for watching.

It really means a lot to me. If you did enjoy the video, please show your support by subscribing to the channel. That would really help me out and with that being said, I’m mister who’s, the boss and I’m signing out .