3 Cool Tech Deals – #13

3 Cool Tech Deals - #13

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3 Cool Tech Deals – #13″.
As usual Jack, this has got to be together.. Are you ready Three two one. ( deep breath )? What’S up guys Louie here back with another video and today we’re talkin’ tech, deals. Tech, talkin’ about deals., Three of’em.? Technically, four of’em.’Cause, I don’t follow the rules. Sometimes. Today is one of those days. To kick it off we’re starting with dbrand.

Good friends over there. We hangout.. Sometimes we get lunch., Sometimes they skin my devices, whether I like it or not..

Well, they have a new product.. It is a skin for the ATH-M50x headphones.. As you can tell you can customize these babies. I’ll put’em on for you guys.. If you have a pair, you can now get a custom appearance, so they don’t look like everybody else’s, but just for Unbox Therapy, viewers, 10 lucky buyers of skins at this 25 % discount are going to receive a free pair of these exact headphones..

I can see right there “ Ten random orders today “ will include a free set of ATH-M50x Headphones.”. It says it right there., I don’t even need to say it. They’re sayin’, it we’re sayin’ it.. But, of course this show is about many tech deals, so it does not stop there.. Next up. We have the BLU Vivo Air LTE Smartphone that I featured fairly recently..

I will link that video in the description, if you haven’t seen it yet., But this thing is $ 149 right now.. It was relatively affordable at $ 199. Now it’s $ 50 less.. Now something special about this device is, it happens to be the world’s thinnest LTE Smartphone I believe.. Certainly, at the time I did my video it was. Got a headset cable comes with a screen protector and a case $ 50 off an already affordable, super-thin LTE Android Smartphone.. That’S a lot of words combined together..

Next up. This is for PlayStation 4 owners.. It’S for the PS4..

3 Cool Tech Deals - #13

I’Ve got more than one PS4 and in every single situation, where I have one set up, there are never enough controller charging capabilities.. This little stand right here is $ 18 $ 17.99.. At the front section, there there’s a little docking station which will charge two controllers just by setting them in there..

3 Cool Tech Deals - #13

Then, on the side you have three more USBs, So you could theoretically be charging five controllers at once or other devices.. Maybe you need a spot to charge your phone or your friend. He’s one of these guys.

3 Cool Tech Deals - #13

Who’S phone is never charged. Can never reach him. Send him a couple. Texts.

Who knows He doesn’t get’em. Stuff goes badly goes wrong.. He gets into a car crash.. What Well just fender benders., I wonder what fender bender. I bet you that term’s been around for 100 years.

The old fender bender., The reviews are good, so it obviously works.. It’S also got a fan in it. You’re gon na keep your PlayStation a little bit cooler than it would otherwise be.

Maybe extend its life a little bit. In general. I, like it cool with my polar bear: friends, penguins arctic fox snow, owl.

Moose. We have one more deal.. This one is the WTF moment.. It is the LABC iBed Tablet Stand., I’m looking at this.

You know kinda laughing a little bit., But then I’m really thinking about it and I’m sayin’ “. You know what I might actually.”. Would it be? So weird, if I actually used something like this Here’s the thing you pick something on Netflix or whatever., You’re holding it there.

Your hand, is falling asleep.. You can’t concentrate pins and needles.. This stand lets you just lay underneath it. Look at that.

That could be you. Little bit of an angle, some adjustment. You’re holding it above your head.

You slip., It falls down.. Maybe it cracks you over the eyebrow., Now you’re getting stitches.. You got this giant. Scar. People call you Scarface., You move to Miami..

You start to import cocaine on those little cigarette boats., Now you’re in jail for the rest of your life.. It’S kinda weird and it does look like a toilet bowl.. I thought it was just I don’t know.. I thought it was funny. There. You have it.

The iBed solving all of your first world problems. There you have it: five cool tech, deals., (, laughter, ), It’s only four Everyone’s doing the math on me, here. They’re, like that was 17 deals.. What am I gon na? Do I’m giving you a bonus? Here.? It’S like two for one pizza. Who’s, gon na complain and say I only ordered one. All right. I’Ve said enough. One more thing: iIf you’re still here at this point in the video, then you’re, probably a pretty good fan., Like you probably really like these videos., And maybe you might just even like me like as a person., It’s possible..

If that’s the case, then what I want you to do is come check out a new channel that I started. And I was contemplating whether or not I was gon na even say this on Unbox Therapy at all, because there’s a really nice little community on this Hidden channel right now., But I figured it would only be fair to let you guys know what’s happening., That’s why I’m doing it at the very end of the video.. Only for the super fans only for the attention spans. Yeah, it’s a musical experiment..

I used to be really into music., I stopped doing it.. I started to mess around again uploaded a few things. If you think you might be into that. Come check that out. I’ll put a link in the description say: what’s up., If you’re not feeling it no hard feelings.

You just carry on with your Unbox Therapy love.’Cause. That is already more than enough. Kinda having Unbox Therapy flashbacks on that channel.

As far as like having this small group of people that I’m commenting back to and it’s manageable in a different way., It’s kinda special., You could be one of those first few people to say hey. I was here man.. I was here when it all went down.. Thank you.

I appreciate your time sincerely.. I will catch you in the next episode later. Guy .