Turn Your Phone Into A Breathalyzer!

Turn Your Phone Into A Breathalyzer!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Turn Your Phone Into A Breathalyzer!”.
{ Funky Music Plays }, What’s up guys Lew here back with another video.., and today I got something: you’d, probably never expected to see here.. That is a portable breathalyzer. Excuse me Lew. What exactly are you talking about This little guy in front of me? You blow into it if you’ve been drinking.

Turn Your Phone Into A Breathalyzer!

And it’ll, give you an accurate read-out of how intoxicated you are.. Now this one is not just portable, but it also uses your android device.. So that’s kinda where the tech component comes in., It plugs into the Micro-USB port and allows for you to get that reading.. Why would you want something like this? If you don’t know drinking and driving … terrible.. thing to do., You don’t wan na be doing it. So, with a little guy like this in your pocket, you could turn it into a little bit of a game.

Turn Your Phone Into A Breathalyzer!

You’D be like “. Ah ha ha. What’S your blood-alcohol content, ?” “, Oh Sh …! Oh You shouldn’t be driving. Okay cool! Have a nap on the couch”, It’s tech with a purpose Step, One Download the android app It’s free Step, Two Plug this baby in Step. Three Follow the instructions. Your android device must support USB hosting., Android 4.0 and up. No battery required to keep charged No mouth-pieces Free, app And a miniature size And quick results. Listen Now.

Turn Your Phone Into A Breathalyzer!

You got no excuse. Alright, Don’t be.. “, I’m good, ah I’ll, be driving myself home right now.”. You know we tr.. try to stop Jack over here. The guy’s, a wild animal.

Let’S open this baby up Now, you’re, probably wondering “. How are you accurately gon na test this little breathalyzer here ?”? Well, I have a.. some emergency beers on hand.. Here’S a … WOW, LOOK. The little carrying case goes in your key-chain as well.

That’S smart man! I like when tech solves a problem, especially when it could save some lives. No seriously. I’M taking a serious note right now And here it is Look at that.

Little guy WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW Lil cap for it. Tiny, This just slides right in there. Just like this Blow.

In that end, USB on that end. Install the android.. Drink Mate app, okay, Ahhh! This is important.

This tells you, when you are impaired. 0.16 to 0.20 nausea likely dysphoria predominant You’re in trouble. Man, Nausea is not good..

Okay, Let’s grab the app. I got the Batman phone here of course. Look at me., Stylin’, Profilin’, Drink Mate is what I’m looking for.. I’M gon na get some beer.. That’S gon na be important. Oh man, The anticipation is REAL.

Here. Wait! 15 minutes! Since your last drink before taking the reading., Don’t put your mouth on it. Oh, I got it.

(, Exhales, ), Right, Okay, Cool! I can do that. Blow softly, like you’re whistling Plug in the drink- Eh. This is just… I wan na get a baseline with no alcohol. In my system, here.

Woah. I feel like a police officer right now, ( Exhales, ) WOOOWWWW. I got it quickly. ( Beep ) Calculating …, ZERO POINT: ZERO, ZERO, YESSS, Zero point, Zero Zero And it keeps a record of it.

There’s even an area to take a picture of what you look like Ha …, pffff …, Ho ( Opens can ). Should I just have two Alright.. I’M reading through the little booklet here and I’m noticing that it’s probably a better idea., So I.. I..

I.., Make sure to at least get some kind of reading to have two beers. Rather than one. ( Opens, can ) Two beers deep … And rough of …

( Mouth Fart, ) And roughly a 10 minute, wait No 12 now. We’ll see how much it effects me… Am I capable of operating a motor vehicle ( Exhales, ), Calculating.. ( Beep ) Oooohhhh Point Zero Five.. I am currently experiencing Relaxation Loss of judgement.. I can hardly keep it together: Exaggerated behavior.., Bah, lah, lah, lah, lahhh, Slowing of eye focus, decreased alertness, increased euphoric feeling.. I feel fantastic Ahh.. And impaired reasoning, I..

or a guy like Jack., Terrible idea, Technically speaking, I’m still capable of operating a motor vehicle. That thing is quick: It’s effective! It’S tiny! Well I’ll, probably put it in my glovebox. Somewhere around there. …

Get one of these things for your friends, I’m not even exaggerating when I say “ It could save a life !”, something like this. .