Free Tech for EVERYONE.

Free Tech for EVERYONE.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Free Tech for EVERYONE.”.
The biggest 10 million subscriber video you’ve ever seen, I mean just for starters: we’ve got new profile picture new channel banner and a completely Next Level, outro that you’ll see at the end, but more importantly, it’s finally time to announce six things. Six major developments that I’ve been working on for a long time are completely upgraded room, the largest tech giveaway in history. How we’re going to help to save the planet? A record-breaking collab that I’ve somehow managed to keep completely quiet. A double YouTube Diamond play button, unboxing and finally, an answer to the single most asked question I’ve ever had. Why is this channel actually called Mr who’s? The boss so buckle up? This is gon na, be fun.

Free Tech for EVERYONE.

Okay, this room. We use this room to film. Every single one of our videos, this room, has had over 2 billion views. So here’s what I’ve done to take it to the next level. We got a custom neon sign that can be coded to display whatever color we want. I hired a sound engineer to come into the space and completely optimize our audio quality, with lots of little things Like These acoustic panels, up top to absorb all traces of echo, there’s an Alfred in future videos. I converted our storage room into a second set which specializes in top down video, so all those unboxing shots. We do they’re about to level up. I’Ve installed a projector screen right in front of our backdrop, which means that without moving any lighting or any camera gear, we can have two completely different. Looking video backgrounds, but the single biggest Improvement is these nanoleaf panels.

For years now, we’ve had the same triangular Arrangement on either side and, to be fair, it’s been great at helping us to match the color of the room to the theme of the video, but it was finally time to step up. I spent months now going back and forth back and forth, with nanoleaf just hashing out dozens of potential ways to arrange different kinds of panels on these walls until it finally occurred to me that if we just fill the entire space with square panels, then the whole Wall effectively just becomes a digital canvas that we can paint with color you’re gon na see some cool stuff from this okay, you’ve seen giveaways before giveaways of iPhones giveaways of 10 phones. You might have even entered in a few yourself. Never one like this.

I’Ve pulled together with Marquez from MKBHD and dbrand to create the tech giveaway to end all giveaways. So this is what’s up for grabs 10 iPhone 13 Pro Maxes, Each of which will come out the box with a matte black d-brand skin pre-applied and 10 Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultras, Each of which will come with a new dbrand Atomic edition case, which is ridiculously nice. There’S more 20 PlayStation 5S each one customized to come with d-brand dark plates, but there’s more 30 of the new OLED Nintendo switch with dbrand skins applied and 50 dbrand grip cases made for whichever phone you have, but there’s more 80 pairs of the latest airpods 3. All debranded and 100 t-shirts, and not just any t-shirts. You might know that in my entire YouTube history, I’ve not made a single product to sell to you and that’s because I just want to be absolutely sure that when I do eventually release something it’s going to be special. But in the meantime I have made something just to say thank you specifically, this t-shirt right here.

Free Tech for EVERYONE.

I’M not gon na spoil them all, but this design is handcrafted and it’s absolutely packed with Easter eggs from our videos and the only 50 that exist. I’M giving away for free to you in this giveaway and that’s being paired with 50 shirts from marquez’s event, and these are again custom made. The histogram is the data representing a photo that he has taken. All this stuff is printed, it’s bought it’s in-house and it is ready to share, and the benefit of using dbrand’s giveaway platform is that it is completely transparent.

You enter the giveaway just by following our social media accounts, which are in the description, but then at any time, in the future, you can head to dbrand’s website to see the progress of the giveaway and who’s winning. What but, has even more see to get this channel to that 10 million number. A lot of things have had to go my way. I’Ve worked hard, yes really hard, but I can’t ignore the fact that this Earth has been very good to me.

So I’ve made it one of my 2022 missions to give back to not just my viewers but also the planet. I want to focus on not just tech for me and Tech for you, but tech for everyone and here’s stage, one of it for every single one of you who enters in this giveaway, which is completely free to do by the way I’ll also be making a Two cent donation to solar, 8. they’re, a charity who’s taking extremely poor families who would otherwise be using fuels like kerosene to light fires just so that they can see in the dark and giving them solar powered bulbs.

And I’ve picked it because it is such a win-win. It’Ll mean that these families will no longer have to breathe in dangerous fumes. They don’t have to worry about their houses catching on fire. It means that they no longer have to spend their already limited savings. On light, kids can study late into the evening, improving education, but also the emissions to the planet that are saved from this are astronomical.

Every single person on this Earth benefits, and so the minute that I pitched this idea to Marquez he said I will match that donation. So, on top of all the prizes, every single time someone enters this giveaway, I will give two cents and Marquez will give two cents which, when you factor in that between our channels, we have 25 million subscribers. We could do something enormous here, I’ll remind you again at the end to enter, but for now I’ve got something mind-bending to show you the secret collab. So you might know that we have a lot of smartphones.

In fact, if you’ve got a really Keen Eye, then you’ll notice that every video they’ve been spilling further and further out that cupboard and they’re just about to engulf my mouse and keyboard, which is completely insane. Someone did notice someone who’s now, a good friend of mine, Matt from DIY perks, he’s constantly building these really high-tech projects on his channel, and so when he saw all the phones, he had an idea. I present to you the largest, the most advanced smartphone storage system. In history, so first of all, this thing is enormous.

We have to bring it up in four separate, huge Parts just so it would fit up my staircase and that’s because the cabinet is not built to store 100 smartphones or 200 smartphones but 1 000 and not just store them for every single smartphone. The matters designed an individually 3D printed, a custom clip that’s actually capable of holding every single one in a completely upright position I mean not only is that borderline genius, but just imagine the tedium of having to individually print and fit that many of the same piece Again and again, but I haven’t even shown you the best bit and I’m not even talking about literally the best plastic peel of my entire life foreign, so I’m with Matt right now, everything is wired up. It is ready to go and he’s about to show me the the secret weapon of this storage system. Yes, so Aaron we’ve sold a massive issue with this already, but let’s say you want to find a phone quickly pick a phone uh Nokia 9.. Well, that’s where this secret weapon comes into play. What are you about to do? Are you ready come on? Oh there, you go. Oh what so, we’ve got a database. We can update it with any phone. You, like you, can change it as you want and it will highlight that phone when selected from a server all running independently on the Shelf yeah. So you think that’s good. Are you ready, I think so? Okay, three, two one! What what? Oh, my god! Oh, how cool is that that’s game? Changing it’s so, Mr who’s, the boss as well. It is so multi RGB everything yeah.

I can’t you smashed it. That’S, oh, but here’s something else that you do not see every day. So you probably know that, when a YouTube channel Hits 10 million, subscribers YouTube themselves will send that Creator a diamond play button.

But what you might not have known is that at this point you also get the option to buy additional play buttons for your team, and that is what I’ve done. So these two guys right here Joe, is our editing, Wizard and Josh. Our camera magician have been with me through everything we have worked through the night together. We’Ve sat in random parks in the rain waiting for 5G to get videos to upload like every bit of like editing, Sparkle or cool camera technique that you see. We have like perfected it together, so it is one play button.

Each, the slight hitch, though the reason this is a double unboxing or triple unboxing, is that mine didn’t arrive. So I guess we’re just gon na experience. This vicariously, through these two, probably watch more unboxings than anyone on this planet. I know the backs of your hands better than you do thanks soon.

Free Tech for EVERYONE.

No I’ve only been here since five minutes, so it’s mine, gon na, be like a half yeah. Oh that’s huge crazy! That is very, very nice. I don’t want to touch it. That is incredible.

No thank you. Sue smells like 10 million. It’S privilege to like receive this with you guys and I’ll shave it with you. Yeah, like it’s incredible: okay, but there’s one question that if you’re watching this channel there’s a very good chance that you’ve thought about Mr who’s, the boss.

What is that I’ve been told a thousand times that it’s obnoxious even more times that it’s grammatically incorrect shouldn’t? It be who’s with an apostrophe look closer Mister who’s, the Boss. You know my name right. My name is Aaron, that’s B name and The Only Name that I go by on this channel, but the for that is, you already know my other names, my surname and my middle name rupesh. The original plan was for that to be my first name, so praise be that that didn’t happen.

Now I get a lot of questions about the who’s, but if you look really closely, you realize that who’s isn’t asking who what it’s? What I want to this channel to be, I wanted it to be about wearables. I was sure that they were about to become huge handhelds. They were like 50 of my content in the early days Optics, because cameras are a priority to me, smartphones, the product that kicked off my entire Fascination in Tech and earphones I loved earphones 11 years ago. I love earphones now five topics that you could say. I wanted to become the Boston, but but the boss isn’t just what I wanted to become it’s. It’S also how I was planning to get there from the very very beginning.

I decided that if I was going to achieve my goals that I was going to have to work towards videos that were bold, I needed my own angle. I had to do something that other people weren’t doing organic. I made a promise to myself to to never become someone who would just take money to become a brand messenger surprising.

I wanted each piece of content to to catch people off guard, to put a smile on people’s faces and, most importantly, succinct. The last thing that I’ve ever wanted to do was to waste your time. That was a promise I made to myself 11 years ago and I’d like to think I’ve kept to it, or I made that entire thing up and I actually used a random name generator before I show you this new outro um, and on that note this outro, I’M so excited about it.

We’Ve we’ve basically taken the song that you guys really liked from our 2020 outro and created Our Own remix from the ground up just for this. So thanks once again for 10 million, just like what and make sure you check out that giveaway link is in the description. My name is Aaron. This is Mr who’s, the boss and I’ll catch you in the next one.
