World’s Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!

World's Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “World’s Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!”.
What’S up guys Lou here back with another video and once again it’s your favorite show here on Unbox Therapy called “: Does it Suck ?” And of course today we will be evaluating something that you may think sucks, but it might not and that’s the whole magic Of this show. Right here in front of me, is something that’s listed on Amazon, as the smallest Bluetooth speaker in the world. Just quotes around everything here., I don’t know if there’s a smaller one or not, but it is a tiny little thing here.. I have to say my expectations: pretty slim., Pretty pretty slim, so let’s jump inside and find out what this thing is all about.

Now. First challenge here is, of course, finding a way in., I don’t know. There we go okay.

Cool., Smart box, camera music calls.. It does it all. Look at that little guy., How cute. See that there Jack Little grill on the top., I’m assuming that’s where your audio’s going to come from and then on the bottom side, a button, possibly microphone And then a micro-USB jack for charging.

It up. A tiny little keychain-type deal, here., That’s it., Wow, no charge, cable, nothing., Press the buttons on and off to play, pause answer. Calls. Michael see, I was right. Bluetooth indicator, light charging indicator, micro-USB port., All right, that’s it.! That’S your user! Manual.! Let’S hit the button. Uh-oh., The cheaper, the product, the greater the likelihood that there will be no charge out of the box..

This thing has been sitting on a shelf for a while., Micro-USB cable. Here I come. Should I walk back in. Where were we I’m just back., So I’m going to hit the power button. ( machine music? )? Isn’T that isn’t that the Samsung sound [, Voiceover, ], Bluetooth, mode., Flashing blue? I think they snagged the opening chime from Samsung there. Jack.

World's Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!

Thanks thanks for the feedback., The icon, here, it’s showing as a keyboard on my phone, not a speaker., That’s okay.! This is the perfect time for some Jeopardy. Music. (, dings ). Oh There we go okay, cool.! We got it.

World's Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!

This time. Smart box connected.. My main thing here is attempting to figure out if this sounds better than the speaker on my actual device, which you can see comparatively there. Still the Blackberry Priv for now has this speaker here..

If this can’t beat this we’re going to have a problem., (, hip-hop music ), It is cute though., (, upbeat, hip-hop, music, ), All right. You know what Eh. This thing’s a novelty. That’S what it is.! You just want to tell people you have the smallest Bluetooth, speaker., Maybe you’re not going to use as much battery on your phone if you’re using Bluetooth, as opposed to the speaker itself., I don’t know, but I can’t really figure out why you would want or need This. Does it suck, Unfortunately yes., I think so.. I think it could have sounded a little bit. Better. Calling Jack. ( phone ringing, ) Hello. Anybody home Chris [ Voiceover ] Hey..

World's Smallest Bluetooth Speaker!

What’S going on man [ Voiceover ], Not much.! Can you uh? Can you hear me [, Voiceover, ] Kind, of. Kind of it sounds terrible. Doesn’T it [ Voiceover ] Yeah. Sounds like you got a cloth over your mouth.

( Lou laughing ). All right talk to you soon, man. Chris, don’t lie. Never lied in his life.

Said. His words sounded like I was talking with a cloth over my mouth., Not sure how he knows what that sounds. Like.

I’ll link it down in the description. If you have some creative idea of what you might do with the world’s smallest Bluetooth speaker, but I’m saying it sucks., This is probably the most the single most requested item in Unbox Therapy history.. This is the — ( loud single boom, ) .