$150 Samsung Galaxy S8 – With Infinity Display!?

$150 Samsung Galaxy S8 - With Infinity Display!?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “$150 Samsung Galaxy S8 – With Infinity Display!?”.
So this is the blue boo si and of every single smartphone that has ever tried to imitate the Galaxy s8. This has apparently done the very best job hellishly has these same infinity display and the same 18 to 9 aspect ratio. So it would be very interesting to see how it stacks up present started. So take a look around the box. We can see it’s got a pretty standard, matte black cardboard material, but I really do like the shiny etched writing on top.

It does actually reminisce and look quite similar to the Galaxy S II, its original packaging, with its own twist. I like that. It’S not directly copying it and then on the back. We have these specifications and little notice. That essentially says this is the engineering sample of the phone, not necessarily final retail one, but in almost all cases, they’re pretty much identical. So, let’s crack it open, okay! Well, that’s not working, okay and well. On top, we actually have these smart phone tray. Put that to the side and Russia gon na, compare it to the original Galaxy s8 plus in this article, because that’s the phone I kind of have with me be an interesting comparison to make. So we have an initial box well, first of all, we have the sim ejector tool. Now this is a bit of an unconventional shape and then a plastic screen protector with ridiculous dimensions and now 18 to 9 is a long aspect ratio. But this thing over here is about three times as high as it is long. This makes no sense whatsoever. Anyway, we have an instruction manual or warranty material, a USB C two headphone jack adapter, which, to be honest, I think, is a bit of a shame. The fact that the smartphone has actually skipped a headphone jack, considering it’s a budget phone and it doesn’t really have any particular size limitations that doesn’t need to be six millimeters thin.

There’S actually no point, and besides the original Galaxy s8 is trying to imitate actually has one, and the last thing in here is a little silicon case. So this is very standard blue-blue procedure where they set of matte texture interior, and that gives us some indication as to what the phone looks like and straight away. You can tell the back does look a little bit different, because this smartphone has a dual camera which the original s8 didn’t have so that’ll be exciting to see.

$150 Samsung Galaxy S8 - With Infinity Display!?

Aside from that, we have a USB type-c cable over here and then a charging adapter first thing that finishes crazy. Now, we’ve, of course, all seen metallic finishes before, but the way this one effects light is really rather unique, although whilst it does look like it’s textured absolute, it isn’t at all it’s completely smooth, but not necessarily in a bad way. While the company has done is integrated an anti fingerprint nano coating on the rear of the device, and it is working pretty well, I’m holding the phone gripping it and, unlike with the Galaxy s8, which was a complete fingerprint magnet, it’s actually not showing up too much.

$150 Samsung Galaxy S8 - With Infinity Display!?

Here now, my other first impression is that this is one thick phone, but nonetheless it does still feel rather comfortable in hand. Whilst the back is glossy, it is actually still got a nice little grip to it. It’S got a soft finish. So what we’re gon na do now is flick forward a little bit and I’m gon na tell you what you need to know about the smartphone.

$150 Samsung Galaxy S8 - With Infinity Display!?

Let’S go the first thing worth mentioning the real elephant in the room here is the 207 gram mass of the smartphone. Considering its actual dimensions and its footprint, it’s incredibly dense, but nonetheless, because of the even distribution of the weight, whilst it’s hardly as svelte as the equivalent Galaxy s8, it is at least pretty unobtrusive to hold what blue goo is done with the finish of the phone. I think is very clever. First of all, the nano coating resists a good 50 60 % to the marks itself, but then you combine that with the texture behind it and from most angles you pretty much won’t be able to see them at all. Also, rather, ironically, they’ve managed to set up a fingerprint scanner to work better than it does on the Galaxy s8. So that’s the real plus point here. It’S easy to feel for and really rather first, the display here really is quite interesting.

We’Ve got a 5.7 inch. 720 by 1440 screen and as you’ll notice, that is quite a stretch dimension, because this is using the same 18 tonight aspect ratio as the s8. What is interesting, though, is that, while this screen is five point, seven inches tall on the s8 is five point. Eight and the slight difference comes because of these small black bars. You see around the edge, and unfortunately this is where the marketing starts to become a little bit misleading.

The phone claims to have an 83 % screen to body ratio, which is exactly the same as one seen on the s8, but actually that only would have been the case if this black section around the screen was also display, which it isn’t as it happens. We end up with about 79 % screen to body ratio, which is good but not great blue view. S8 combines an MT 6 750 T with three gigabytes of RAM, which essentially gives it solid entry level performance of the games. I’Ve tried it already have too many problems in terms of either compatibility or in terms of frame rate. Clearly, you will be limited in the number you can play. You won’t be running around playing first-person shooters or an of the sort. The UI runs along at a pretty nippy rate, to be honest, and it does feel like it’s benefiting from having that three gigs of RAM and speaking of the UI. This thing is actually running something called 360 OS if the company’s own software based off hundreds 7.0. Here and it feels almost like a halfway house between an old version of TouchWiz and MIUI. Whilst I wouldn’t say I hate the way it looks, I don’t love it either. It comes with some useful features like a quick launch menu and the ability to flick between different folders on your home screen. That’S a cool idea now, unfortunately, with the camera, as with the previous blue boot S, one I tried is one big gimmick. It is marketed as a 16 megapixel sensor, but it’s actually a 13 and in the very best conditions it can take decent photos. Having said that, should anything not go the cameras way such as a little bit of blur a little bit of unsteady hand. Motion. Then, all of a sudden, your photos aren’t going to look great as with the s1 before it, the bokeh mode is complete rubbish. To be honest, it doesn’t work at all, instead of utilizing the dual cameras to sense, depth and blow the background.

What it does is use a circular blur effect to blur everything around what you focused on on the plus side. Here we’ve got a three thousand four hundred and fifty milliamp hour battery, and it does a pretty decent job. You can get about a day and a half of moderate usage out of it.

I almost half wish they’d made that battery smaller and made the firm the same size as the s8. That kinda would have made more sense, given its intentions. Another plus point is the microSD card support, so as well as the 32 gigabytes of internal storage, we can get another 256 that way, so that is the blue boo s8. A set of impressive features, unfortunate setbacks, but then also some redeeming factors as an overall prospect. It’S not a terrible smartphone. We’Ve got an eye-catching design and display.

We’Ve got a good battery life as well as decent performance to boot. Unfortunately, there are quite a few things about this firm, which really could have been better, but some of them can be forgiven due to its entry-level price point thanks a lot for watching I’m sting is the boss and I’ll see you next time. .