Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The iPhone XR Is Depressing…”.
Would you look at that hot new piece of technology on the table right there? That’S that that’s the latest iPhone right! That’S the iPhone! 10 are okay, fine, no, it’s the iPhone 4, but it does have something in common with the brand new iPhone. 10, are some of you probably already know what that is for those of you that don’t it has the same number of pixels per inch as the eventual upcoming iPhone 10 are the 2018 iPhone 10 are and, as you can tell I’m a little bit upset about It because the iPhone 10 ours is seven hundred and fifty dollar device in 2018 and I’m sitting here looking at some screen resolution, that’s identical on a device that came out many years ago when well, when did the iPhone 4 come out June? 24. 2010. That’S! When Apple was capable of putting a 326 PPI display into a smartphone all the way back then and they’re still doing it to this day, and I can’t figure out the reason. I know some of you out there in the audience are gon na say but Lou on a smart phone. Can you really see the difference? Can you tell the difference so what about this PPI? Well, here’s the thing in an environment where we have plenty of choices and plenty of options, especially at low price points. All kinds of applications have started to take screen resolution into consideration like YouTube, Netflix and so on, where you may want to trigger that HD functionality to be able to watch a full resolution. Video on your smartphone. Now not a lot of people are talking about this, but if you picked up this brand new iPhone 10 are at 750 dollars. You’Re not gon na be able to watch 1080p YouTube. You can’t toggle that setting, because the device is not capable of it.
Now I’m gon na bring another phone into the mix here. This is the Samsung Galaxy s4. When did this come out? Well, 2013. This device came out. It’S got a 5-inch 1080p display for a PPI of 441 that’s still four years ago and of course, every single galaxy s device since then has maintained at least that resolution at least 1080p.
Of course, there’s ones now with even higher resolution, and you can toggle it to your own taste. Now there is a debate regarding what the human eye can actually see and at which distance. So at this distance here, I shouldn’t be able to discern pixels. Possibly here I start to pick them up on this display on the iPhone 4. If I look closely at a close range, yes, I can see individual pixels. Is it horrendous? Does it completely ruin the experience? No, I’m not suggesting that the phone is completely ruined by the fact that it doesn’t have at least a 1080p display. The reason I’m angry about this is because there’s not much reason for it, except to distance the premium product from the discounted one. In my opinion, to try to convince people to step up and spend more money on the more premium 10s and 10’s max. But the reason it’s irritating is because the material cost of stepping up to a few extra pixels when the scale is there.
When so many other smartphone manufacturers are already using, those 1080p displays, some even with a notch like on the polka phone right here. There’S an example: there’s a 1080p display on a device that costs $ 300. How are these aggressive, Android price points being serviced by 1080p resolution, because the material cost on those displays is not that much? That part is ubiquitous, it’s everywhere, so Apple probably could have given it to you.
They just didn’t want to. They didn’t think they had to, and so they did it and now they’re trying to compel people much like with the the charge. Brick, that’s not in the box for super charge, they’re trying to compel people to spend a little more while still stating hey.
At least we have a budget option now to be completely fair. I think a lot of people are gon na walk into the Apple store, look at the 10r and be like hey. That’S fine for me.
For me, that’s non-negotiable! That’S just kind of a jerk move! Now I know, there’s gon na be Apple fans out there, you’re gon na disagree with me. You’Re gon na sit there and say loo Apple knows best Apple knows how much resolution we need you’re gon na say 326. Ppi is the perfect resolution. It’S fine, but if was the case, then why does Apple sell premium devices with more resolution? Wait is the 10 s 10 x max have a higher PPI for what reason? Well, because it’s not true, if you hold those two displays next to each other, you should be able to discern the difference if you know what you’re looking for now. At this point, I sound like an aggravated nerd and possibly I am, and many people out there gon na be like, but I can get the bright colors on the 10r for 750 and that’s really what I’m in this for and look if you’re one of those People more power to you: these are your dollars, but, in my opinion, in an era with polka phones and 1080 screens everywhere on devices under 500 under 400 under 300. This one for me, is the biggest mess up on this particular device. Otherwise, the spec list looks pretty good but see the problem with this, as a tech fan is that we count on the market leaders to push the better technology forward.
We count on them to show us sort of what’s happening and what’s important and what’s possible and when you have a leader, like Apple intentionally, holding products back to create these price discrepancies, so they can play in these different marketplaces without cannibalizing their premium stuff. You have confusion in the consumer marketplace or at least a lack of understanding. Yes, the PPI of this guy, this ancient-looking iPhone 4, is equivalent to the PPI of the new iPhone 10 arm. There are way more pixel, dense, displays out there for less money, and you should know about it.