OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR / XS vs Mate 20 Pro vs Note 9 Battery Life DRAIN TEST

OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR / XS vs Mate 20 Pro vs Note 9 Battery Life DRAIN TEST

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR / XS vs Mate 20 Pro vs Note 9 Battery Life DRAIN TEST”.
The oneplus 60 has just come out only a few days after the curious iPhone 10 are, and my twitter has been flooded with questions about battery life. So here are the answers. Welcome to the battery test. All phones right now are on 100 %, and the first thing to quickly do is to calibrate the displays, so I’m using a plain white internet page and the luminance meter to check that each is at an equivalent brightness, not necessarily each one’s maximum brightness, because well That varies bear in mind. They may look a little different on camera, but that’s partly because they’re different white balances on each screen and partly because of these slight angle, the camera is seeing that some of them from first things, first we’re putting up SoundCloud and I’ve set the volume on each Phone to an equivalent level, because just like weather displays this quite a disparity here.

OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR / XS vs Mate 20 Pro vs Note 9 Battery Life DRAIN TEST

The oneplus 60 has a single downwards firing speaker, whereas all four other phones have some sort of dual speaker setup. Moving over to Twitter now and in this article generally we’re going to try and simulate not an extreme scenario like we usually do with pure gaming and benchmarks, but more of a typical usage case with music, social media and Denson games so thumbs up. If that is something you prefer because well, it takes a hell of a lot of time to film. The iPhone 10 R has already fallen into last place, which is kind of a surprising result, because typically iPhones tend to show a higher battery percentage towards the beginning.

As they are starting to deplete now, I’m moving over to Facebook because, let’s be honest, social media is probably where a large portion of your smartphone usage time goes and I’m really curious to see not just the oneplus 60, but also how they mate 20. Pro performs because, whilst I’ve been using that as my main phone and we already know, the battery is pretty great, I’m yet to do a side-by-side comparison like this, but on paper it’s got a lot going for it, the largest capacity of the bunch and an efficient Seven nanometer chip selassie so far. Looking at the current results, the wampler 60 is doing pretty. Well, it’s pretty much on par with the tennis Mac’s that mate 20 Pro and the note 9, which are all sitting there in one cluster together, and one of the main reasons for this is the display resolutions.

You might notice that for this test, as most of the phone running out closer to 1080p, I’ve set the note nine animate 20 Pro, which can have their resolutions adjusted to default Full HD plus resolutions. In the past, I have used the note 9 on its maximum quad HD, plus setting so it’ll, be interesting to see if changing it back to stock allows it to beat out the 10s max, as well as how it compares to the new 60 right. So nearly two and a half hours into this test now and you’ll notice, the iPhone 10 R has been completely left behind, which is a bit of a weird result, because the iPhone 10 R is claimed to be the best iPhone for battery life.

Ever it’s display size and resolution are lower than the tennis max, and this is only the second charging cycle on the phone, so there is ZERO room for the battery to have deteriorated here, but there are a few potential explanatory factors. This phone’s battery capacity is the smallest at the bunch and while iPhones can typically make do with less capacity, the 10 R is the only phone here to use a power-hungry LCD display, but even then this alone doesn’t explain the sheer size of the gap we’re seeing And my suspicion is that a lot of the other tests will have used all phones on their maximum brightness, whereas because the 10 Oz display isn’t quite as bright as the others and it’s viewing angles not as consistent. I’Ve had to set its brightness percentage higher, and this is most probably working against it. Bringing attention back to the Android phones, you’ll notice, the hallway mate 20 Pro has now got a slight lead over the note 9, which in itself is slightly ahead of the oneplus 60. It’S still very tight, though I was almost expecting to see a larger difference between the mate and the note 9.

The oneplus is performing well and I didn’t expect any less since the oneplus 5, their phones have offered consistently good battery life, considering their capacity. I would say this reputation slipped a little with the 5 T and the 6, because the company kept the same battery capacity but kept making the screen larger. But now, with the 60, the battery life has been increased to match and clearly this combined with Android 9 and all the little fiddling that oneplus does under the hood, has led to a phone that is very well optimized. So we’re nearing the 5 hour mark now and the iPhone 10 are well really.

Both iPhones are a fair bit behind the other 3 Android phones, but a few things to bear in mind. Firstly, that the three Android phones we are comparing against our pretty much the best of the best which is making it look like the iPhones, completely failed when actually it’s all relative, not to mention that, even though, in this test we’re not doing benchmark after benchmark. This is still a demanding scenario: we’ve got the Wi-Fi on we’ve got bluetooth on, we’ve got brightness is all set to high, and even the speakers on also because the oneplus 60 has only a 1080p display and the meet 20 Pro and galaxy note 9 have been Set to 1080p, this makes the iPhone Tenace max the firm that is pushing the most pixels, not to mention the one that is doing it across the largest area.

OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR / XS vs Mate 20 Pro vs Note 9 Battery Life DRAIN TEST

As we near the end of the test, I’m just going to speed up the timer to finish it off quickly, but notice that the oneplus 60 and the Galaxy Note 9 have lost a massive chunk of battery here, whether that’s the gaming or the video compression. I’M not too sure, but either way it puts the iPhone Tenace max ahead of the Wampler 60 mind, you that’s hardly an insult iOS 12, which is what that phone is running on, is very, very efficient when it comes to battery management, and the same can be Said for the a12 Bionic chip that is powering it, it’s not long before the 10s max then goes, and this leaves the no.9 with just a couple of percent left and the mate 20 pro, which now has a pretty substantial lead and is sitting at 12. Well now: 11: the note 9 is now finished with over seven hours of on-screen time and if we fast-forward a little bit you’ll see that the timer actually runs out before the mate 20 Pro does.

OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR / XS vs Mate 20 Pro vs Note 9 Battery Life DRAIN TEST

This is the first time I think this has ever happened on. One of these tests so to continue to keep track of the phone. I’Ve had to look at the actual time and then work backwards from there. So yeah there goes the huawei mate 20 Pro, and that leaves us with the results.

So in fifth place was the iPhone at 10 are with five hours in one minute, and I did check online and a lot of people seem to have this phone pegged as better performing than the 10s max. But I even charged both of those phones up again and redid the test with the similar result. So my best guess is that when you set the iPhone 10 R to an equivalent brightness, not just putting max brightness on all phones, it doesn’t seem to last as long as the 10s max. This was followed by the oneplus 60, where they really solid six hours and forty seven about nine minutes later the tennis max finished and remember a whilst what we’ve done here isn’t an extreme usage case.

It’S definitely an above-average one. So each of these top four phones, I’d say, has got very strong battery life. You’Ve then got the note nine, with seven hours and seven minutes, which is 11 minutes ahead of the iPhone 10’s max, but bear in mind that this is when it’s on it’s 1080p setting. If you do set the note to its maximum resolution, we’ve done that comparison before the iPhone 10’s max tends to outlast it and, last but not least, the huawei mate 20 pro 7 hours 44 is how long ended up lasting, which is well pretty much the best Performing battery I’ve ever seen on a mainline flagship phone, but at the same time, whilst it is ahead of the note 9, the Tenace Max and the oneplus 60, it’s not so far ahead that I would call it in a different league and all four of those Phones, as I said, offer very serviceable battery life thanks a lot for watching guys. My name is Aaron. This is mr.

Hughes, the boss and I’ll catch you in the next one. You .