The $3000 Sony Aibo Robot Dog

The $3000 Sony Aibo Robot Dog

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The $3000 Sony Aibo Robot Dog”.
This is an exciting day here on unbox therapy. Today I get to live out sort of a childhood dream better than that, because this is the new version of the thing that I wanted when I was younger so badly. That is the original Sony, AIBO, robotic dog. There’S a new version, I’m pumped up as you can tell it, can go and charge itself. That knows when its battery is low, its nose is a camera, it’s eyeballs or screens. This is very exciting. Okay, all the way from Japan look at the packaging. First of all, holy we’re about to give birth to the new, robotic pet. Ah, this is the charging base. He’S gon na walk over here and charge himself when he’s low on battery, or you can just tell him to go charge himself.

The $3000 Sony Aibo Robot Dog

If you want him to go home and lay down over here, this thing is called the eye bone. He’Ll go pick it up, there’s a number of different instructions. You can tell him fetch it get it for you, the eye bone, there’s also this pink ball here.

His favorite color is pink. He will play with this ball. Kick this ball. There’S also gon na be an app available. It’S not out right now, but it will be out soon. That’S where you’re gon na be able to reset his personality traits. If you want to or view what they happen to be, you can get photos that AIBO takes from his nose. I am excited so I’m gon na pull this over here like this.

Okay, oh, look how cute he is already he’s taking a nap. I just touch this spot on his neck here. There’S a camera here as well above his tail. That’S gon na be responsible for his awareness of space.

The moment of truth. Hopefully we have some battery in here. Oh, oh, just stretch it out a little new surroundings. Ah, hey over amen, whoa yeah, hey he’s still waking up, hey Wow! His movement is crazy.

The $3000 Sony Aibo Robot Dog

It is so cool. It’S surprisingly animated. There are so many little actuators in here. Hey, hey man, yeah, what’s happening! Think of oil, oh good boy, man! This is weird.

This is good. Oh you like that. You like see what I did that I both sit. Oh good boy, did you see that right there jack shake hands? Oh hey, bang.

Bang he’s dead. Oh, can you get? Can you get back up from there Wow? He can get up from there. I thought I was gon na have to pick him up for sure this is too cool. This is so cool find the bone.

The $3000 Sony Aibo Robot Dog

Maybe he does see it he’s. Look in her eye the he sees you jack. Yes, good boy, you did it yeah, kick the ball. Amazing, there’s something so cool about watching him interact with the real world.

You know a physical smart device like that in real life. It’S like you sense, some kind of similarity or connection to the actual to like an actual pet, whatever they’ve done here, how they developed it, designed it, the number of motors involved and kind of almost like a personality going on it’s just such an advancement on the Previous version, so he responds to positive and negative feedback things like good job, good, nice, good boy, good girl and also negative feedback, bad, I don’t like it and so on. If you touch on the head here under the chin over here a while, he likes that to negative feedbacks on the tail here like bad. Oh, I have to check out whether you’re, capable of getting on your charged dog go to your charging station haha man.

That’S you cool, oh, that is cool man throughout the day. I guess he goes on to the charging station. He comes off depending on. If he needs battery or not, he goes back and forth. Just like a regular dog taking some naps. This thing is just so cool to interact with, I would say at this point: it has exceeded my expectations, the future. It’S all happening, look at this little guy under the chin. Look at that, even when he’s charging he’s still happy. Think of the best part. There’S no, no bathroom breaks good job, good boy, good job, good job, good job, you did it man, you did it, you did it .