SECRETS to Save Storage Space on Android!

SECRETS to Save Storage Space on Android!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “SECRETS to Save Storage Space on Android!”.
So when it comes to clearing storage on your smartphone, there are a lot of myths out there on the right things to do and the wrong things to do. So, as we always do on this channel. We’Re going to separate the fact from the fiction and try and help you play gigabytes of storage from your smartphone. So when it comes to clearing storage on your smartphone, one of the first things you’re going to see in just about every single online guide is go to your applications and clear the cache. And what this does is deletes the stored files that aren’t essential for the running of the application and in theory that sounds great, but in practice upon relaunching the application again, a lot of those files you’ve just deleted – are going to be recreated except now the app Is going to take longer to load and it’s going to drain a little bit more battery life and a little bit more CPU performance to regenerate the files? Having said that, there is something you can do, which is quite beneficial that is related to this, might comes in the form of deleting corpse files. Now, for those of you don’t know, a corpse file is essentially the remaining cache of applications that you’ve uninstalled in the past and, unfortunately, almost all the time when you’ve uninstalled an application. Some of the files remain behind. So this is very important. So what we’re going to do is install an application called SD maid, and this has four main categories. Four main ways to clay your smartphone storage without being too invasive and clicking on the corpse Finder will do exactly what we just said. It will show you the files, you will never need again and you just hit the delete button and also using this application. If you run a full analysis, you can actually find a lot of other types of files. You don’t need, such as temporary advertising files.

So again, a lot of space cleaning tutorials will tell you to go into your folders and start deleting your photos and videos. And whilst that is technically sound advice, there is a more structured approach. You can take so first install an application called disk usage, and this is going to completely break down everything that is taking up your smartphone storage, it’s color coded, so you can find certain types of files and it’s sorted based on how much space each section takes Up so you can look at what the priority areas are.

So, as you can see here, the applications flagged up that I have one video file, which is taking up three point: three, seven gigabytes of storage. You simply tap it. It’Ll show you the file in a folder, and you can delete it, and the same is true for applications.

So for all of you guys, you have a premium music subscription, it could be, Spotify could be title, could be, Google music doesn’t really matter. There is a common trap people fall into because with the premium versions, you tend to have the option to download songs, to listen offline, a lot of users just download every single song. They like what it might be a better idea to do if you’re short on storage, because songs do end up taking a lot of space, is to actually selectively download. So, for example, if the only time you listen offline is when you’re in the gym, then only download the songs that you actually listen to in the gym for the rest of them, you could just add them to a playlist. We just don’t need to save them. Offline, so another huge suspect for low storage on smartphones is repeated photos often times when people take one photo.

They end up taking five and they never actually sift through at the end to find out which one they want to key. So this application called duplicate photo remover, essentially scans through every single file on your smartphone, which can take a while, but it can run in the background and when it’s done it’ll give you two options. You can either delete all photos which are completely identical, which may save a little bit of storage or you can delete all photos that are similar, which will save you a lot and the app will try to keep the Clarys photo among a group of photos.

SECRETS to Save Storage Space on Android!

So another thing which to be honest, I’ve been going on and on about is the idea of installing google photos to manage all your photos on your device. For one main reason, it has a button which, when clicked, will automatically back up a folder or file, and the best bit about it is there is absolutely zero limit on the number of files you can actually store by using this method. The only thing worth bearing in mind is that now your photos are stored online.

SECRETS to Save Storage Space on Android!

Some of your older ones won’t be able to be retrieved unless you have a Wi-Fi connection and also they can be a little bit compressed and the other option you have when it comes to backing up is Google Drive, and the benefit here is that, first of All it’s not restricted to photo and video and second of all, there is ZERO compression whatsoever, but as with almost everything, there is a trade-off by default. You’Ll have 15 gigabytes free, but you will have to pay to purchase more storage online so guys. I really hope you enjoyed the video and that that being said, I’m too user boss and I’m haha .