Do You Even Cloud Bro?

Do You Even Cloud Bro?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Do You Even Cloud Bro?”.
What’S up guys Louis here back with another video and today we are checking out two products from WD.. These are from the My Cloud series, and essentially what you’re looking at is something that sort of looks like a traditional hard drive, but in this case it’s actually some Cloud storage.. These are network attached, you’re, not gon na. Have these things connected locally to your laptop computer, desktop or otherwise.? Instead, you can connect these to your router. Essentially, have your files available to you, no matter where you are. Now I have two of them here..

This one is kind of the more more basic version. 2 terabytes of storage, one drive. Over here is the Mirror, and essentially what you’re getting here is two physical drives inside and they’re set up by default in a mirror mode or RAID 1 for those technology enthusiasts out there. That are looking for a reason to say RAID cause. It feels good. RAID.. Oh my hard drives Yeah they’re they’re in RAID.

In the catastrophic event that one hard drive fails which can happen. You’Ve then got another backup so you’ve backed up to here, and then it’s backed itself up again to the other physical disk inside of this RAID, 1 or more simply, mirror. Mirror mirror on the wall, Jack’s the fairest of them all..

So, let’s open these babies up and compare them., This will work on PC Mac and there’s also a mobile app, so it’ll work on iOS and Android.. If you can describe a setup, explain how to set something up in a small piece of paper like that, that’s a good thing. People like that.

Plug it in to your router, give it a few seconds. Boom. Of course, an Ethernet cable, some power., An important component in any gadget’s life power., Don’t know what else to say about that..

So there it is ooh. (, Unpeeling, ) Ah. Here you’ve got your power Ethernet and then you’ve also got a USB 3 port. It looks like.

You can probably then connect. Another peripheral here to this drive to then share via the network features on this bad boy.. Look. We have one more plastic wrap removal.. This is what you guys signed up: for. (, Unpeeling, ) Whew, A similar power port Ethernet port, and in this case two USB 3 ports.

you’ve got you’re two physical drives, installed. Desktop three and half inch drives a power brick And an Ethernet cable.. What I’m gon na do is I’m gon na take this mirror here and I’m gon na connect it to the network, and then I’m gon na show you guys how the setup functions and I’ll also sort of use it in conjunction with the drive that I’m currently Using so you can see that both of them can operate in harmony., Okay, so, Okay, so now I’ve got the My Cloud Mirror connected to my router.

Do You Even Cloud Bro?

Then you just install the My Cloud app there’s an opportunity to manage any devices that are connected to the network.. In my particular case, it just found the new My Cloud Mirror. You can also see my EX4, which was previously connected in this same window here..

Do You Even Cloud Bro?

One of the features that is probably most useful for people is the ability to move stuff from your phone onto these giant storage devices.. So if I select mobile device from this drop down menu here, I’ll go ahead and jump into camera, for example, taking a lot of video keeping a lot of music and so on, and at some point you may end up having to delete stuff. But in this case you don’t have to you – can just move it over to one of these devices right from on the mobile device.. If I select a photo here, then I select this little menu button up here move and then here you see the new WDMyCloudMirror click on that click on public share pictures check, mark and just like that.

That photo is now uploaded., So you got photos. But what about video? You can actually stream video from right within ( video plays ), Let’s say, for example, you’ve got some music on here and you got a blue tooth speaker like this one, and you do a double stream stream to here and then stream. The data over here to this blue tooth speaker., This song is not stored on my phone., It’s stored on the Cloud in the Cloud on the Cloud near the Cloud in it..

People are using mobile devices more as their primary computing devices. So having the support here to manage network attached storage, which used to be a fairly complicated thing to manage, is pretty impressive. Sharing your files is really easy.

You can see. Here’s stuff, that’s shared with me and here’s stuff, that’s shared with others and you’ll see the share button comes up.. I can share a link with people who can then go ahead and view it from there, or I can share it privately so that that link only works for them..

Do You Even Cloud Bro?

One of the things I liked is, I’m not super organized. I just chucked a bunch of stuff on it and it scanned it for certain types of media. In the menu here you have all photos and it just it grabbed.

Them. Same goes for music and videos for that matter.. So there you have it. The WD. My Cloud Mirror as well as just the regular My Cloud, whichever one’s more suitable to you. Pricing and availability links, will be down in the description and also gon na be giving away a few of these thanks to WD we’re gon na give away two of the Standard My Cloud and two of the My Cloud Mirror’s.

I’ll, be doing that on Instagram so head over to my Instagram for your chance to win.. Just let me know what you might store on there.: Keep it clean guys., Thanks very much for watching all the links that you need to know about will be down in the description. Leave a thumbs up. If you enjoyed this and I’ll catch, you on the next episode later guys.

Later Jack. [ Jack ], Later .