The Levitating Turntable – What Magic Is This?

The Levitating Turntable - What Magic Is This?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Levitating Turntable – What Magic Is This?”.
Yeah, okay: this is an exciting one. I mean it’s a bit different, it’s quite different. In fact, this, my friends, is the world’s first levitating turntable, the turntable itself. It levitates, it’s like old, meets new, the old tech with the vinyl turntable. This thing is not cheap.

It’S like an art piece. It’S like the statement is for somebody who has everything. It’S called maglev audio. You could check out their website there’s a couple different versions of it. They raise like half a million bucks. Now I have a turntable. I’Ve used one in the past. Alright, you’ve seen it here in the channel a far more basic turntable than this one.

So this is on another level from the stuff that I’ve used in the past. Obviously – and I don’t know – maybe there’s an argument here – that there’s actually some added practicality, we have nice little felt mat anti skating, wait couple Allen wrenches. This is the counterweight. Oh, some high-quality audio cables included.

The Levitating Turntable - What Magic Is This?

Now this is the portion that I believe levitates. This thing looks: super high quality smells high quality yeah. This is the part. That’S gon na levitate.

You can see the design here with the various spokes on it, and here is the turntable. It is a project, carbon arm. That thing is expensive on its own. Ok, let’s get it set up.

The Levitating Turntable - What Magic Is This?

This thing is pretty wild. There’S a bit of a setup process. You have some normal turntable stuff, like the counterweight the anti skate weight and an angle, these pegs allow you to line up the bottom of the turntable. If you, if you take a look at it right here, these various magnetic portions, this is impressive for a couple reasons, not just because it’s sitting there floating, but because it then has to spin at the correct pace at the correct rate, to playback your record accurately Line this thing up kind of fights you a bit there we go.

So we put a record on perfect now we’re gon na set the knob here to 33 and at this point very shortly, you’re gon na be completely levitating. You see this look at that boom. Levitation now the arm is ready to go, but it’s waiting for the record to spin at the proper rpm that takes a second to get up to it. So keep an eye on the needle.

You see what I’m saying here: listen to this [ Laughter ]! Now you can still lift up the tonearm, like you normally would on any type of turntable. You can move it over to say a different track and drop it down. There’S nothing holding on to this platter.

You might look kind of like it because you have the arm over here, but there’s nothing. It’S not touching anywhere. The only place it’s touching is where the needle meets the record.

The Levitating Turntable - What Magic Is This?

That’S it Brock, barian takeovers, new record check them out and then just flick. This top off to the off position and watch what happens here. He comes so they will grab the platter, and at this point this is where you would switch the record if you wanted to or potentially flip sides like this, should we just so we just play some more music. Okay. Obviously this thing is super cool. I mean I feel the responsibility at various times to bring you the cool things that show up here at the studio.

You can imagine in a dimly, lit room, some stark minimalist environment and just a floating turntable with the proper record. You are elevated. In that moment, you you, you reach beyond the stratosphere and into outer space temporarily through a levitating turntable. This thing is called the mag Lev.

What’S the price? Well, I hate to tell them I hate to tell about. I got ta tell up twenty nine hundred bucks, but those of you that already have everything. This is something else that you probably do not have. Currently it’s getting tougher and tougher to blow people’s minds.

You have some guests over a couple of drinks. Levitating turntable sounds like a good time to me. .