A Very Strange Smartphone…

A Very Strange Smartphone...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Very Strange Smartphone…”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video. And today I’ve got something … that … I’ve actually had my eye on for a little while.. What we’re looking at … is a Panasonic product, …, the DMC-CM1 from the Lumix line., So …. Everything so far is pointing at “ camera” …, but the weird part is it’s also a phone..

I for a long time, have been interested in … kind of the “ ultimate social instagram/twitter, camera” Lem me just … lem me just open it up.. This guy features a one-inch sensor., That’s the same size as the Sony RX-100.

That is a substantial sensor. And look at it …, But it’s not …, But it’s still …. You know it’s kind of like the size …, At least from the front of a phone.. Now, granted it’s it’s fatter., But it’s not crazy. Fat.

A Very Strange Smartphone...

You’ve got a nice big aperture on the lens f2.8. You have a dedicated shutter button. Camera switch over here. The power switch There’s even a tiny little forward-facing camera [ to Jack ]. Can you catch that there Jack Kind of an unusual layout, the headphone jack, is in this location here, And I assume this is where you’ll put your memory card …? No, that’s your USB Port.

A Very Strange Smartphone...

There we go. SIM Card slot and MicroSDXC.. So what else do we have here Pretty straightforward, a char …, a BIG charger. Holy smokes? Oh, it is a Qualcom QuickCharger, 2.0 okay., So it’s gon na charge, faster., Alright then.! This is a quicker publishing method for photography that looks more like dedicated camera.

A Very Strange Smartphone...

Photography.. Look at my hands right now. There we go. Update …

succesful. And we have actually a fairly … a fairly stock. Look in Android here.

5.0 4k Photo 4k Pre-Burst. So you see it actually [ to Jack ] Check that out Jack.. It extends a little bit.. It’S not huge., I’m kicking it old-school..

When I was a little kid and I got a new gadget, I would take the … user manual to bed. As my reading before I went to sleep. This was my [ New E ] magazine right. Here. Panasonic is positioning.

This as a connected camera, not a smartphone., The lens also happens to be fixed, so … Might have been nice to have a little bit of zoom here, but they’ve opted for a fixed lens like a lot of other smartphones, in order to protect the form factor.. Now the camera app is gon na, be what you’re most interested in you can launch it.

A couple of different ways: either just by tapping the icon or this little slide at the top, which is gon na get you access a lot quicker.. You can see the autofocus working here … as I move: in.

[ Beep ] Boom [ Beep ] Boom [ Beep ] Boom [ Beep ] Boom. You guys hear that [ Shutter sound ], Like that’s …, [, Beep, ], [, Shutter, sound ]. That’S quick! Certainly, a photo-first experience., [, Beep, ], [ Shutter, sound ], It’s just different., [, Beep, ] And, of course, having complete manual control. You can map this ring on the front for focus. Zoom .