Supercharge Any USB Port!

Supercharge Any USB Port!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Supercharge Any USB Port!”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video. And today We’re going to be checking out something that I stumbled, upon. Wow, you remember, there was a website called that.. I stumbled upon on Amazon. It is called “ UCharger”. Essentially, it allows you to charge up devices from your laptop’s USB port that you woulden’t otherwise be able to charge from those ports Like an iPad or a tablet.. But then, on top of that, it reduces the amount of charge time that you would expect to have on things that would charge off those ports like a smartphone., “ Lew. That made no sense what you said.”. I dunno. I feel like that.

Supercharge Any USB Port!

You made a little bit. If you’re, looking at an iPhone, normally off a standard, USB port, it would take 4 hours and 10 minutes to completely recharge. With this guy, it’s 2 hours and 30 minutes..

If you plug in your device like an iPad or something it’s like “, Do you want to sync? Do you want to use iTunes? Do you want to do this? Do you want to do that”? You don’t want to do any of those things.. You just wan na charge. You want the juice If it’s the juice you’re looking for this will also stop those prompts.

Supercharge Any USB Port!

Cool.. Ok, awesome what you need to do, Pull it out and plug it in apparent … ….

Supercharge Any USB Port!

Look at that what an unboxing experience Jack.! Now you might be thinking “, Hey, but Lew. My little power, brick is not much bigger than that”. Ok, fine, but then you’re still using 2 wall outlets to get recharge speed.

This is one wall outlet., Maybe you’re in a hotel room or something and then you’re. Just getting more juice out of something you already have., Damn it Jack., Don’t these people get it? What else to-? I don’t think I need to know anything else.. I have an iPad here, the big boy, the machismo., The El Chapo, and see.

If we can now charge an iPad., Can you see that there Jack? I mean it’s really not that big. Plug that in-? Does my laptop have power Kind of important., Oh cool, so when you’re getting juice, you have a blue LED. Into the iPad Pro … BOOM Charging instant charging., So we’re just …

sucking juice out of a straw like it’s a juice box., Remember, Welch’s, Unbelievable. Concord grapes., Give them a shot., Not sponsored by Welch’s. Welch’s used to have …. They had a great commercial with the kid … So did McCain with the french fries..

Remember the McCain kid Just eating … THAT I loved that … Just basic, You don’t need anything he’s just enjoying his goddamn french fries and you wan na enjoy them too..

Why am i getting more quiet, … And higher pitched? Alright, I’ve got an iPhone now. With a crazy …

Swiss army knife kind of case on it. If you haven’t seen that video go check it out anyway, …. What do we have? Oh, this is completely dead …, But it is charging.. Let’S see how quickly we can get from the dreaded iPhone “, I have no power stream” … …

to “, I’m alive” [ Awful singing ], Look at it Juice … That didn’t take too long. Anybody who has experience with that dreaded screen that wasn’t terrible.. What do you think a couple of minutes Really Not even.

And there we go …, Juiced and charging. Put it in your bag of tricks.. Tricks are for kids, …, Hey the cereal Ryan. Before you go, say: “ hi” to everybody on Unbox, Therapy., “, Hey everybody! On Unbox Therapy.”, (, Laughter, ), .