DO NOT Buy The BlackBerry KEY2

DO NOT Buy The BlackBerry KEY2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “DO NOT Buy The BlackBerry KEY2”.
All right all right, whoo, what’s going on with the BlackBerry, who’d you’re, using a blackberry. What do you think about? It must be terrible jack going like get one tweet like one aggressive tweet, that’s criticizing the fact that I was using the BlackBerry feel like this. This company is washed up. This era is gone. Thing is, while I kind of disagree with them.

You want to have the experience for yourself. You want to make up your mind with a little bit of Intel. I can’t just come out and be like that product is dead without having tried it. So that’s what I’ve been doing and you already knew that almost two weeks, but very deep, day-to-day apps text messaging social media YouTube’s been doing it on the key to I wanted to get to the truth.

I wanted to know for certain what my take was gon na, be you want to missing for people, you want to give it your best shot and that’s what I’ve been aiming to do through using this, even though I hated it hates a very strong word. My mom used to tell me that and she’s correct. I didn’t hate it. I just hated it.

DO NOT Buy The BlackBerry KEY2

Here’S the thing: okay, this keyboard, it existed in a time where these high quality capacitive displays were not an option. This is some sort of an exercise for me in nostalgia in general, the keyboard – I remember it – the BlackBerry, 8800 typing away, bbm those were good days and then I feel this thing and I get this rush. Positive feelings, like that’s cool, that’s different! Let me see if I can rekindle some of what was well guess, what nothing was rekindled it was just annoying. Did I really expect this keyboard to be that great, because if it was that great, why would anyone have ever changed in order to fit it in there? You get this small display with the off-center video, it’s not the same aspect ratio with some video.

So then it’s like you’ve got bars as well. The annoyances they started to creep up, for example, everybody’s using emojis you’re typing along it’s, not one tap it’s over here then it’s over here then you’re. Looking around no search function. That’S the BlackBerry keyboard! Okay! Fine! Maybe I can work around that.

Maybe I can deal this screen. You know not the best out there. You get black bars, so your 4.5 inches that you were working with is already smaller and then hard speaker. This tinny, ah two gigs a very fancy glowing.

DO NOT Buy The BlackBerry KEY2

It’S just not cutting it. For me, you know it’s like things. They start to pile up, that’s not even where it ends you get to the camera and you just want to die. You just want to die.

You just want to stop this right here. This is what this camera is. This is the best way to describe this camera. The contrast it’s not there, the sharpness it’s not there.

DO NOT Buy The BlackBerry KEY2

I haven’t had a front-facing camera. Do this in such a long time, blurry shots, slow, shutter, there’s so much light there. How is it lagging that hard not buying this thing for the cameras, I’m not buying it for the screen, I’m not buying it. For the speaker, I never got as fast with this keyboard.

I promise you it’s the fact that the numbers, the number pad you have to hold alt the duplicate keys, require an alt press. You felt the lag buttons themselves are kind of nice to depress. I, like the configurable key on the side and map this to Google assistant.

That’S nice to have the battery life is good price right. This starts at what 600 will starts at 650 and you’re getting a snapdragon 660 at that price point. There are plenty of options with an 8 for 5 in it, so it’s kind of like what is this BlackBerry tax that I’m paying? What is this premium? Because I’ve got this enhanced security because I have this physical keyboard and maybe most importantly, because I have this prestigious established brand name kind of the coca-cola factor here I think people are gon na buy this.

Some real BlackBerry lovers are gon na, like it they’re getting the modern treatment, they’re getting an upgrade on what they might be used to, but for everyone else. I just can’t imagine you reaching for this. My SIM cards already out of here.

You see that up there and I took it out and it was a relief look. I used it for almost two weeks and I cannot now you do get it. I felt good.

Ok, I want to see these products succeed. I want to see options that are viable. I want every video to be like damn that’s a good option. We want to root for them.

You go up against Mike Tyson, it’s not enough to just beat him. You got to knock them out and somebody trying to come with a keyboard in 2018 with the name like there’s, it’s not enough to just exist this product, not nothing else. I don’t know if this is what a blackberry has to look like forever. I don’t know what happens here. I don’t think you should buy this fall and I think your money’s better Bente elsewhere, that’s my opinion. That’S what you signed up for! That’S! Why you’re here! That’S why I’m here, I’m gon na break it down for you all right.

I put the responsibility on me to be as honest as I possibly can. I believe this what I’ve done here today. I hope you appreciate it. I appreciate you and I’ll catch you in the next article, okay, goodbye .