Article 13 – The Future of Mrwhosetheboss.

Article 13 - The Future of Mrwhosetheboss.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Article 13 – The Future of Mrwhosetheboss.”.
You might know that I made a video a couple of months ago on article 13, this copyright law, letting you guys know that it could very well be the beginning of the end for this channel. So, as you can probably imagine, it’s been on my mind. Every single day since I’ve been trying to film videos as well as I can, but at the same time making a contingency plan all with a fair bit of panicking for an end. But I wanted to say that I was shocked.

I was shocked that nearly a thousand people tweeted out the hashtag when this video went live. In fact, I was talking to another youtuber and he told me that people were turning up to his Meetup to ask him if there’s any way he could help the channel and even two months later, a lot of you guys are still asking for an update, and I honestly didn’t expect people to care or engage with it nearly as much as they actually did, and so trust me when I say I really really appreciated it and I wanted to apply to every single person, but I didn’t want to do so until I had A definitive update, oh now, I do for those of you who aren’t quite up to date. Article 13 is a law, that’s been proposed in the European Union and I won’t go into the specifics here. But if implemented could mean that all videos from independent you creators could end up being blocked worldwide, and so when this was proposed, nobody really raised any eyebrows. Until September last year, when the EU got together and approved it, nobody saw that coming as you can probably imagine, then the entire internet kicked off.

This article has the potential to completely destroy creative communities, put people out of a job and what people seem to be most worried about, take memes away a petition started which now sits at 4.5 million signatures, there’s one of the most signatures ever so with this spreading Awareness of the consequences of article 13, when the EU countries got together to talk about it last Friday, eleven of them now stand firmly against it, and so collectively they couldn’t come to a conclusion, and then they also went further to cancel the next meeting. That was going to happen this Monday. This continuous overwhelming criticism has also meant that whilst they’re at it, the government is had to revise article 13 quite significantly to the point where even the music industry you are original backers of the directive have said that it’ll do more harm than good. Essentially – and I don’t want to celebrate too early – I don’t want to jinx anything, but it looks like we’ve done it.

It’S good news and it looks like in some capacity things will carry on and it’s really just put everything into perspective. For me, I spent the last two months planning for and expecting the worst, so you can imagine right now. I feel incredibly lucky incredibly grateful and incredibly determined to do something real with this, and so I thought this would be a pretty good opportunity for a very long overdue update.

Essentially, I want 2019 to be a massive year. I want to improve faster than we’ve ever done in any past year and to give you an idea of how fast we have improved in past years. This was the channel in 2018. Today we are counting down some of the most epic smartphone fails of all time, and this is 2017 so guys this is it. I just walked out of my final ever University exam, pretty terrifying stuff.

Article 13 - The Future of Mrwhosetheboss.

If you follow over on Twitter you’ll see that I set a goal of 3.5 million subscribers which we’re not gon na hit at the current trajectory. But I am ready to throw everything into this. I’M about to start expanding the team and working on some pretty big collapse which you’re gon na find out about pretty soon, and I also just wanted to say that almost everything I know about YouTube. I’Ve learned from your constructive criticism.

Article 13 - The Future of Mrwhosetheboss.

So if ever you’re watching one of these videos – and you think maybe I could benefit by stunning further back or moving to a different position or doing something a little bit differently, then let me know I will make a conscious effort to take that on board. Also, as you can probably tell I’ve been playing around with a few different camera angles, this one right here feels a little weird because I’m actually standing for one of the first times in years, while recording. But let me know if you think it’s better, then maybe we’ll stick with it. That’S pretty much the update just to say that I’m incredibly grateful, but also the fact that I don’t take that kind of support for granted. That was, unlike anything, I’d ever seen before. So, thank you and I’ll catch you in the next one.

Article 13 - The Future of Mrwhosetheboss.
