Nintendo 3DS Review

Nintendo 3DS Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nintendo 3DS Review”.
All right guys, let’s get straight into it, here’s a super straightforward, 3ds review. First, let’s look at the 3d cameras on the back side of the unit. As you see you can just snap a quick picture. I can’t portray the 3d to you, because you do not have 3d vision unless you’ve got one of these, but suffice to say the results are cool, unlike anything, i’ve really seen before, because i haven’t really had any 3d devices before the next is nintendo 3ds sound And this application allows you to sequence samples either of your voice or sounds around you and turn them into songs.

I guess now, i’m not sure how many people are gon na use this. It’S probably not the reason you buy the device, but it’s there nonetheless. So i thought i’d give you a quick look at it. The next thing is the me maker and if you are familiar with nintendo wii, then you’ve probably seen me’s before and you’ve probably made a me before, and this is basically your nintendo version of yourself. You just input a picture and it gets.

Nintendo 3DS Review

You started on the right track to creating a digital version of you. The next thing is street. Pass me plaza, and this is something that you can leave on in your pocket and opt into and then, if you bump into other people along the road or in the subway that also have theirs activated, you will immediately exchange identities at least virtual identities, and you Can find out a little bit about one another and eventually network? If that’s what you want to do. So that’s a cool feature.

Next, we’ve got the ar games, augmented reality games, i’m going to get to those in a bit. Here’S face raiders, which is included on everybody’s 3ds. It’S a game where you can input your face and go around shooting it.

It’S tough to display without having another cameraman, because the augmented reality forces you to move around in circles. Next, we’ve got a little stats counter, which tracks what you’ve played and on which days and which records you’ve, set, etc. Here is download play it’s for people to play multiplayer against one another if they have the same game and system. Settings, of course, is pretty boring. So i’m not gon na go into there.

I’Ve actually got super street fighter inserted. So let’s go ahead and take a quick look at that. As you can see, the graphics are pretty dope a big improvement over the previous generation. Let’S see if i can kick some ass here, i’m not sure i’m not very good, but, as you can see, you’ve got your lower screen, which is dedicated to some of your super moves.

I guess you could call them special moves and i can’t portray the 3d as i said before, but these characters really jump out of the screen and the depth of field is something i’ve never seen before in another video game or another platform, or anything like that. Now people have asked: does the 3d give me a headache and the truth is not really i mean i guess if i play for a really long period of time, it does but then again so does playing on a tiny screen on any handheld. So i’m not sure that it’s the 3d so much as just playing extended periods.

Otherwise i can handle it. You can adjust the amount and i found the sweet spot for me – is just a little bit up, not all the way activated. Now, i’m not sure why that is, i don’t think it’s a matter of more or less 3d in total.

I think it’s just your eyes and how far apart they are possibly that’s just a guess, but anyway it was. I was good enough to win there. So that’s a plus. The next thing i want to show you are the augmented reality games. These have gotten a lot of press a lot of coverage they’re fun to play, but not really the reason why you buy this system they’re just an added plus. I guess you could say you just point your camera at these cards and all of a sudden objects start popping up on top of it.

As you can see, this game here is a archery style game. You shoot at these targets and, as you move the system, the environment reacts to your movement, so you can sort of bend around and shoot the targets. You need to hit again a super simple game, just a cool introduction into augmented reality and really for me a glimpse into something that developers are going to be able to put to use in games that they come out with. So this could really be cool. You could imagine first person shooters or i mean all kinds of stuff that would be really cool in an augmented reality version, i’m not going to spend too much time on the exterior of the device, because i did so much of that in the unboxing video. I do want to mention that the games are tiny and super easy to carry around. I brought a bunch to mexico on my vacation and they did not add any weight to my luggage, to say the least. Anyway guys i want to recommend this device. It’S been a ton of fun so far, there’s never really been anything like it. Nintendo’S included the dock as well, which is awesome.

Nintendo 3DS Review

Most manufacturers want you to buy this after the fact, so they can earn a little bit more money from you, but nintendo just went ahead and threw it in which is perfect. I really can’t wait to see what developers can do with this technology when we start seeing third-party games really taking advantage of this 3d and augmented reality. This could be really crazy. I really want to give you guys an idea of how this 3d looks, even though it’s really impossible.

Nintendo 3DS Review

So i went with a super close up and, as you twist the screen you can see when the stereoscopic images shift you shift from the left one to the right one. Now, when you have two eyes to receive the image, that’s what gives you the 3d concept and, as you can see, the slider on the right controls just how much depth there is or how much separation there is between each image anyway. I hope this has been informative check out our channel and subscribe. I should have more 3ds coverage coming up. .