The iPhone XS Has A Serious Problem…

The iPhone XS Has A Serious Problem...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The iPhone XS Has A Serious Problem…”.
That’S a lot of iPhones on the table and there’s a good reason for it. I woke up this morning to an email, saying Lou. I need your help big-time and I was like what could this possibly be about this one seems significant. I’M ready to make you aware of a huge issue with the new iPhone 10’s max when the phone is idle in asleep.

It will not recognize the Lightning jack and therefore will not charge the phone. It is only after you wake the device up that it recognizes. The cable is plugged in I’m trying to reach someone on a bigger platform to make this issue known to Apple, so they can at least let customers know that they are aware of it. Now this email came along with a link to the discussions. Apple calm, that’s apples, official forums where there are many many messages of people experiencing this same issue, and when I saw this I’m like I have to investigate. What’S he talking about I’ve been using the iPhone 10’s Max and I didn’t notice anything, but I’ve been using it exclusively with wireless charging, so I was like oh man. This could be a big problem. Are people really unable to charge their new smartphones? Are we on the verge of some kind of charge date situation, so I got all the iPhone 10s and 10’s maxes that we have in the studio to figure out how widespread this issue actually is. I’Ve also got an iPhone 10 here running iOS 12 to see if it’s strictly related to the operating system.

This issue that people are supposedly having I’ll give you a quick breakdown on the complaint as it stands, some say that when the lightning cable is plugged in to an idle iPhone an iPhone just sitting on a table, it will not charge. Others are saying that if you tap on the phone and wake it up after the insertion of the lightning cable, then it will begin to charge. Others are having an even worse issue where just won’t recognize the cable they have to flip it over and even waking.

The device up with the lightning cable inserted will not create an effective charge. This is some crazy stuff. I haven’t seen something exactly like this: definitely not on an iPhone launch that I’m aware of.

The iPhone XS Has A Serious Problem...

I noticed that there were a cup of individuals. In fact, many requests for someone like me to make a video on this, because up until now it appears that Apple doesn’t really have an official response. In some cases it looks like they have replaced devices, but then those new devices have exhibited the same issue. So responding to those people on a platform like this should bring light to it, and hopefully some sort of a software fix, if possible, to address this sooner than later. First things: first, let’s put all of these iPhones into their locked state in the top corner. Here I have an iPhone 10 that is, of course, to compare what usually happens or should happen when you plug in an iPhone to the wall outlet.

The iPhone XS Has A Serious Problem...

Now we have standard power here straight from the wall, to this extension cord, followed by this power brick. This is the one that ships in the box with the iPhone 10s and 10’s max, and this is the lightning cable that is also in there. That said, we have tested this issue with third-party bricks. Third party cables, as well as Apple’s own 29 watt, more powerful charge.

Brick. The issue is not anywhere here regarding the charger or the cable itself. So here we go iPhone 10, regular, iPhone 10. We’Ve all seen this we’re used to it. This is what you would expect to happen when you plug in an iPhone boom pops up right away, you’re aware, you’re, confident that your device is charging, you can go to sleep now, you’ll be fine! Now, if I come down here to the iPhone 10 s, this is the first in our group. Now the reason we have so many phones, because we want to see the behavior of each one to maybe get an idea of how widespread this issue actually is. So this is the first iPhone 10 s I’ll plug it in starts to charge right away. That’S what you would hope to see: ok cool, how about the next one, the 10s max no charge it should pop up.

Of course, if it was charging, it even makes a tone, and you see the icon to indicate now what about. If I tap on this one, it starts to charge so there’s something to do with the sleep mode or the idle mode. That, for some reason, is blocking the charge current from coming through or at least the battery from receiving the charge. This is the most common version of this issue that I’ve seen.

This is the exact issue. That’S affecting people because they’re just plugging it in going to sleep and waking up, it was never charging the entire time. This is another issue, that’s happening when plugged in look at this. It refuses to wake up. I’Ve noticed this happening also, so sometimes it will effectively get to charge, but the entire phone will freeze – and this will just be in some weird state for a while now plug it back in another 10s max no charge.

What if I tap it boom starts to charge right away as soon as it jumps out of sleep. The charge can take place. Let’S keep it moving next one up another 10s max that one charges immediately for some reason.

Who knows why? Let’S move down to the next one, no charge another 10s max with the issue. Let’S see if we can get a 10s to behave like these Max’s, where it’s actually not taking a charge upon insertion of the cable okay, this device right here no charge. What? If I pick it up starts to charge very bizarre, it appears it’s not isolated to 10s maxes.

Let’S try this next one instant charge. Next, one no charge, that’s another regular 10s, not charging! What if I tap it, then it starts to charge. This is so weird.

There are some people that have stated that it won’t start a charge later on. It will look like it’s charging temporarily or say that it’s charging then it’ll stop and it won’t kick back in some people are saying they have the issue to the extent that they’ll have to reinsert the cable or flip the cable around to actually get an effective Charge ok, this 10’s max has been asleep for a bit, let’s plug it in, even though I’m holding it still not alive. I tap it still not charging, so this one has actually exhibited the worst problems of the bunch and I think if you have a phone like this one, this is a nightmare you’re now plugged in the phone’s awake and it’s still not charging show them that it’s Plugged in jack plugged in is it a software problem? Is it a hardware problem? My gut is telling me it’s software, I sure hope it’s software you can read up on this. It appears that Apple does not have an official response. As of now and a lot of you guys out in the audience you’re like Lou, why do you keep coming at us with these various smartphone issues? What what are you doing bringing this stuff to light? There’S a lot of Apple fans out there. This is in no way condemning the entire device.

That’S not the goal here. The fact is, there are real humans experiencing this issue, who spent their money good money to get these devices and they’re not behaving in the way that those people expected the ability to recharge your phone confidently. I mean that’s like step one that is a key ingredient to your smartphone experience, and if these people aren’t getting a response or a refund or some kind of solution, many of them who’ve got a replacement. They continue to experience the same thing. Then it’s up to platforms like this one people like us to escalate the situation so that it gets a better response.

Eight devices on the table and they’re all exhibiting some form of the issue, some worse than others. This 10s max here is the worst of the bunch where it usually exhibits a no charge situation followed by no charge, even after waking it up. If you are an owner of one of these devices, the new 10s or 10’s max. Do this test yourself see if your device is charging in a weird way? If so, hopefully this comment section can act as an update, a conversation about what’s happening.

Maybe there are workarounds that you found leave those comments down below look. This is my job. I got to call this stuff out.

You got to hold these companies accountable, ultimately, customers, you guys, that’s, who I answer to you nominated me for this position. I’M not gon na help them sweep it under the rug. You guys need solutions if you’re experiencing this issue. That’S why the original email was sent.

That’S why the threads are out there. Hopefully this can elevate the situation and we can find a solution. You nominated me for the job, so that’s what I’m gon na do. .