How To Roll Off Nasty Fingerprints!

How To Roll Off Nasty Fingerprints!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How To Roll Off Nasty Fingerprints!”.
Fingerprints …, We all have them. They’re unique.. Your fingerprint belongs only to you. That’s kind of cool., But they also kinda suck.. Let me tell you why Police will use them against you..

pff. That’S not what i meant. No, they suck because- on your gadgets. They get everywhere. Every gadget company on the planet has a glossy little surface.. This nasty kind, of- Jack did this. He marked this up before hand actually. His hand.

… er- Tried to talk to him about it.. Oh, it’s not even funny he’s upset now.

How To Roll Off Nasty Fingerprints!

Today we’re looking at something called the iRoller …’Liquid free touchscreen display cleaner.’. Now I’ve tried all the sprays …. I’Ve tried all the cloths. Microfiber this- Go with the t-shirt. Everybody knows that move right there.

How To Roll Off Nasty Fingerprints!

I hate it., But these guys look at them. “. Oh hi we’re the iRoller we’re here to solve your problems.”. Are you, though, Are you really Or does your product suck? Is it all a lie? Is it a big marketing fiasco, Look at the image on the front: i’d click on that., You clicked on this …

How To Roll Off Nasty Fingerprints!

*Lou laughs* Its kinda, like a little-, Almost like a lint roller that you would use on some clothing to remove lint., Except this one is targeted At fingerprints. It’s pretty inexpensive, but this is- -oooh … Pull that off …, Sticky, …

material. Moment of truth.. As you guys know this thing-.

Now that’s a fingerprint magent.. Look at that gross. And, as you know, you take the cloth in many cases, even with the spray you’re just kind of like pushing the- smudge around.. That’S where the iRoller comes in … Ohh. It works even better on the iPa-.

Are you seeing all that This thing actually-? Where have you been all my life iRoller, I’m telling you my number 1 concern at this point is like how long does this thing remain active and effective? Okay, I got a laptop here as well. You’re not supposed to be touching the screen, but if you’re a guy like Ryan, sometimes you forget that You just start-, Let’s see how she fairs … Ohh. Why is that so satisfying Just watching those fingerprints die.? Alright? Last up what if you just got glossy gadgets You’ve seen this- glossy plastic on something.? You know what it works, but it’s not as amazing as on the glass. ( rhetorical ). Is this going to replace every cloth and spray in your house No.

it’s not? But man … It’s doing somethin’. What’S your excuse now, huh, Mr Fingerprint .