Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MYSTERY Package from Xiaomi – MASSIVE UNBOXING!”.
Alright guys welcome to another video and, as you probably know by now, we don’t do things by halves. So we’ve got three giant packages from Xiaomi: let’s get them open opening up the first box. We’Ve got something that resembles Lego, but it doesn’t end there. Alright, in the first box alone, we’ve got five different products, and/or more to say other than let’s get right into it. First things first Shaunie’s second-generation headphones and I wouldn’t say: they’re gon na blow you away in terms of sound quality, but the design is really slick. They aren’t Wireless either, but they do come with a cable that has a remote in mic attached. One thing of note, though, the cushions and therefore resulting noise isolation are fantastic.

It’S hard to believe this is by the same company, but the second product is a sling bag, which is not a very traditional design over here in the West, but is something that is quite common in the Far East and it’s pretty tiny or you could call It fun sized because it only has a four liter capacity, so not exactly enough for a full day’s work, but plenty for phones, cash and maybe some books. Well, I’ve got to give this one thing: it’s one of the best presented construction toys. I think I’ve ever come across and it’s smart too. The hub has all manner of microphones and sensors and even four USB type-c ports to connect further interfaces and the pieces are as high-quality as with more reputable brands.


I’M pretty impressed with this one. The next item is Xiaomi’s, bluetooth, headset kind of looks like a thick version of apple’s airport, and you only get one of them here, but it does have a really high quality mic. So your voice comes across really clearly, which kind of makes sense, as calls are its main purpose. You can use it for music, but sound quality’s, pretty forgettable. Well, I can’t say I didn’t expect this video to be weird, but Xiaomi never seems to fail to surprise. It’S a company that produces all manner of weird stuff and shoes is one of them. These aren’t smart shoes, they’re literally just trainers, but I’ve got to say, they’re, not bad at all, style-wise. It’S always going to be a personal preference, but in terms of the outer materials and the comfort, it’s just as good as something that cost twice as much.


Moving on to the second big package, which kind of looks like one larger item rather than lots of smaller items, but we’ll see, as I said, with these boxes, it literally could be anything from Xiaomi. But it looks like we’ve got their robot vacuum cleaner over here and that’s something a little different. Also in the package, we’ve got the docking station, which is pretty cool because when the robot starts to run out of charge, it’ll automatically seek it out and plug itself. In okay, after about two hours of playing around with the different features here, I’ve got to say this: robot was nothing but impressive. It’S got this rotating brush which funnels dirt into the suction area, and you can also configure the power of the suction. In case you want it to be a little quieter all you wanted to pick up more stubborn dirt. It’S got a carpet mode as well, but the craziest part for me is that when you first turn the robot on and let it go, it travels all the way around the perimeter of your room. It Maps it out and basically understands where everything is so that it can make its route more efficient, alright package number three and if it’s anything like the ones we’ve seen so far, I’m pretty excited oh wow, okay, this is Shani’s 4k drone and I got to Say out of all the packages we’ve seen today, I think this is the best presented. So if it wasn’t already clear, this is the company’s DJI phantom competitor and coming from the way more expensive phantom 4. It doesn’t feel like a complete downgrade.


You’Ve got a 3-axis stabilized 4k camera here. The remote is made entirely out of plastic, but feels still nonetheless well-built. I do think the footage from the Phantom 4 is a tad crisper, but here I’ve pulled up some footage from Andy RC on YouTube. Comparing the two and you can see it’s really down to personal preference that isn’t nearly as much difference as you think so, pretty cool, alright guys. I really hope you enjoyed the video and a lot of time has been put into it.

So if he did, if he could smash that subscribe button, that would mean a lot to me and if you enjoyed it, we’ve got plenty more like this lots of mystery and boxing’s lots of cool tech from Xiaomi, Samsung, etc. So I’ll leave them as links to this video thanks for watching my name is Erin. This is mr.

who’s, the boss and I’ll catch. You guys next time you .