This iPhone XS Max Was Not Made By Apple…

This iPhone XS Max Was Not Made By Apple...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This iPhone XS Max Was Not Made By Apple…”.
Would you look at that Tim Cook? He sent the very first iPhone 10’s max to me because he’s such a big fan of unbox that no, of course, he didn’t even invite me to the event how to take matters into my own hands how to reach out to China. I need an iPhone 10 s max. What can you do and then this came out this? My friends is an exact replica, the 10 s max. You look at the description, it’s crazy. What they’re able to do here? They even tell you to go to, slash, iphone, slash, specs, to see the spec list, infinite loop Cupertino they have the address and so on it’s pretty wild. They claim it’s Space, Gray, 256 gigabytes of storage.

If you’re unfamiliar these phones have been pumped out. Every single iPhone release and it will launch in many cases before the actual version, because I guess they’ve got the specs and dimensions available to them and they’re like boom, let’s put it into production. This goes a step further in the sense that the OS, even though it’s Android in the background, it’s gon na look like iOS, maybe you’re gon na be able to fool some people into thinking. It’S an actual iPhone we’ll find out. This is a bit of a giveaway.

Obviously, in the Apple box, you’re not gon na have this bubble wrap. You definitely won’t have this sticker on the back. Oh look at this also stickers. Over top of the logos, I notice another difference on the iPhone section here. Normally, you would have some text underneath the word iPhone, not in this case here, so it’s bigger than the iPhone 10. This is me 10 over here.

This iPhone XS Max Was Not Made By Apple...

Quick comparison, of course, Apple will still be making this form factor, but this is the new guy. The purpose of this video is to see how close this replica really is, especially once I booted up the charge. Brick. Can I say something: can I just be a little critical right now of Apple, because I really I feel that I have to be a lot of people don’t know, but on the next version those phones are capable of quick charge, but they’re not giving you a Quick charge of brick in the box, but you would really expect Apple.

This iPhone XS Max Was Not Made By Apple...

I mean you’re spending like a grand. Please put the quick charge, brick in the box. Please it just seems like the right thing to do. No, you will have to buy that as an extra.

Otherwise, you’re charging slow with the little mini adapter little screen protector there I mean it really feels like an iPhone 10. To be honest, these buttons feel pretty good. I think the Apple logo might be a little off-center ever so slightly plus. Is that chin a bit bigger, I think so? Oh yeah, definitely a much bigger chin. It’S a dead giveaway! Oh, I don’t know kind of convinced. Are you convinced Jack look at that? Is it snappy? It’S okay! I don’t know it’s not quite as fast now.

This iPhone XS Max Was Not Made By Apple...

There’S no way that’s OLED viewing angles, not quite there. It doesn’t look terrible, though, comparatively speaking, let me see if I can change the region here, you can see the settings menu very similar kind of convincing the display. Like I said it’s a bit of a giveaway. It’S nowhere near as vibrant as the actual one, but usable, ah, the multitasking, actually working like an iPhone. It’S incredible! It’S usable, oh yeah! The camera must be terrible, yeah, it’s a terrible! It’S a cheapo camera! This is how you’re gon na figure this out.

Ladies and gentlemen, not a very sharp image, it has a zoom. I don’t know if it’s legit or not. It’S definitely not 2x. Look how small that do this! It’S a crop! What about the front-facing camera huh? It’S just grabbing focus on my eyeball.

For some reason. I don’t know I guess the front one’s a bit better than the rear one. It’S not good, though it’s not comparable with anything that I would recommend you buy right now. Let’S put it that way. What about the speaker? Of course, we should check that this keyboard is another giveaway, happy thought an Apple advertisement perfect, it doesn’t sound good, it does not say look.

I don’t know why these kind of phones exist. I don’t know who wants this. I can you fool someone yeah, maybe at a distance, but what are you doing there’s so many great Android phones that are gon na cost a similar amount to this? Maybe you just you really wan na. You really need that logo in your life. This video, with Tim Cook’s fault, because I could have the real 10s max sitting here right now with a proper evaluation for you guys, but I’m stuck with this knockoff because he won’t answer my phone calls. Otherwise, I got ta wait till the device actually comes out in the meantime. This is as close as you’re gon na get. As far as an unboxing experience is concerned, straight from China to the unbox therapy headquarters Tim Cook, open, invite get in touch, send the real deal we’ll see if it’s any better than this one, it’s definitely more expensive.
