Beware of Fake Reviewers! ⚠️

Beware of Fake Reviewers! ⚠️

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Beware of Fake Reviewers! ⚠️”.
Okay, i really don’t like calling out other people, but this has gotten bad fake tech reviewers to which you might be thinking. What does that even mean? So when a company launches a new tech product, let’s say a smartphone, there is almost always, let’s say, 80 of the time something called an embargo period where the company’s basically saying to the media. Okay, on our launch day, you can make a video about our phone, but you can only make a video about our phone if it’s a first impressions, video and if these reviewers then wanted to make anything more detailed than that, like a full review or a camera. Comparison then they have to wait till the embargo date to do it, which is usually something like two weeks after launch, and this is the reason why it seems like for a lot of products. Every reviewer literally drops their reviews at the exact same minute.

Beware of Fake Reviewers! ⚠️

It’S not telepathic communication, it’s just that’s when the embargo lifts now. To be honest, i think the whole thing is kind of a bit cheeky, because it means that a the company is almost telling reviewers what they can and can’t talk about for their first videos, and so those first videos are generally positive but also b. It kind of forces the media to give them two separate waves of coverage, but that’s not really the point of the video. The point of this video is that this whole embargo situation creates an opportunity in that two-week window between when a phone is announced and when all the proper reviews come out, youtube becomes full of fake reviews, literally entire 10 minute videos of people pretending they have. The phone and making fake content about it like take a look at this, a google pixel, 5 hands-on camera review. Okay.

Well, that sounds pretty respectable, except this video is none of those three things. You never see the phone, it’s like the exact opposite of a hands-on. It’S not a camera review because well, aside from the fact that not a single word is spoken, it’s a slideshow and it’s definitely definitely not about a google pixel 5., like aside from the fact that it’s already unlikely that someone outside of the media and outside google, Actually had this phone on launch, if you look a little closer, you realize that these photos are taken in at least three different countries. Now would a person who just received a world exclusive opportunity to test a phone before anyone else really think to themselves.

You know what i’m going to do: i’m going to take a world trip just for some shop variety, but this person clearly cares about the quality of their videos, so not to mention that these photos look nothing like each other, the quality. The aspect ratios the color processing literally changes between each one. It almost looks like the person who made this just googled the word photo and then took the first 15 results and dropped them into a youtube video. Okay.

Beware of Fake Reviewers! ⚠️

What about this? One, a samsung, galaxy, a8 versus samsung, galaxy s8, camera comparison, mid-range versus flagship, and you can see very clearly how people might believe this you’ve got two phones, the flagship shots, do look a bit better by most metrics. This appears to be a pretty standard, camera comparison, but wait a second. This review of the 2018 galaxy a8 was posted in 2017..

It’S somehow literally the first piece of content on the internet, about this phone. I searched for ages and ages and ages and i couldn’t find anything from any other. Traditional media outlet made before 2018 and oh right, yeah. That’S because the phone wasn’t even available then, and if you look a little closer you’ll realize that the photos they’re, showing they can’t possibly be from the phones they’re claiming they’re from because this mid-range galaxy a8 has a tiny camera sensor. It’S smaller than even the s8, and so it shouldn’t in any world be able to create more background blur than that phone and yet for some reason here it does.

Beware of Fake Reviewers! ⚠️

And it’s not like this. Video is sitting on 12 views and i’m just kicking up a fuss about nothing. It’S almost on a million, and the comment section is just full of people who are picking apart the images analyzing the photographs and really trying to use them to make the right buying decision. People are like.

Thank you so much. This video helped me come to a conclusion, or the only difference i can see is saturation, so i’m just going to go for the cheaper one. This is a legitimate problem, like i spend so much of my time, going through my scripts again and again and again cutting bits out and making sure that everything i tell you is as concise and as accurate as i can, because your time’s valuable, and so it’s Just annoying to see that there are people out there effectively exploiting viewers for the sake of earning a bit of adsense revenue.

The same channel has an iphone 10 versus galaxy s9 plus camera comparison. Again, though, what are the chances that this person a received? A galaxy s9 on launch day itself b. They had one and managed to somehow slip through the whole review embargo, fiasco and c manage to do all that, set it up film, a camera comparison edit, it and post it the same day.

Everybody loses from this situation. The company, because their product is not being done, justice, the consumer, because you’re made to make buying decisions based on completely wrong information and even the media, because clearly a lot of people are watching and learning from these fake reviews. And so presumably a good proportion of those people will feel like they don’t need to watch any more mainstream coverage because they already know what they need to know about this phone, or so they think, and if you’re enjoying this video, then the sub to the channel Would be try again sweet, i’m not gon na name the channel but like they have well over a hundred thousand subscribers and fifty million views, and the worst part of this is that it is not just one channel the more i looked into it, the more i Just kept discovering more and more of these, and by the time i got to 25, i realized this is a widespread youtube issue and these channels, like the videos they’re making, are literally every bad youtube stereotype thrown together like take a look at these thumbnails. Not only are pretty much, none of them actually taken on a phone at all, let alone these specific phones that they’re claiming they’re taken on, but also they almost without fail by using either some sort of european model to try and get more clicks or failing that.

Youtubers, i feel like i’ve seen just about every tech youtubers face in the last two days or on videos that don’t belong to them. I even found me a few times which is really weird to see, because they’ve actually edited my thumbnail in a semi-convincing way. That kind of looks like i’d done it. It’S just bad and hey i get it.

Youtube is hard, and i know what it’s like to pour your heart and soul into videos and for to get very little recognition, but long term. This is not the way to succeed on the platform. The content has to be genuine. I can also see the funny side to this.

I watched a supposed huawei zoom test where they showed how the huawei can zoom in 30 times and still get a sharp result except bro. You literally just zoomed in two times just look at this. This is one times this is apparently 30 times one times 30 times i give up it’s actually not even just camera test, though, like the more i looked into it the more. I realized that for pretty much everything that can be faked, there will be fakes out there.

Like the other day, i was actually doing some research on this new xiaomi mi 11. That’S just been announced because it looks like a monster of a phone, so i was kind of excited to see that one of the first things that popped up was a gaming test. Great that’s going to be amazing to see, but the only time you actually see the phone is in the thumbnail and, as you probably know by now, thumbnails are very easy to manipulate. I’M telling you now that, no matter what this title says it is.

This is not xiaomi mi 11 gameplay. If i’m wrong about this, i will literally give every single person watching this video a xiaomi 11 to themselves. You can tell because it was posted on december 28th, which is the same day of the china, only launch event. This phone is meant to be the first of the next generation, and yet the graphics and frame rate in this article look like something out of a mid-ranger, but most incriminating is that at one point it looks like they accidentally pull down the status bar, and it’s Very clearly a samsung phone, or there was one here which claimed to be the first video to test the next gen snapdragon 888 chipset.

Well, aside from the fact that again, the first snapdragon 888 phone wasn’t even released at this point. If you scroll down to the comments, this person is claiming that the chip has an antutu benchmark score of 850 000 as if there’s some sort of insider leaking information, but it doesn’t it’s not even close to that anyways. The point of this video is not to go start, leaving hate comments on these videos. No, please don’t do that, it’s just for you, it’s just for you if you’re trying to make a purchase decision – and you just so happen to find yourself on one of these videos, so i’m just gon na leave you a couple of things to look out for One if the channel you’re watching has disabled the like to dislike ratio or disabled comments, that should be a pretty immediate red flag because on youtube by default, those two things are turned on, and so, if they’re off it means that whoever owns that channel has actively Turned them off, which might be an indication that they’re trying to hide something.

And the second thing to look out for the one thing that i found in common with every one of these spam. Fake channels is the fact that they were all faceless, which makes sense. Because, naturally, if you’re doing something, that’s disingenuous you’re not going to want to associate it with your identity. So what i found is with almost every single one of these channels. You would only ever see their hands or failing that, just literally a screen recording or a camera sample, or some sort of thing that doesn’t reveal who they are, and that also followed through to their social profiles. Like i don’t think, a single one of these channels had a twitter account or an instagram, so just something to keep an eye out for i’ve only showed you the smartphone, related examples, but you can bet your bottom dollar that this will happen with the pc market.

With the console market with the camera market, with pretty much everything to do with tech, so stay vigilant. Thank you for watching. My name is aaron. This is mr who’s, the boss and i’ll catch you in the next one. You .