The Foldable Smartphone You Can Buy Right Now

The Foldable Smartphone You Can Buy Right Now

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Foldable Smartphone You Can Buy Right Now”.
I saw it I feel like 20 19 foldable phones could be the future. Well, what have you seen this yet take a look at this video okay, give it a peek, give that a peek look at that! Isn’T that cool Roy royal Royale Royale with cheese Royale with cheese, it is the Flex pie, foldable phone, it’s all the rage everyone’s talking about it at CES, and will you think it’s the future I kind of do. I think it’s pretty useful. It looks like garbage dude well right, look, it could become a tablet or a phone yeah. That’S true! That’S what he’s doing right now and I look it’s cool.

It’S like science fiction kind of, but look at it flashing and it’s jaggedy, and what about multimedia I mean the OS is not really set up very well. I know Android is supposedly working on it, but in its current form, can you imagine carrying that thing around? Like it’s a slab in your pot, look at it glitching! Oh yeah! Listen! This is just a prototype, I mean yeah. I guess you can buy it, but 2019 seems like that’s, fairest right. That’S fair! Well, I will say in general I’m a fan of ambitious products and designs where they’re going after you know something that seems unattainable like this idea of this folding display.

The Foldable Smartphone You Can Buy Right Now

So it’s like everyone’s look. Look. What they’re, trying to you know, get people’s attention they’re, trying to reignite the smartphone hype, and so people are reaching, and I appreciate the reach the ambition that Samsung’s working on it. I mean they started with the know 5 or the note series that had a 5-inch screen like just going to a bigger screen exam.

The Foldable Smartphone You Can Buy Right Now

This is now every phone has. So this is the next phase, a giant screen that that that folds out it could be the future. I don’t know if anyone in the comment section is gon na be on your side right now.

I’M gon na need to test it out check it out. For myself, I think right now, it’s garbage look at this guy typing on the sandwich. I do appreciate the ambitious nature of it.

The attempt the approach, the idea that the technology exists to be able to do it. I like pushing the boundaries all that stuff good stuff, but if this was a physical product, you buy right now or recommend right now I mean holy smokes. It looks like a headache. Imagine you pull that out right now as a phone. Imagine what Otis would think it would be kind of cool cuz? No one else would have it. We did a video way back in the day on that one.

What was that device with two screens? It folded up your eyes just had a hinge. It was a ZTE device on the axon em from ZTE and it was a you know. There was a high novelty factor playing with it games and so on, like you, flip it open comfortable and but the the value proposition wasn’t enough to justify the the strange form factor. You got a fatter phone when it was in phone mode.

The Foldable Smartphone You Can Buy Right Now

You got this sandwich effect. This extra hinge. There was all this extra hardware for this potential moment when you flip it open. Now, if you’re a serious gadget head you’re motivated by the weirdness of it, then you can make a point, but as far as folding screens being the savior for stagnant smartphone sales.

I just don’t know if people are gon na be clamoring for this type of an upgrade, especially when you consider there’s been this push industry-wide to like shrink everything like slim. It down eliminate bezels all right, let’s see if we can get the other specs on that device, though Qualcomm Snapdragon 8-series eight gigs of ram. Oh, so it’s like a powerhouse in almost 8-inch display when it’s unfolded. 1440P display AMOLED, of course, cuz. It can fold. I mean that’s, not terrible a spec list.

I don’t think this thing is the future. I don’t know what it is. I’M just I’ve been looking at this for a while, and I saw the videos come out of CES and there’s just something that feels off about it and being a technology fan and being that Inspector Gadget kid that I referenced from earlier. There is a sense of excitement just because of the novelty factor of like whoa you’re folding, a screen you’re not supposed to fold the screen screens. Don’T bold, there is that factor that wow factor you could probably sell a few units on the wow factor in a museum like it seems like something you should have, but when it comes to day to day, I don’t know that it’s solving a problem effectively. You end up with a seven point: eight inch screen. What kind of is what how big of a screen is on this, like six-and-a-half already and it’s crazy, thin way, lighter a totally manageable form factor, it’s a tough sales pitch. If this thing goes through and becomes a legit advancement in the smartphone space, it’s going to have to be crazy, thin to the point where, when it’s folded up it’s similar to this now I don’t want these guys out there saying all smartphones have to be crazy. Thin, but I think they do need to be thinner than what Royalle or royal is, is showing off with this flex pie situation at CES. For now, I’m gon na say it ain’t ready, it’s garbage that might be a little harsh, it’s kind of cool, I’m not telling anybody to order that thing.

Dude, I’m just not doing it. I think it’s kind of cool .