Unboxing An Electric Toothbrush

Unboxing An Electric Toothbrush

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing An Electric Toothbrush”.
( Laughter, ), Intro, music, What’s up guys Lew here back with another video., As you can tell I’m in an unusual space, But there’s a reason for that.. I’M part of a special event where Five creators in one day are gon na. Look at various products. In front of me: I’ve got the Phillips Sonic Care Electric Tooth brush.. I am very excited to check this out test.

It out see what it’s all about.. So, let’s go ahead and jump inside the box. Actually before we do. Let’S take a look around the package: here.

The power reach, tip replacement, bristles, … densely packed, Believe it or not. I don’t own one of these things, I’m still using the old school tooth brush., Which is actually kinda depressing. Considering uh, I’m a tech, enthusiast.

Unboxing An Electric Toothbrush

You’d think I’d upgrade my tooth brush.. Maybe that’s exactly what this is …. Look It’s the special edition Black as well “ Angled neck.

Unboxing An Electric Toothbrush

It improves the reach for better cleaning at the back of the mouth” good. “ Recharge indicator, so a charge lasts. 2 weeks.” Good. Alright, I’m happy. Okay.

Unboxing An Electric Toothbrush

So this is the important part. ( High speed motor sound ), Some paper work “ Buy more stuff from us.” The usual., What else A little charge base.. So, as i said, they claim that the battery lasts for two weeks. So, Theoretically, you wouldn’t have to have on here, but this seems pretty convenient. Anyways look at this.. Just leave that on a counter top You just upgraded your oral health.. Theoretically, you’ve upgraded your life because of that.. Alright, i think i should test it out. I probably need some tooth paste.. You got any tooth paste around here: Jack (, Vibrating Tooth Brush sound ), I’m gon na.

Let the tooth brush do the work. That’S the whole point. It’S like a massage kind: of. Water, …, (, inaudible, ), …, Ok, beautiful thank you. Stimulates a bit. You know, Gets the gums breathing and what not … gums? Don’T breath. …

Um it just yeah. I don’t know, I think it did. The job did the trick. From this moment forward. I think I’m gon na have to swap out my old school version Uh for one of these guys. Yeah, Philips, Sonic Care., Very unusual un-boxing.. Little bit of fun, though, hopefully, you’ve appreciated that If you did make sure to leave a thumbs up down below Also Make sure to check the other videos as a part of this crazy wild series, You can see some more sweaters, like this. Youtube.com/AwesomeStuffWeek, Later Guys, Outro Music .