The Smartest Dumb Phone

The Smartest Dumb Phone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Smartest Dumb Phone”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video. Today, we’re gon na have some fun. Now you’re, probably too young, to remember these things or things that look like this., But cell phones used to be gigantic … bricks. This is called “ The Brick”.

The Smartest Dumb Phone

This is a new take … on an old thing.. This is an actual … cell phone that looks like those …

The Smartest Dumb Phone

giant bricks. That Zack Morris used to carry around. Jack. Do you remember, Zack Morris Jack remembers Zack..

The Smartest Dumb Phone

Where was that California “ Saved By The Bell”, Where did that take place? Why was it always so nice out Anyway, Zack Morris had a phone like this, and I remember when I saw that I was like “ Mom. I need a phone now. Ya know.

I got ta be look at’em.”. This is so. This is weird, ok, listen.

It can work as an actual cellphone.. It has an SIM card slot in it… I don’t know what you’re trying to do. Maybe you’re it’s part of your Halloween costume and you’re. Just gon na for the day, you’re gon na use. This is your phone., But it also works as a Bluetooth headset..

You could have this on your desk connected via Bluetooth and just be a be a boss, man. Picking this thing., Maybe you’re wearing a suit.. It has a ton of battery life one month of standby time.

14 hours of talk time has a SD card slot it’ll play music through its speaker.. I don’t know I mean what are we doin’ here, Ooh. ( giggles in a deep voice, ) “, Yes. Yes.. I’M signing the contract as we speak.

No better, yet I’ll use my fax machine.” Remember when you would get spam on a fax machine. Why am I talking into the phone Very classic. Buttons tactile? Of course, your giant antenna Micro, USB cable, a pouch of nothing.? What the Looks maybe the battery holder, Here’s the battery.

1,000 mAh., The British power brick as well. What do I … That was easy enough.. It takes a full size, SIM card. I haven’t seen one of those in a while.

Look at that. It also has an SD card slot as well. (, Silently ), And you just do that. …, Oh …, For the purpose of this video, I’m going to be using it as a Bluetooth, headset. Ya know.

What’S weird, It’s those metal contacts, OH Hello, there. Look at that A pink screen, now. Jack. Can you pick that up? What do ya think? Are you getting thrown back right now, like it’s a Thursday Power on Bluetooth, Yes.? Alright, let me get my phone out., The Brick connected. Torch on Ooh, there’s a flashlight on it. Can you see that It’s an emergency, …, flashlight, ( phone rings, ) “, Hello, Hello, !”, ( phone rings, ) “, Hello, Hello, !”, ( phone rings, ), Hello! Jack is that you? How soon do we tell him that he’s on on the video ( Lew talking to Ryan ) Ryan. “ Yeah.”? Are you upset “ (, giggles, ), “ Yea.”? Why do you sound down man “? I sent you an email.

Basically, I guess for you to sugar you to get off the pod herein we’re going to do what this in all of that.”’I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s hard to say when something’s tough on you. Ya know what I mean When you’re uh …

Ryan. Ryan. Can I interrupt you “ Yeah.”? Do you know any jokes “, Not good ones.”, Like anything like a quick one. “, I got nothing., I’m drawing a blank.” “.

I mean I’m sure I’ve heard some jokes over the years, but I can’t remember’em.”. I needed somebody to call like in the video so you’re that person. “ – Oh God, Please don’t., No.”, (, Lew, laughs, ) “, Oh jeez.”.

The whole world can hear you man. “, Oh jeez, …”, (, Lew, laughs ). Should we tell them the story about your blister “, (, yells ), No !” Ryan before you go, say hi to everyone on Unbox, Therapy., “, Hey everybody on Unbox, Therapy.”, (, Lew, laughs, ), Audience! Listen! What I need you to do is hit the’Thumbs Up” button for Ryan. And on that … “ Wait.

Dude. Did you just call for me to tell jokes about myself Like a knock, knock joke? I mean like I’m on the internet.” And on that note, goodbye, Ryan., “, Bye.”, (, Lew, laughs, ), ( music plays ). This is what Jack looks like.. You guys have been wondering what he looks like that’s what he looks: like.

( Lew, giggles ). He’S a happy guy, What can I say, .