Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test Comparison

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test Comparison

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test Comparison”.
So guys welcome to another camera comparison. We have the brand new Samsung Galaxy, Note 8 on the right and the one plus five on the left. These are two of the best 4k dual cameras of 2017. So let’s pitch them head-to-head and see which one wins.

Oh, this is such an important compression to make, because if you take a glance at the phone specification sheets, it may seem as if they have identical videotaping capabilities. Both take 2160p Ultra HD video at 30 frames per second, but there is so much more hidden beneath that figure. So, let’s dive right into it. Talking about the general video quality and the colors and the contrast, you’ll notice. The note 8 does look quite a bit better.

In this case the colors have a slightly more red tinge to them, as opposed to the green tinge. Seen only one 5 further more colors are noticeably more vibrant and the contrast is a little bit greater too. So, whilst these phones are shooting at an identical resolution, sometimes it can seem as if the note 8 actually has a sharper and more well defined output. Not only this, but in about 80 % of cases.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test Comparison

The images and videos that come out. The note 8 actually seem a little bit brighter. There is more light in the shots and combine that with the extra color makes nature photography, especially really shine.

The note 8 also does far better justice to portraits when you’re taking photos and videos of people. It just makes them look much better, a much more well defined against their backgrounds. Now one of the subtle things I did notice about the 1 plus 5s camera holding both frames side-by-side is of every equivalent shot. The 1 plus 5 is slightly more zoomed in it captures less of its surroundings. The lens is less wide, which isn’t necessarily a huge problem and, to be honest for the most part, you only notice it holding them side by side.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test Comparison

So then we have stabilization, and for me personally, this is where it gets very, very interesting, because you might know that the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 comes with dual optical image: stabilization and the 1 plus 5. Neither the 1 plus 5 is backed up completely by electronic image. Stabilization, which was just added in a recent update, but the wave thing is here: is that a lot of the time it actually does a better job? It does feel that sometimes the note 8, with this optical image stabilization, spends so much time trying to figure out what it’s doing with its video to make it as optically stable as possible. That ends up often being a little bit jerk. It’S a bit of an odd phenomenon, but when you’re holding both these phones and walking around the impact of your feet on the floor and the shutter it creates seems to be more of a problem for the note 8, with its OAS than it does. For the 1 plus 5, with its a is, the one thing to bear in mind is that the on plus 5 is a perfect example of how cameras can be improved with software updates. The note 8 right now is running somewhat of a pre-release software, whereas Elan plus 5 is had a lot of time to mature, so bear this in mind and it could improve over time. The apparent 2 times lost the zoom on both smartphones, surprisingly, am quite interestingly.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Oneplus 5 Camera Test Comparison

Actually has rather different implications, so first of all d1 plus 5 Ashley zooms in quite a bit closer you’ll notice that when you compare the two zoomed in images side-by-side, you get a much more macro image on the 1 plus 5. So that means that if you’re looking at telephoto objects objects further away, 1 plus 5 might be doing a better job here. However, the other thing to bear in mind is that, when zoomed in the note 8 is doing a much better job at retaining its colors and contrasts, whereas the secondary camera on the note 8 has an f2 point for Upshur. The one alert 1 plus 5 has an f2 point: six, which essentially means it lets less light in.

So when you are zooming in you’re, essentially somewhat bottlenecked by the F 2 point: 6 aperture, the slow-motion on the Galaxy Note: 8, absolutely blitzes, the 1 5. Not only our colors and contrast held up much better together, but also at 720p you’re, getting 240 frames per second here versus the 1 5 120 now. Another interesting observation is that when you have light behind the subject, the note 8 is far better at coping with this HDR scenario. It can do that while retaining the color and the detail of the foreground object.

Focus. Time is another really important specification for videographers. It essentially means that when you tap your screen to manually focus the camera, how quickly does it occur and, to be honest on the note 8, even on its pre-release software, it is very, very fast faster than the 1 5. The autofocus moving the camera from one object to another, just snaps into place, really is rather nice.

The only thing worth bearing in mind is that it can seem a little bit jerky. You will notice that the autofocus on the 1 5 is a little bit smoother. It creates a soft transition between focusing on one object to another, which, actually, you might argue, it feels a lot more natural when it comes to taking macro shots. Both cameras on their primary sensors, at least have F point-seven apertures, which means you get loads of nice. Bow care and really good focus on the subject itself.

Both phones producing really crisp, really sharp, looking output, whether it comes to video or photo and, as is the case with the wider angle, shots again with macros. The extra color and contrast seen on the note 8 gives photos a little bit more definition now. Having two cameras on the back of any smartphone has a lot of implications, but the largest one here is probably the portrait mode.

It offers the ability to create an almost artificially high level of bokeh and depth field, giving the effect at least of having a DSLR camera. It works really well on both both seem to have a very good level of edge detection being able to detect. What is the foreground? What is the background and blur accordingly? The only thing you’re really continued to notice here is the lack of color vibrancy on the 1 5. The front camera story here is a little bit unusual because, whilst the 1 5 here is limited to 1080p, the Galaxy Note 8 front.

Camera can do a whole 1440p video, so this is ultra sharp, looks really really good and you’ll notice. It also has a slightly wider angle, and so, if you are planning on vlogging the notate, it does a far better job here. The audio quality on both of these is top-of-the-line. They do a good job of removing background noise and making vocals and voices some crystal-clear.

The only thing I have noticed on the note 8 – and we can put this down to pre-release software, because it’s an easy fix, is the fact that the front camera can take ages to focus so there we have it. Those are two of the best smartphone cameras on the entire market, pitched head-to-head all the note 8 does seem like the more promising option, with better colors and contrast, but a slow motion. An optical image. Stabilization built-in is worth bearing in mind that the e is built into the 1 plus 5 is really rather good, and for a lot of cases you can’t even tell it’s not oh, is is also sometimes hard to forget that the Galaxy Note 8 costs almost twice As much as the one plus 5 and when you factor that in it’s very surprising that a phone like the oneplus 5 can even keep up at all there, we go guys.

I really hope you enjoyed video anestis, the boss next time, .