Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus Gaming Review! (vs OnePlus 5T)

Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus Gaming Review! (vs OnePlus 5T)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus Gaming Review! (vs OnePlus 5T)”.
Obviously, the galaxy s main plus is a capable phone, in fact, by most metrics, it’s the most powerful mobile phone on the planet. So one of the big questions I’ve been getting is what is the gaming experience like? It has? Maybe the best and brightest display ever seen on a smartphone and vastly improved, surround sound speakers which make it on one hand blissfully immersive, but there is a little bit more to it. So we’re going to go through a series of games getting more and more demanding and we’ve got some pretty interesting findings all right, so I’m rocking the s9 plus which by default, has six gigabytes of RAM, and this is the Exynos 98 10 version and the expectation Is that this is a little faster than the Snapdragon version, but performance is roughly on par, starting things off with a 2-d game like flippy knife. Obviously, performance is silky, smooth, you’re, getting 60 frames per second without a hitch, but one thing you may not have guessed is that, whilst the display is head-on one of the brightest and most beautifully colorful displays that makes even 2d games shine. It suffers from a serious amount of glare if you’re outdoors, with this phone, you tilt it severely in any direction.

The screen becomes much less easy to read, not bear mine. This is a problem that occurs with a lot of smartphones. This is not unique to the galaxy s 9, but it’s particularly noticeable on this one and the effect is a little bit more severe as you expected stepping it up to a top-down 3d game like Sky Force, reloaded the s 9 plus kills that too, but so Did the last generation of phones? One thing a side by side like this does bring to attention, though, is speaker quality. The s9 Plus has a dual speaker arrangement with a downwards firing and the earpiece both working together and the air piece is louder than you’d expect louder than a lot of other phones.

Using this arrangement so actually got a nice balanced, directional audio. It is still not loud enough to enjoy outdoors properly, but it’s a huge improvement over the Galaxy s8 pokemon go is a perfect example of how certain games perform poorly, no matter what you’re, using so far in this article, the s9 plus, has proved to be a Very powerful tool, but no amount of power can account for poor optimization. The fact of the matter is especially with the Android platform. There are certain games that just won’t run well, no matter what device you’re using playing Tekken for the first time – and I noticed a rather unexpected benefit of having this more powerful system on a chip B, blazing fast loading times and given the new Snapdragon 845 and The X nos 9810 are about 30 to 40 percent faster than the last generation. This kind of makes sense, but also what you realize when you play these games, is that many of them don’t natively support the phones unusually tall 18 point 5 to 9 aspect ratio, but the S line comes with game tools, a set of little tricks. The phone can use to do things like full screen, immersion mode, even when the apps don’t natively support it, and this seem to not cause any problems with about 80 % of the games.

I’Ve tried so a lot of the time when you don’t think you can play in full-screen. You actually can fall right-clicking this up another level we have got after pulse, which actually plays similar on 2017 flagships. Generally speaking, both can maintain the solid 30 frame per second cap, but the difference here is that with older phones, whereas the frame rate might dip in heavy action sequences that just doesn’t happen here. This new generation of system on our chips just has more Headroom to work with so you’ll find a more consistent minimum frame rate in top-tier games, which does result in a noticeably smoother experience. But you will only notice this on occasions. Ok, but as mobile devices are getting rapidly more powerful, the games available aren’t necessarily keeping up so in most of the above scenarios performance wise.

Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus Gaming Review! (vs OnePlus 5T)

Whilst the s9 flies through these games. It is extremely overkill and even smartphones from two years ago could achieve similar results. The only time this is not the case is super high-end gaming. This is where the divergence occurs.

For example, taking a segment from on to to the S line plus is miles ahead of these Snapdragon 835. In the 1 5 t on the right. It’S not close at all and the benefit of the new chips is immediately clear here. I guess the only problem is that very few games are this demanding so the times you’ll notice. This difference are minimal. One appreciated feature which was also in the galaxy s.

Eights was the ability to lower display resolution which can actually boost performance even further and save a little bit of battery in the process and theoretically here, because of the more efficient chipset the battery on this phone will be better than last generation. But this is something we are going to test fully in a dedicated battery drain test video. So if you aren’t already subscribed make sure you smash that subscribe button down below, because we’ve got a lot of cool stuff coming.

So whilst it’s a little bit too early to make any Woojin on the galaxy s, 9s gaming performance is a very powerful phone that is going to play every single title up there, at least as good, if not better than previous generations. The brand new speakers hugely compliment the gaming experience and combined, but the even brighter display than before. You’Ve got basically the best gaming experience on a mobile phone right. Now you need to potential hindrances. To this are the fact that perhaps this extra power is wasted on almost every Android game right now, and also at the fact that, even though this display is so bright, it does suffer from a bit of glare all right guys if you haven’t seen our other Samsung galaxy s 9 videos, I’m gon na leave them as an M screen to this one and what that being said, my name is Aaron. This is mister who’s, the boss and I’m sunny out .