The SECRET to Maximise Smartphone Battery Life?

The SECRET to Maximise Smartphone Battery Life?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The SECRET to Maximise Smartphone Battery Life?”.
Today, we’ve got a pretty interesting experiment to run. I’Ve recently come across something which I think could be pretty revolutionary. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this and some of the claims on just how much battery it can save were really rather impressive. So, as you can probably tell what we’re talking about here is making the display monochrome, which is different to every other battery saving technique, it doesn’t involve lowering resolution, it doesn’t involve lowering the brightness. This is completely different.

It might also be aware that there’s actually a grayscale feature built straight into the settings of the iPhone 10, and some people have claimed this works just as advertised, and these dark mode features as they’re commonly referred to are quite a well-established way of saving battery on Amoled displays showing as much black and as much gray as possible and as little color. Unfortunately, this process on Android devices requires unlocking the bootloader routing the phone and installing third-party applications. Luckily, for you guys, though, I’m gon na go ahead and do that now and then we’re gon na run a side-by-side comparison, one firm running the monochrome mode, the other one not doing it. I’M gon na see if it’s really worth doing so. We’Ve got ourselves two identical phones here, so you can differentiate.

One of them is the Sun stone, white, 1, 5 T and the other one is a brand new fresh out. The box midnight black 1 5 t same specs same battery same everything. Both of these phones have had no more than two full battery charging cycles, so no chance for the battery to deteriorate alright, so the routing process itself was actually a little bit easier than I thought it was gon na.

The SECRET to Maximise Smartphone Battery Life?

Be it’s not completely simple, but a lot of the guides online will pretty much take you through it individual step by step and the process takes about an hour to an hour and a half. You then boot. The phone back up, install the monochrome application on the Play, Store, I’ll, leave a link down below and we’re pretty much good to go. Alright, here’s where it gets pretty clever the way standard, grayscale applications work is they simply apply a color filter. On top of your current colored display, so in effect they are constantly running in the background and not technically speaking, saving you any battery at all. Monochrome is a little bit different. It works on the GPU level to mean your phone is only processing colors in grayscale. It’S not a case that your phone is processing every color and then just a grayscale filter is being applied on top.

The SECRET to Maximise Smartphone Battery Life?

However, to make sure it is actually saving your battery the company of configured monochrome, so that it only activates when your phone hits the low-power mode. If you are allowed to configure at what percentage you wanted monochrome to activate it would mean the application would constantly have to run in the background to monitor when the phone hits this stage. Alright. So, as promised, we’ve got a side by side comparison else.

The SECRET to Maximise Smartphone Battery Life?

We’Ve got two identical: one plus five teeth: phones, while the left is the midnight black version, unrooted, no monochrome application installed. The one on the right is the sunstone white version of the phone, which does have it. We started both phones off at 50 % and, as you can see, they’re both still in full color.

The monochrome hasn’t kicked in yet and will probably activate at either 30 percent, 20 percent or 15 percent, depending on at what percentage. Oneplus counts the phone to be on load battery, and so the idea here, what we’re really trying to achieve is to run identical applications on both phones in order to try and drain their batteries equally. And we would expect until the point where monochrome turns on both phones will drain at exactly the same rate, and upon reaching this point, we may start to see a divergence depending on well whether or not monochrome works.

So we’ve now launched one of those extreme battery way, straps, which yes, is not representative of day-to-day activity on the phone, but until we hit the point where monochrome turns on it doesn’t really matter, but just trying to get the batteries down right now, at least the Phone’S are almost neck and neck, but not quite the sandstone five teeth, one which is routed through much house monochrome installed, is actually lagging a little bit behind in terms of battery it’s about half a percent behind the midnight black one, but that level of slight variant Is to be expected even when a company is making one particular smartphone again and again, there will be slight differences in actual battery capacity. Okay, so monochrome is now turned on, so we’re gon na try and do realistic things which people might do on a day to day basis like the Play Store like internet browsing like watching youtube videos and we’re gon na see how the battery is affected and so Far so good after Betty five minutes, the monochrome seems to have pulled ahead slightly, but the difference is present and, of course this has just reversed. The trend that we saw previously so something’s happened.

We’Re gon na try opening the camera now again, something people do tend to use pretty regularly and, interestingly enough, even though the display is monochrome and it’s working at the GPU level to create that monochrome affair, you can still take caller photos after we give the phones Another 15 minutes of just having the internet browser open. The grayscale one pulls a little bit further ahead. We’Ve now got a two percentage point gap between the two phones which considering we started off at fifteen percent in this monochrome mode.

It’S quite a large difference not too much longer into this internet and video binge session. The colored display 1 5 t calls it a day. Whilst our sandstone white phone is still hanging in there with 4 percent, which, on the face of it, sounds like a subtle difference down to margin of error. But let’s do a little bit of math, sir.

Assuming both phones hit 15 % at exactly the same time. And that the grayscale phone had exactly 4 % left when the colored one had hit 0 %. This would mean the monochrome app has actually saved us about 26.7 %. When you think about the magnitude of that number, getting an extra twenty six point: seven percent battery life, whilst you’re in this phase, that’s actually quite significant and to a certain demographic, definitely justifies the effort of rooting. Your phone a couple of things to bear in mind, though this is only going to work on your phone if you’ve got an AMOLED display the whole proces of rooting, your device in order to install monochrome is gon na void your warranty.

So that’s a risk. You do after way up with the benefit anyway guys. I really hope you enjoyed this video and you found it useful, don’t forget to smash the subscribe button down below. If you did, my name is Alan. This is mr. who’s, the boss and I’m signing out. [ Applause, ] .