Instagram Tricks that EVERYONE Should be using!

Instagram Tricks that EVERYONE Should be using!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Instagram Tricks that EVERYONE Should be using!”.
The number of people using Instagram has skyrocketed in the last few years and I’m willing to bet that after watching this video, if you have Instagram you’re going to use at least one of the things I show you and if you don’t you’re gon na really really Want to download it for the Bing said: let’s get started now. One great feature by Instagram stories is that it lets you upload from your camera roll, but the limitation here is that you can only upload photos that you have taken on your phone in the last 24 hours. But if you actually want to upload photos older than that there’s a very easy workaround simply find the photo in your Photos. App take a screenshot with your phone and then upload the screenshot of that photo pretty cool. Another thing – and this is more of a tip than anything else, but it’s recommended that you actually hide all the filters.

You don’t use on a regular basis, and this has two benefits. Not only does this mean that when you’re uploading a photo, you aren’t scrolling through 30 or 40 filters just to find me four or five you normally use, but also means that your Instagram profile itself will look more consistent. The best way to achieve a consistent, really good, aesthetic tear Instagram profile, is to stick to as few different filters as possible. When people visit your profile, your page will have a far more clean and uniform aesthetic.

If you actually just stick to a few, your photos will have these same color hues. It’Ll, look way better trust me now. No doubt one of the reasons Instagram has taken off so much is that, as well as being a powerful social media in its own right, it also has a pretty good photo editor built inside of it. Now, if you wanted to use Instagram just for its photo editing capabilities, you can do that simply turn on airplane mode. Do all the edits you need to do and then post it and make sure you have the setting turned on where it automatically downloads. All the original files from your Instagram so they’ll automatically save it to your gallery and you’ve got the edited version of your original photo trillians from editing app now again using the same technique. You can do something pretty clever. You can apply two filters to the same.

Photo which Instagram doesn’t let you do natively so do this process download your edited photo and then re-upload it when airplane mode is off. You can then re. Add it to it as if it was an original photo without any filters, and you can try to at the same time you can get some pretty unusual, color combinations by doing this. Another thing that a lot of people are really not aware of is that you can do hands-free recording so a lot of people record their stories.

They are constantly holding their film on screen like this because they think that’s what you need to do, but actually, when you’re in the camera, app within Instagram, simply swipe to the right, and there is a hands-free recording option. And that means that once you’ve started it’ll. Only stop either when the time runs out and when you tap the button again. There is also for those of you with prying friends and family, a way to hide your Instagram story from certain users.

So, just before you take, it simply hit the Settings icon and there is a little button which you can then open up a menu and select the contacts. You don’t want to see your story if, for example, you’re ready trying to grow your account you’re trying to appear in the discover tab, for example, by using carefully selected hashtags, there’s a way to hide them because for the most part they don’t look great on a Post, unfortunately, when you’re typing an Instagram caption Instagram doesn’t let you just hit the enter button. So what you have to do is to put a piece of punctuation. For me, I find the most seamless one is a full stop below your lines, so you can actually have a little caption at the top with some text then use maybe three full stops below one after the other, and then you can write your hashtags, and that Means when people are scrolling through, unless they expand the post, they won’t be able to see them now what tends to happen with most people in their day to day lives if they have periods where they get almost no content and then periods where they get piles And piles of really cool stuff to post if, for example, to go on a really cool holiday. But there’s a way to even it out to maximize your engagement and also to make sure you’re posting at peak times to get the most likes. So using a third-party app like HootSuite allows you to do just that.

Instagram Tricks that EVERYONE Should be using!

You can schedule posts pick not only the day, but also the exact time and pre-plan your captions. Something else which i think is a really good way to use Instagram is to decide your next holiday destination so simply hitting that search button typing in any location. You can see photos that people have taken from that location and you might think well. I could just Google that on Google Images and find the same thing, but the thing is content you see. A is taken by amateurs is taken by people who are there to have a good time to experience the culture on the ground, and so the actual content is a little bit more relatable than what you might find on. Google images, which are like stock photos taken by professionals to show off the landscape, so there we have it.

Instagram Tricks that EVERYONE Should be using!

I really hope you found that useful and I’ve got loads. More videos like this on my channel, so if you did enjoy it, be sure to stick with that being said, I’m mr. Biswas, I’m Sonia .