The Most Powerful Phone on Earth – Turing HubblePhone?

The Most Powerful Phone on Earth - Turing HubblePhone?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Most Powerful Phone on Earth – Turing HubblePhone?”.
So you might have heard of Turing that company behind the cheering phone and a number of other wacky smartphone projects – well, it turns out they’ve now evolved from curing robotic industries to tearing space industries and with this they’ve launched a new device, the Hubble first to call It unorthodox wouldn’t be doing it any justice and while Turing’s patchy history doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, there is something to take away from here. So, let’s break it out so a few weeks ago the company dropped a surprise trailer and it’s not great. The first minute and a half just shows a planet from different angles and without context, you’d, probably think you’re looking at something straight out of National Geographic. But then we see the phone and I’m sure a lot of people will agree with what my sister first said.

I don’t get it three displays and not in any kind of configuration we’ve seen before. If I pause the video here, you can see two sections. The left contains a single 11.8 inch curved display that covers both the front and the back of that side on the right. You’Ve got two separate 5.4 inch displays one of the front and one on the back. What makes this cooler is that the right side is capable of rotating not just up and down, but also outwards, click shoutout to Squarespace for being the sponsor of this video, whether you need a domain website or an online store, make it with Squarespace.

Cheering has already detailed some crazy specifications, but before we get carried away, this almost looks like a piece of science fiction. What are the chances it actually comes out? Touring is a bit of an odd company. They have delivered on some past projects, but many have also never seen the light of day, so I would say it depends. It depends essentially on how much interest this marketing gathers. The phone is slated for release in 2020. So if you just think about that, how many times do you see a smartphone trailer two years before the phone actually comes out? You don’t, and the reason for that is that what you’re seeing is part trailer but also part test, runs having only recently emerged from bankruptcy with a small phone team that doesn’t exactly have the greatest reputation.

Not to mention that the CEO explicitly confirmed that the Hubble phone is going to be their last attempt at the smartphone market. This is a group of people that doesn’t really have any lose. This trailer is almost the equivalent of a crowdfunding campaign, a risk-free way of seeing if people are interested, I’m willing to bet this phone isn’t even close to production yet, and it will only start making it if people get excited enough, so the strategy seems to be Make the craziest most unique and most attention-grabbing phone and then worry about building it later if it works, the product spec page lists a 60 megapixel camera and an eye-watering 15 times optical zoom, which is like he made possible by housing. The optics inside this large bulge. Between the two sections, it gets better though two batteries and two Snapdragon 805 chips, one in each section, so it seems like from the way they expected out that these two halves of the phones, these two different sections, will work independently, almost like two different machines that Are connected by a hinge, I’m really struggling to see the benefit, but you got to admit it is AI grubbing. Having said that, there are some clever ideas here: the programmable button, which has no other purpose than for you to decide what you want to do with it.

A ring flush around the camera, which could give yourself ease that cinematic look not to mention a full-scale scroll wheel, which, when you think about how much scrolling people do on their phones, now isn’t a dumb suggestion. I’Ve got to say I am baffled as to why the phone still has these giant notches. On its screens, I mean we are pretty much better for them in 2018. I can’t imagine people are going to react to it very well in 2020, but that’s not really.

The problem, the problem is that this kind of marketing is now pretty common and people don’t buy into it like they used to the Hubbell phone. Trailer has nearly 200,000 views, so that’s great right. Well know, if you look closer, it has about 200 engagements from likes and dislikes. An average video on YouTube has a 3 to 5 percent engagement rate, or is right. Now this one is sitting at 0.1 %, so long story short cheering has paid for about 160,000 of these views and a maximum of 10,000 are organic, all right guys. So what do you think the Hubbell phone you? Would you buy into a concept like that or do you prefer the structure and the shape of smart phones as they currently are? Let me know in the comments.

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