I Tested the Most Ridiculous TikTok Life Hacks.

I Tested the Most Ridiculous TikTok Life Hacks.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Tested the Most Ridiculous TikTok Life Hacks.”.
So my team has prepared 20 of the most outrageous Tech talks on the entire platform and we’re gon na test them to see if they actually work and I’ve done something very dumb. I was so confident last week that they won’t so I promised them. If more than half of them do. I will dye my hair Tick.

Tock blue, kill me now. Okay, toothpaste in Fanta gives it there’s no way. I can literally see the editing.

I Tested the Most Ridiculous TikTok Life Hacks.

This is so so stupid all right, Colgate Total fresh bottle of fanta. Oh my God enough things. Whoa did I just get pranked. At least it smells nice anyways to actually get this multi-colored drink.

I Tested the Most Ridiculous TikTok Life Hacks.

All these people have done is just selected. The orange color of the Fanta in the editing program and swapped it out for another color, so they’re saying you put toothpaste on a cracked screen, wipe it off and it’s going to get rid of your cracks they’re all this bad. My hair might actually get away. Okay, so where this comes from is the fact that toothpaste is a mild abrasive. So technically, yes, if you rubbed enough of this into your phone’s display, it could sand down the bits that aren’t currently scratched and kind of even out. But I mean I tried it and it actually just created a whole new layer of micro scratches and it’s never going to be able to do something like this.

So we’ve got an iPhone. A power bank draw a line with a sharpie in between them and that’s gon na charge it no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No! No! The thing that’s really confusing about this, though, is that the whole purpose of this person’s channel is that they’re, the ones who are verifying other people’s life hacks. But what they’re saying is ridiculous. I apologize for what I’m about to do.

If we follow the tick tock, exactly we’ve got to snip two ends of a cable plug the iPhone end into the iPhone, the USB end into a power bank. And then I kid you not connect the two, the Sharpie and to no one’s surprise. My phone has not lit up. It is not charging to give them a fraction of credit.

There are pens you can get. That would allow this to be possible because they effectively contain metal within their ink, but a Sharpie is not one of them. So you’re saying press option shift and K and it writes an Apple logo that is interesting. All right option shift K that actually works. What happens if we, Google? It comes up with the Apple website? That’S a weird cool Easter egg. Apparently, if you drop an egg into a pan, it will crack perfectly how many eggs do you think she went through to get this shot.

I Tested the Most Ridiculous TikTok Life Hacks.

I feel like there’s a reason that I’ve never in my life, seen a professional chef actually do this. Okay, ah okay, I mean the egg did crack. That’S a pretty disappointing! Looking egg! Oh, I just realized. The yolk is actually cracked which, with fried egg, is the entire game.

Does that not look? Weirdly like a Star Wars play well? I was right so instead of egg on my face, all right, huge life hack time, I’m very excited if you put a coin in a potato, connect it with another potato and what is it with Tick, Tock and ways to charge your phone. So I hate to be the one to say this, but there is actually a kernel of truth to this. One see potatoes contain electrolytes, which means they can actually conduct electricity, and you can make a working battery if you hook up your potatoes to some zinc and some copper strips and then connect them via wires. But the reason that our good old Tick-Tock life hack doesn’t work is that, by connecting it just lost my 50p in the potato. The reason this doesn’t work is that a working battery needs to have both a positive and a negative, because we only have one coin here. We only have a positive and we’re not even connected to it, this one’s kind of advanced, so this person’s using a makeup brush to be able to mark certain points on their screen, the points that would unlock their phone using their pin and then they’re going to Try and create voice commands that can trigger the screen to press in those locations so that the phone will automatically unlock using their voice. I think this one will work. I just don’t think it’ll be very practical, so I’ve just set this up unlock.

It’S actually really cool to watch, but is it secure like? Would you do that in a public place announce to the world that your password is just unlocked, not to mention the fact that face ID is about five times faster, but I do want to show you how you can use this feature in an actually cool way. So settings accessibility, voice, control and then turn voice control on and then, when you click customize commands, create one that says next and make the gesture just a swipe up. And this basically means that the next time you’re on Tick, Tock or Instagram, or some sort of scrolling app – you just say next and it will scroll for you – hey they’re, putting a piece of tape on their front camera. Then blue ink. Then another piece of tape. Now purple ink and then they’re using a yellow highlighter, to make some sort of oh they’re, saying that it turns it into invisible.

Ink, definitely not confident about this one scotch tape over the camera. What is it with tick, tockers and Sharpies Layer? Two is gon na be purple. We give our highlighter a little dip, I’m assuming this is to dilute it.

I guess the idea here is that we want ink that is not visible to the naked eye. Oh hello, that’s highlighter, fluid Milo, not ham. Let’S just write a random number. Well, I guess it’s kind of working so far in the sense that you can’t properly see what I’ve written the question is, though, is it going to stay that way, iPhone torch? Oh, it’s not what I was expecting, but it just about. Does enough that I think we have to give it the point. Something is clearly happening here, because the ink glows, when you shine light on it. Alright super useful iOS, screenshots life hack, take a screenshot and then they’re saying instead of drawing this rubbish circle with your finger, which I do quite regularly, it’s saying that you can hold down on screen and it will automatically correct that squiggle into a neater shape. So let’s take the screenshots, I’m going to make a nice rough squiggle hold on the screen and it does correct it. Alright Apple, I’m impressed.

Where are all the coolest features so hidden them download, moreram.com and the caption says it’s going to make your computer three times faster. Oh Tick, Tock right! So I’m on this download more RAM site. Now it gives you the option to pick the amount of ram you want to download four gigabytes, all the way to 32, and then, once you decided you just click select plan.

This is obviously complete bogus it, even though she says at the bottom that this is a joke website, but then Tick Tock has kind of let us down by making it seem legit just get get a ruler and follow my steps trick. Your friends, I always love doing that. So it’s saying that, okay, if you put a ruler on a table and you throw an apple on it, it’s going to flip over.

If you then put a paper over that ruler and do the same. It’S not gon na flip. Why would that be? It’S not like. The paper weighs anything well, I feel, like I know, what’s going to happen for this first bit.

Okay, the ruler flies, but now, let’s get this sheet of paper, lay it on top three two one and it works wow. That was a really heavy potato, be a fun science class. So the thing that’s really interesting about this is that that’s nothing to do with the weight of the paper like if I just scrunch this up and put it on top of the ruler. That’S still gon na fly nearly face. Shotted myself, it’s actually just the fact that the paper is spread out that allows it to exert a large amount of atmospheric pressure on the ruler, because atmospheric pressure is proportional to the area that it’s spread across.

Okay. The fact that the last couple have worked now is is getting a little scary. Wait.

Surely not. This is a really tricky one to predict. They’Re basically saying that if you line up a bunch of double a batteries and connect them to a light bulb, it will power it. I have seen a lot of tick tocks, which are all about how to creatively light light bulbs and they are usually just complete. Codswallop, like you, can see them not even make contact with the metal parts of the light bulb that they would need to to light it, but this one does make contact with those parts yeah. So this one wasn’t completely obvious to me, but that does not work and the reason it doesn’t work is not necessarily the concept.

It’S more. The fact that each double A battery only puts out about 1.5 volts, but the mains electricity here in the UK, the bulbs like this, I need to run on there’s 230 volts, not a very bright idea. I feel, like my team, has planned these life hacks so that they get harder and harder to predict as we go on. Okay, so hair dryer plus mask.

Why are these DIY projects so strange they’re using the back of the hairdryer and there’s also a bottle on the other end and that apparently becomes a vacuum cleaner mmm? I have a bad feeling. This one’s gon na work all right all right, so the situation, I’m imagining is you’re walking to your bedroom with your favorite midnight snack and you spill it and then you’re like what a nightmare but wait a second. I saw a tick tock about this. You get your hair dryer, your empty water bottle and your mask three ingredients.

I did not expect to be going together and then, as your snack is slowly soaking into your carpet, you find yourself a pair of scissors cut that bottle open. This is not going to be good for airflow who’s gon na. Have these three specific things, but not a vacuum. Cleaner turn it on.

Oh, my God that just sparked yeah that is not safe. I don’t think the camera quite caught that, but that hair dryer was sparking and it is now broken. So do not try this one at home, this one’s kind of Rogue, so you get a candle, you put it in a bottle. You fill that ball with liquid and then apparently by putting a glass bottle on top of that there’s some kind of explosive reaction. I just realized tick tocks, actually flagged. This video saying participating in this activity could result in you or others getting hurt.

That’S just what I want to hear. So, let’s light this candle, there’s been one too many explosive experiments in this article. For my comfort just dropping a little bit of wax at the bottom, so we can stick the candle on perfect, so that is now locked in fill it with water.

My heart is racing. I’M doing this for science candle’s floating kind of insane. It’S like really slowly sailing up the bottle, and I think I have a pretty good idea of why this happens.

So the candle is heating up the inside of the bottle and then because the inside of the bottle is hotter. The air pressure is lower, which pulls up water into that void, starting to worry about the Blackness of my hair. Here’S something I didn’t know until I was in my 30s. You can easily roll up a milk jug. Why would you want to roll up a milk jug, so you fill it with hot water? You roll it, but why all right? So I looked it up, and apparently milk cartons are actually made from something called a thermoplastic which can change shape when heated and the benefit of being able to do that which I did not see coming. Is that squeezing them all up like this allows you to fit like three times as many bottles in your recycling bin to be fair, probably more like 10 times all right, tick, tock, clothing, I’m pretty enjoying this process next time, you’re in a restaurant, try piercing the Pack of butter with a fork and squeezing it wow, it looks like stringy cheese, there’s also a lot of liquid.

That came out of that. If that does work, that would actually save you a lot of time from trying to spread one massive block. Okay, so we have just finished, making the perfect slice of toast. If you haven’t seen our video about this toaster by the way it is insane you need to see it. I am genuinely really excited about this one. If this actually works next restaurant, I go to I’m buttering everyone’s toast for them right.

I’Ve stabbed that a little bit too hard, but it actually works and it basically means you can spread that butter in One Sweep and if you’re enjoying this video, then a sub to the channel would be squeeze it. I’M getting a little concerned about the potential color of my hair right, so what they’re saying is the heat from hair straighteners is enough to allow the wine to decork itself. It’S the first time.

I’Ve ever used a hairspray. No that’s for this. If this has any chance of working, I’m assuming it’s because heat will expand the air on the inside of the wine bottle, but then, at the same time the Heat could also just expand the glass and shatter it.

I feel like this needs to get very, very hot, for it to work. This does work though it could be a corker. We need to upgrade straightener. These ones apparently go to 230 degrees.

I feel like I can already smell burning one eternity later all the lights. On, oh anyone see that coming. Ah, it’s like boiling wine over my phone. Some part of me was kind of hoping this was my chance to catch in a failure, but that did work, although all of this heat has probably evaporated a third of our alcohol leaving us with a nicely Uncorked bottle of vinegar all right.

How to freeze water instantly? What is that it it’s hard to believe, because that’s absolutely crazy if it’s true, but I didn’t see any signs that this video has been edited either. So I’ve done a bit of digging and this is a real effect. So we peeled some tape and put it around the balloon to stabilize it to kind of keep it together and now, if I give this a surgical poke, this could be so messy. It worked.

It’S an optical illusion called laminar flow. The water isn’t technically Frozen. So The Tick Tock did kind of lie, but the path out of the balloon is so smooth that it looks like it’s stationary, slight click bait, but I’ve seen a lot worse and that was actually really really cool.

So you can have this point: Tick Tock. I’Ve! Actually, just flooded my kitchens, oh God, how to win the claw machine every time there isn’t there’s no way, there’s no way. So what they’re saying is there is a cheat code you can do with the joystick.

That makes you win a prize every time. Arcades are purpose built to just milk as much cash out of you as possible. I find it hard to believe that they would allow something like this to fly plus hey like if this actually worked claw machines around the globe would be empty by now, it’d be a little bit like if a shop started, giving away its stuff for free. I’M giving this one a fail right now: number 20 get a CD heat it up with a lighter, and goodness me I don’t remember the last time I wanted something to both work and definitely not work. At the same time, some part of me really hopes. This is real, even with the consequences that would entail if this works, my hair changes color, but then at the same time it would also be one of the coolest tricks I’ve ever seen. So you separate your CD into two halves. This is one I prepped earlier. You should just be able to heat the bottom half, I’m so nervous right now, all right! Let’S try it! Oh dear God, I’m not looking forward to this. Oh, I am. I know you are look at how blue that is. It’S almost Mr Who’s, The Boss, blue yeah, what you know how to do it.

I’Ve never dyed my hair before, because I’m not getting gray on like you but um. I, like my hair, the way it is just don’t dye my ears, it’s looking very much like a Smurf at the moment. Have you messed it up? There might be an interesting pattern on the back. Let’S just say that.

Do you not like the Smurf look, I should have picked someone else to do this. Anyone and while you wait, this is every ingredient that we’ve gone through. It looks so good. Why? Well we don’t waste here. Do we? Oh, it’s like a rotten, toothpaste, Josh.

It says like one to five minutes: it says 17., it’s all right. It’S a few done come on. Then, let’s go to the bathroom foreign than my hair is.

I think we got away with that. One. Oh .