Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is This The Best Smartphone Notch Yet?”.
Another day, another notch, or in this case lack thereof, a not CH, a more beautiful, presentable notch. I think they’re calling it like a teardrop. This is the f9 Pro and it has a notch on it, reminiscent of the essential phone, maybe even a little prettier than the essential phone. That’S right, I said pretty and of course, the whole goal of this is like every other notch to increase the screen to body ratio while maintaining a position for the forward facing camera. I actually at first glance I kind of like this implementation. It’S reminiscent of remember the movie neverending story, the princess she has the crown that kind of comes down in the center. Now this type of knotch. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen it outside of the essential phone. It’S gon na start popping up on more devices.
I think it’s kind of a nice compromise if we’re gon na have a notch, let’s make it as small as possible. This is a kind of mid-range device. The price is gon na, be somewhere around 300 bucks when adjusted for the US dollar. This one is six gigs of RAM 64 gigs of storage.
If I turn the cameras, 16 plus 2 megapixels and then 25 megapixels in the front, it’s a 6.3 inch display LCD display no OLED love at this price. Point 3500 milliamp hour battery with voop fast charge, which they claim can give you like: 75 percent battery life. In about half an hour, there’s no Snapdragon in here the processor is from media tech. So keep that in mind. This one also happens to be made in India. We’Ve included a case. Oh that’s! A really different color set up there whoa check that out, whoa magenta to red. That is different.
Fingerprint scanner is where I like it on the back here. The SIM card tray, which I believe is dual whoa: okay, dual SIM and storage, two Sims and storage. All at once – oh that’s, really weird – it’s still micro USB, I’m gon na boot. This up, I think this type of layout should be adopted by other manufacturers. Yes, you have to have a forward facing camera. The motorized stuff is a little iffy. People are wondering if it’s gon na be reliable. This might be kind of compromise where we have a knotch, but it’s not very big. We have the USB cable, you see, it has the Luke identifier on there a headset reminiscent of some other brand of headset, I’m hoping this is a speedy. You fingerprint scanner, I’ll put it in the mid-range for speed.
It’S not the fastest. I’Ve ever tried, but it’s quick, it’s quick enough. That’S for sure! Okay, it has face on lock as well. We can give that a shot boom boom boom. It’S pretty nice. Is it as secure as some of the other face unlock technologies? Probably not it’s just a forward facing camera as opposed to infrared, or something like that. This gives us our first glimpse at the display. It is LCD, as I mentioned very minimal. In fact, if you compare this to like an iPhone 10 or something this is almost non-existent, can I get an iPhone 10? In fact, so you tell me which one you would prefer having the notch on the iPhone has a lot more tech built in, and the face unlock should be more secure because of that it’s nice to see something a little bit different, even if it doesn’t pack All the identical features of the iPhone knotch, let’s launch a video, so we can see what happens with the knotch.
It bites into your display, a little bit kind of elegant. Actually, and of course, if you pinch out, you get giant bezels, but most people are gon na watch like this. The whole phone actually feels pretty high-quality and at this price point that’s kind of a big difference when compared to something like the polka phone.
The Oppo device here is gon na feel a little bit more elegant and most people I’d say if they pick them. Both up would think this is the more expensive device, but if they know anything about them, they know we got snapdragon over here mediatek over here. You can’t really compare one to one.
I’M gon na play some music yeah. I would say the polka phone has a little more low-end, possibly a little more volume, but there seems to be a little more clarity on the f9 Pro mid-to-high sort of thing. How about the camera unit, of course, 16 megapixel, plus 2 megapixels, so secondary lens, there’s gon na be used for that bokeh effect, there’s some filters and things built into the app as well as a beauty mode.
Now the thing is for me: these portrait modes, they’re, really hidden, mist, there’s so few of them that I actually like to use or would even consider using the original, actually looks a lot better to me than the portrait version, which just looks softer in general. It’S not really something I’m using on most of these phones, so it’s really tough to evaluate, I think it’s sort of a gimmick on most phones. It’S got to be perfect or near perfect to be usable in my mind, so far, there’s just so few phones that can do that on the front facing side holy beard, man, yes, holy smokes all these cameras are getting better if you so hard for me to Just grab one of these now and have it absolutely sucked like that’s not happening anymore, we used to have some real crappy, front-facing images and rear facing for that matter.
Blur you can’t get a good frame, that’s not the case anymore men. We are seeing some improvements at all aspects. It’S a cool device. The story is, of course, the notch here. I know, though, it’s gon na be tough to pick this one up, because the polka phone exists with the snapdragon 84 5 and you’re like what am i doing, then I get it.
It’S a pretty phone loo, it’s all looking good! I get it loo, but I need I need the guts myself personally, I’m not using the infrared face unlock anyway. I don’t need all those sensors up there I’ll take a nice fingerprint on the back. If you’re heavy on the face, unlock, you’re gon na have an alternative point of view. Nonetheless, this is a nice looking form-factor a nice screen to body ratio and what is this color code, the sunrise red? Ladies and gentlemen, sunrise red? That’S, a fingerprint e sunrise.
The whole premium feel the whole glass phone thing like oh, but it feels premium. I don’t know how value can you put on that I’ve been using this polka foam for how long now it’s like at no point of my like name, I missed the premium, feel like that. Doesn’T cross my mind, I’m just like I’m using it. I’M living I’m out here living guys and in fact I gripped this one nice. How does it come back to this phone follow up on this phone coming up very shortly? All right don’t miss it subscribe.
I got a lot to say: .