Google Pixel 2 XL vs Oneplus 5

Google Pixel 2 XL vs Oneplus 5

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel 2 XL vs Oneplus 5”.
So today we’re complying the brand new pixel to excel with a 1 plus 5 which, on the face of it, might seem like a bit of an odd comparison to make. But as we head through, it it’ll start to make more sense. So to kick things off we’re going to very quickly summarize some of the main pros and cons of buying each smartphone. The first thing to notice about both of these smartphones is that neither supports wireless charging and neither has an SD card slot now. These are both kind of disappointing and the SD card slot is normally removed in order to encourage people to buy the highest storage option, which normally quite a bit more expensive than the base models.

Google Pixel 2 XL vs Oneplus 5

One thing they both have in common is fantastic, fingerprint scanners that are not only well positioned, unlike perhaps the s8 or the note 8, but also they’re, very fast unlock. You can feel for them, and your fingers will naturally fall in place on top of them. It also has dual front-facing stereo speakers, which, frankly speaking both in terms of volume and fullness, put the 1 plus 5s little one in the corner to complete shame it’s ip67 water-resistant, which is not great, considering it’s late, 2017 and most phones have ip68. But taking a look at the 1 plus 5 that has no certification whatsoever.

Now some people who’ve actually tried using the oneplus 5, have dunked it in water for some strange reason, but somehow the phone has survived it. So, unofficially, the phone is somewhat water-resistant, but I wouldn’t recommend trying it. Also. The benefit to buying a product directly from Google is that you get the latest version of stock Android.

For example, the pixel 2 out of the box is gon na have Android 8.0, whereas for the 1 5 the company hasn’t even made an announcement as to when this update is coming in favor of the oneplus. We’Ve got a headphone jack which, for some people is going to make no difference whatsoever and for other people is gon na, be the reason you side with this smartphone, but also we have the oneplus 5 saving grace the oneplus, fives strongest selling point and the main Reason we are making this comparison, its price. If you search around you, can find the oneplus 5 retailing for about 480 US dollars now, compare that to the same capacity pixel model and that’s gon na cost, you 850! So, let’s talk about screens – and this is rarely where it starts to get quite interesting.

Google Pixel 2 XL vs Oneplus 5

The 1 5 has a 5.5 inch, 1080p AMOLED display and it’s really bright, really really vibrant. In contrast, we’ve got the pixel to excel, with a 6 inch, 28 80 by 1440 display. Now this is a higher resolution display, which is also even though it’s a larger screen, a fair bit higher in terms of pixel density. So, yes, it is a sharper display, but can you really tell I’m gon na say for the average consumer? The answer is no. Now, when you look at these two ferns side by side, you’ll notice they’ve got a completely different form factor, while if the Google pixel is adopting something, they call a full screen display in a similar vein to what we’ve seen on the note 8 or the s8 Or even the LGV, 31 plus 5 plays it a bit safe in terms of its design, especially from the front of the phone.

Google Pixel 2 XL vs Oneplus 5

It almost looks like a phone from yesteryear. If it’s in probably better with flagship phones from 2016, then it does with ones from this year. So in that sense, we’ve got to give some credit to the Google phone. However, whilst Google markets this as a full screen, smartphone you’ll notice, it’s screen to body ratio is only just over 76 %. Compare that to the 1 plus 5s 73 % and actually realized is barely any difference at all. The fact the matter is the pixel to excel often has a longer display, the rather of Perun bezels around the top bottom and either side sought to somewhat counteract that. To put some context into this screen to body ratio business, the sharmini mix released in 2016 has an 80 3.6 % ratio and fair enough. That was a game-changing design and, to be honest, inspired a generation of smartphones after it.

But in the Galaxy Note 8 believe it or not, has an 83.2 % ratio which, when you compare that to the 76.4 we seen on a pixel to excel, is really a world apart. The pixel to smartphones use P earlier display technology in terms of what that translates to. Essentially, you get a very similar level of brightness to the 1 plus 5s AMOLED, but slightly, and I mean very slightly less rich colors in terms of performance. This story starts to get even more convoluted because, whilst the pixel to excel has a very solid spec sheet, it’s got a 2.35 gigahertz Snapdragon 835 and 4 gigs of ram.

That’S still top-tier the oneplus 5 pretty much blitzes it. Not only does it have either 6 or 8 gigabytes of RAM by default, but actually the processor inside is overclocked. The Snapdragon 835 in the oneplus 5 actually comes at 2.45 gigahertz, which yes is a subtle difference, but is enough for it in terms of benchmarks and other applications to slightly pull ahead now notice. Also that, because the oneplus 5 has less pixels to push on its display, everything automatically is just going to perform better.

However, in terms of UI responsiveness in terms of fluidity, both phones seem completely on par aka. These are probably two of the fastest phones to use right now, a lot of great news. The battery capacities of the two phones are really rather similar. The 1 5 has three and 300 million powers, whereas the pixel has three five twenty, but bear in mind.

The one plus five has a smaller display, as well as less pixels to push but more or less they’re gon na be very much on par and you wouldn’t buy one phone over the other just because of its battery. So, just before we get onto a camera comparison, we are trying incredibly hard to hit 700,000 subscribers by the end of this month. So if you could support me by subscribing, I would really really appreciate it. The cameras on the two phones see quite a significant divergence, whereas we know the pixel to excel has a 12 megapixel single camera. The oneplus 5 has a combination of a 16 megapixel and a 20 megapixel camera on the rear. This dual camera setup allows a 1.6 times optical zoom, which you don’t get on the pixel to excel, but the pixel thanks to Google software trickery still manages to pull off that bokeh effect, which is what most people really want. The dual camera for, and to be honest from my current testing, the portrait mode on the pixel 2xl works, really really well, it’s indistinguishable from what we’ve seen on other dual camera smartphones. The oneplus, however, does have an F 1.7 aperture compared to the Google’s F 1.8, which is a small difference, but it should mean the oneplus when you’re not using the dual camera specific features or get more light in the shot.

Both phones can shoot. 4K, video at 30 frames per second, which is fine. I mean it’s pretty good, but unfortunately, compared to the iPhones 4k 60 kind of pales in comparison. What is nice to see, though, is that with the pixel Google has introduced optical image stabilization, which works alongside the electronic image stabilization to create some super steady video. Now, though, 1 5 actually doesn’t even have optical. It uses purely electronic image stabilization and considering that it does a pretty good job, but unfortunately, it’s just not gon na be able to compete with optics now talking about the body of the two phones, the one plus five is razor thin. It’S actually seven point three millimeters at its thickest point and as she gets much thinner at the edges so because of that it cups very nicely in the hand, there’s also far thinner and far lighter than the pixel to excel. Aesthetically speaking, I do like how the pixel to excel has this to turn finish.

I like the black and the white, and I think the orange power button is gon na take a bit of getting used to, but it is a nice touch. Having said that, I think compared to the one plus 5s design, especially when looking at the rear and the 1 plus 5s matte soft of the touch finish. I think the one plus five takes it. It’S very subtle: it’s clean and the best bit, it’s practical.

It doesn’t attract finger prints. Having said that from the front, the pixel to excel is going to take it because, whilst it isn’t the full screen display, we seen it is still a full screen display and essentially you’re, comparing that to something which really does look like. It belongs last year. Right.

So to try and reconcile all of this to try and bring it together into a conclusion. The one plus five is a far far cheaper phone than the pixel to excel, but for the most part, it’s difficult to tell in terms of performance in terms of camera. In terms of battery life, DC, fans are very much in the same ballpark. The only ways in which the pixel 2xl actually pulls ahead orally in terms of display resolution and also Google’s specific software features such as the ability to take portrait mode with the front camera. Such as the ability to use google lens, which makes the camera just a little bit smarter, but apart from that, I think the phones are actually a little bit more evenly matched than they should be. Given the price difference, thanks a lot for watching guys.

Bernie hope you enjoyed the video. I just do the boss and I’ll catch you in the next one: [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], you .