This Is The Craziest Phone In The World…

This Is The Craziest Phone In The World...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Is The Craziest Phone In The World…”.
[ Laughter, ], I’ve done a couple videos about really weird phones, all right. The world of phones is kind of crazy in a way that was unexpected. You know I took a trip to China. I was looking at the weird stuff trying to uncover the weird for you, but today I’ve got to go back and re-evaluate the whole thing because in front of me, I have what I know not what I think.

What I know is the weirdest Foam period, the weirdest phone on planet Earth – it’s in this nondescript white box in here and the special part. It’S like 27 bucks, it’s affordable now, we’ll do had nothing to do with this. Okay, this was actually a tip from one of you guys. It was like glue. You have to check this out.

This Is The Craziest Phone In The World...

I need to know if this thing is even real. First things first, you know something’s a little off you’re, like that’s a bit chunky as a chunky. Looking phone there, don’t click off. Okay, you don’t know what it is.

This Is The Craziest Phone In The World...

I know it says: BLT, there’s, no bacon! No lettuce! No tomato pay attention! More now than ever. Oh giveaway! You see this Jack. Huh huh, explain! Nah it ain’t for cleaning your parts. I want to see you in the comments guessing like. I know what it is now right, but don’t lie and watch the whole video then go back and guess it’s no fun. This is not a game.

This Is The Craziest Phone In The World...

I haven’t thrown anything at Jack in a while. So I caught him off guard there. This is the phone I’m gon na call it the BLT cuz.

It says it on there, though. I’D rather have a bacon lettuce, tomato right now, army green, very rugged. Apparently this thing is waterproof: 3,800 milliamp hour battery.

You see that Jack, you didn’t expected. It says shaver on it, because this smartphone this smartphone has a shaver on it. I don’t even what is what even what? What’S even what anymore? What are we doing? Simulation Theory inception dream within a dream: unbox therapy within unbox therapy inside of a shaver inside of another version of unbox therapy, on a typewriter forever with a monkey. This is crazy, like somebody had to make this.

They had to combine these things. There had to be a factory and there had to be drawings before that there had to be meetings. What kind of werewolf dude needs to have the speed dial and the speed shave all in one? Probably one like me. Actually, you see what’s going on here, the Marlboro Man is the guy who needs it.

He’S always clean-shaven. Even though he’s on the horseback he’s in the Wild West, no one in the Wild West would have been clean-shaven. What day I had to buy this, you guys. Don’T understand this was an insta buy for me.

Like I saw this, I got the tip clicked the link and I bought it. You need to know that there is no end to human ingenuity, does have a very bright flashlight in it, because why? Wouldn’T you, let’s just throw that in there USB in and out you can charge up another phone, [ Applause, ], nanananana, darling, darling, shave, your face, you’re disgusting lalala. Actually, you know what for a $ 30 phone, I actually kind of like the UI compared to some of the other, weird phones. What is charger baby? Well? Well, dual SIM got ta.

Have it there’s a camera woohoo here we go. Oh man, darling, darling, darling, go and shave your face today. That is the one audio file on the phone once again, I’m longing for your hungry touch full body shaver watt voice. Let’S try to hand region over here. Actually you seen that difference.

That’S smooth as a baby’s bottom right. Look at that will you’re not impressed that’s a smooth end. I don’t know it shaves.

What are we doing? Are we evaluating the quality as a shaver? It’S 20 bucks and it’s also phone.i. This is on the fringe. This is a fringe product, one of the major accomplishments in human history.

Now, if you want to challenge the weird phone champion status of this phone right here, then let me know down in the comments. Send me your links. I want to see them. There’S weird phones, but I don’t think you could beat this one so step your game up. Kids.

The weird phone Olympics starts now: try to dethrone this monster. Good luck! .